
: 1700th Chat!

"Nonsense, don't talk about the virgin lady, even the old man wants to kill you."

Huo De stared at Gu Qingfeng with great contempt, saying, "The maiden of yours is infatuated with you. In order to find you, she has traveled all over the heavens and earth, and your boy is so happy here alone What's even more shameless is that his mother even seduced others, and what kind of fish and water do they play with others? I said, old man, can we stop showing face? "

"Roll the calf, my grandfather hasn't been a double monk with anyone in my life. He seduces whoever he likes to seduce, and whoever he likes to accompany him. He doesn't care."

"But the lady-in-law is enamored of you, and ..."

Elder Gu Qingfeng waved his hand to interrupt Huode, and said, "Ye said, there are some things in this area that you don't understand and don't bluff."

"Why doesn't the old man understand, isn't it that the maiden is a true robber in ancient times, and your boy is the original sin of Lao Zizi."


Gugu Qingfeng laughed and said, "It's not easy, do you know this?"

"I said, Guy, don't look down on people?" Huode raised a sip of wine, and said, "When I was in the secular world, the old man really didn't understand anything, and he hadn't seen anything big. But the old man is now 10,000 years in the Great Wilderness, and every avenue has also run through. I dare not say that he has rich experience and has seen people, but at least not as ignorant as before. "

Speaking, Huo De said quite proudly, "Even the old man knows a thing or two about even the ignorant times."

"Say you're fat, your old boy is really embarrassed."

The ancient breeze ate a spiritual fruit and laughed, "Speaking of the era of the Tao, there is something for the grandfather to ask you. How did your old boy relate to the era of the Tao?"

"His mother! It's okay not to talk about this. When you talk about this, the old man's stomach burns. It's all your mother's kid."

"I have a Mao relationship with Lao Tzu."

"If it wasn't for your boy who reshaped Lao Tzu's body, how could Lao Tzu be causally related to the era of injustice?"

"I said Huode, let's not let his mother's ungrateful injustice blow away?" Gu Qingfeng said, "God reshapes the body for you, and that's for your good. Moreover, even if the master's ability is great, he is not big enough. Help others change the cause and effect. "

"What's going on, my husband can't tell you exactly. Anyway, your kid has reshaped the physical body of the old man, the old man's consciousness has been in a state of chaos, and then ... I don't know why I dreamed about my previous life."

"Dreamed about your past life?" Gu Qingfeng was puzzled and asked, "What's the situation?"

"What's the matter, my husband doesn't know much about it." Huode scratched his head and drank the wine, while saying, "My husband's previous life seemed to be a man of the infidelity, and ..."

而且 "And what?"

"No, you can't say it, tell your kid to laugh at him again."

"I joke, what are you doing, let's say, what happened to your past life?"

"Your boy, don't make fun of me."


"The old man wondered ... there might be something wrong with his past life." Huode pointed to his brain and said: "Crazy, mentally abnormal, and ... how do I say, now I think about my spirit It also started to be a bit abnormal ... I dreamed more and dreamed more and more times in my past life, and sometimes the old man can't even distinguish between past life and this life. "

"This thing is normal."

"This **** normal?"

"It's not just you, Master and I guess that if you have a cause and effect with the Age of Injustice, I'm afraid I will be unable to distinguish between past and present, including Grandpa and me."

"You too?"

"The situation of the grandfather is much more serious than that of your old boy. You can't distinguish between past and present life. Grandfather and I didn't even know who I was some time ago, and I've been lost in my self for a while."

"what about now?"

"it's better now."

也就是说 "That means your kid is out of self?"

"It's true."

"What is it?"

The ancient breeze shook his head and said, "This thing is unclear in one or two words."

"So too."

Ben Huode nodded as if he had a deep understanding.

Gugu Qingfeng didn't want to talk too much on this issue, so he asked, "How come you old boy became a Taoist?"

"You ask me about this, and I ca n’t tell you. After dreaming about the past life, the old man cultivated his accomplishments to become what he is now. He has become a dislike, both in humane and immortal, and it seems that he is neither humane. I ’m not in Xiandao either. The old man is still embarrassed until now. I do n’t know if he ’s a human or an immortal or something of his mother. ”

Huo De said: "The old man thought that he was a Taoist in his previous life, so ... He simply returned to his old profession in this life. Speaking of which, now the old man has gone this way, it is quite smooth. Any magical power can be grasped by himself, sometimes It ’s really good to be able to realize what a magical power is, of course, compared to your boy, the old man ’s ability is nothing. ”

Behuo De looked at Gu Qingfeng up and down, and sighed, "My mother, I'm wondering."

"What are you wondering?"

"The old man couldn't see you through the secular world before. Why is his mother a little capable now and still can't see your boy, how inscrutable you are."


Ben Huode did not want to compare with Gu Qingfeng.

Because when he was in the secular world, he understood what Gu Qingfeng called a real gap.

At that time, when Gu Qingfeng was still wandering under the Chiyan Ridge for a full meal, he was already a well-known Jindan master.

The ancient breeze paid homage to the Yunxia faction ~ ~ and left from the Yunxia faction and returned to the Yunxia faction. Only a few years before and after, they not only repaired him, but also made several great achievements.

Not to mention later, Gu Qingfeng went all the way backwards. In the worldly world, he had already asked for the Immortal Demon Warrior's Throne, and then he destroyed the immortal dynasty and confronted Jiutian.

When the ancient times ended, when the ancient Qingfeng returned to the northwest, not only was the immortal throne taken away, it was also lost.

火 Huo De also asked at that time what Gu Qingfeng had done in the wilderness after leaving from the secular world, but Gu Qingfeng said nothing at that time, but just walked around the wilderness and missed home, so he came back and looked at it.

Ben Huode understands the ancient breeze.

I also know what the virtues of Gu Qingfeng are, and it is clearer that the urine of Gu Qingfeng can't just go around in the wilderness.

He knows very well that this boy must have done something bad in the wilderness, and he will be punished by God.

It wasn't until Huo De left the secular world and started to wreak havoc in the wilderness that he learned that Gu Qingfeng not only had won the Immortal Warriors Throne, but also his mother had won the Jiuyou Emperor. Then he knew that he had underestimated Gu Qingfeng's urine. The kid's work in the Great Wilderness was not a big calamity. His mother almost burned a torch for nine days, and his mother's lonely one-on-one picks three thousand avenues. It was his mother's sword to cut off the Wilderness. A rift.

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