
Vol 2 Chapter 1706: Lost Virgin

The maiden maiden did not make a choice in the end.

Because Youdi did not give her a chance to choose, she made her own choice.

it's said.

At that time, in order to obliterate the You Emperor and to stop the integration of You Emperor and original sin, not only the people who came to the Holy Land, but also the incarnation of the Heavenly Father and Mother, and even the old man known as the incarnation of the destiny of causality. .

I'm a pity.

In the end, not only did you not kill the Emperor, nor did you stop the integration of the Emperor with the original sin. In addition, the Heavenly Father and Mother were destroyed by the Emperor and disappeared. As for the so-called sacred place, no shot was taken, even the old elderly man was ancient. Anonymous did not take any action.

No one knows why.

I am still a mystery.

At that time, when everyone thought that the Emperor would merge with the original sin, which caused a catastrophe, it was unexpected that the You Emperor ignited the fire of the original sin karma, and the smoke extinguished.

This is the choice made by Youdi.

For the maiden maiden, and also for the life of the avenue, You Emperor gave up righteousness.

Some people say that the evil emperor who has stirred up the great waste of the world by sin is never so great.


It doesn't matter.

The important thing is that it really did ignite the fire of the original sin karma, and it really did die. The most important thing was that Dadao Cangsheng did not cause catastrophe due to the fall of Wudao Mountain.

The sunset went west again, and the sunset was near dusk.

The sunset is beautiful.

The beautiful lady makes the maiden day after day, not enough year after year.

Not far away.

I was still standing alone.

That is also a woman.

But this woman looks really tall and mighty. She looks like a mountain and is imposing.

Almost everyone who is familiar with the Virgin Mary knows that she has a follower by her side,

The name of this follower is only a short word, Qianshan.

No one knows what Qianshan is, except that her physical body is as strong as a rock, and people are extremely powerful.

Even if it is the avenue star king who inherited his destiny, even if it is the avenue throne, when you see Qianshan, you must call the senior respectfully.

Perhaps there is a relationship between the maiden and maiden among them, but everyone knows that Qianshan definitely has this qualification.

She looked at Su Shi, who was standing by the lake, and looked at the sunset in the sunset, shook her head, and sighed sighing. She wanted to say something, but she did n’t say it several times, just like that. After a long time, she didn't ask until the sun completely set and the evening glow completely disappeared.

"Madam, there is a sentence, I don't know if I should tell."

Su Su did not look back, still looked, and responded softly: "Say something."

"Mother-in-law knows that You Emperor has come alive, why not go to him?"


问题 Qianshan has been in this heart for a long time.

Since learning that Youdi is still alive, she has always wanted to ask.

She doesn't understand.

I do n’t understand that Niangniang has been looking for the Emperor, and she has been waiting for the Emperor to return. Now the Emperor is really back. Why is the emperor indifferent? There is not even a trace of joy and excitement, but ... every day is a look of sorrow.

After a long while.

Qi Suyi said, "I ... I don't know if I should see him."

Should I see you?

Qian Qianshan didn't understand, and asked, "Sad mother doesn't want to see him?"

"I don't know if I want to see him."

Qian Suyi's voice came, and Qianshan was even more incomprehensible. He asked, "If the mother-in-law didn't even know he wanted to see him, why was she struggling for so many years and waiting for his return?"


Su Shi's extremely clear and extremely pure eyes looked at the fading jokes, scratched a stroke, and scratched a daze, and whispered, "I have been searching hard for these years, waiting for his return, to the end Why ... are you stumped only by a cling of your heart? "

"Stubbornly?" Qian Shan frowned, and asked, "Isn't my mother always admiring him?"

"Am I ... admiring him ..."

She Su shook her head slightly and murmured, "I don't know."

"I don't know where my heart for him comes from, whether it is caused by cause or effect, or the fate arrangement ... or this attachment of love belongs to me."

Qian Qianshan listened more and more confused, not knowing what Su Shi was talking about.

She doesn't understand, how can the good love become a clinging heart?

So Su Shi stood so quietly, in a pair of clear and pure eyes, the nagging became richer, and the daze was more intense, whispered.

"Is he still him? Or is he the old one? Maybe, maybe not, I don't know."

"I don't even know, I'm still not what I was, maybe, or maybe not, I don't know."

"I am lost ... lost in this obsession with admiration, and lost in the fact that he is not before him, I am still not the former me ..."

Although Qianshan, who was not far away, could not fully understand the meaning of Su Shi's words, he could guess one or two more or less, and said, "My mother is worried that You Emperor is not the former You Emperor, but ... … You Emperor who has been dominated by original sin? ”

"Is it important?"

He Su shook his head and denied, saying, "No, it doesn't matter."


因为 "Because I have lost myself in cause and effect ..."

"Isn't your mother aloof some time ago?"

"It's just because I'm detached from myself ... so ... I'm lost."

Lost because of detachment?

Is n’t he detached from himself because he is lost?

How come back now?

Qianshan could not understand the meaning of this sentence anyway ~ ~ Every phase is false. "

Su Suyi said: "Cause and effect have no other bank and no end. The so-called other bank is just fetters, and the so-called end is nothing more than falsehood."

Talking, Su Shi closed her eyes again, as if feeling the twilight here, whispered: "This obsession has really troubled me for a long time ... How can I resolve it, and how can I escape?"

I was silent for a long, long time.

Su Suzhen didn't speak again.

I just closed my eyes.

Until dusk disappeared, darkness fell.

Su Shi slowly opened her eyes, shook her head slightly, and sighed, looking at the phoenix soaring in the sky, and also looking at the cranes hovering over the mountain, Su Shi's sacred and pure beauty, brushed across A faint smile said, "If there is an afterlife, I really want to be a bird and fly freely in the air."


She raised her head again, looking at the sky, and with a trace of disgust in her eyes, she said, "This **** cause and effect, this **** fate, is really annoying me ..."

He stood not far away, and heard Su Shi curse the cause and effect of fate so much, Qian Shan's expression couldn't help but hesitate, and he didn't say anything.

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