
Vol 2 Chapter 1723: Si Jiner

On the Xuantian ship belonging to Mo Baiyu.

Li Guqingfeng still lay on his chair, leaning Erlang's legs on the table, enjoying the massage of the two sisters in the kiln, while drinking, watching the excitement in the air.

他 When he saw the strange and clever Qiao Er, he could not help thinking of Jin Jiner.

Today is today.

He also clearly remembers that at the end of ancient times, he was judged by heaven and earth, and was revoked. The immortal Warrior's Throne and the Nine You Emperor Seal were all taken away. He woke up in the world, first in Chiyan In Lingxia's own cemetery, he met Yun Nishang's reincarnation Ouyang Ye, and then met Xiao Jin'er in a manor house.


When I saw Xiao Jin'er for the first time, I had a feeling of acquaintance, and not only the feeling of acquaintance, but also the feeling of being unclear about the road. This feeling made him want to care for Xiao Jin'er. Impulse.

It wasn't until later that he began to search for cause and effect, contacted the Age of Injustice, and came into contact with the original sin. Then he realized that Xiao Jiner's existence was just like himself. What cause and effect, Gu Qingfeng did not know, but just had a very bad feeling.

as expected.

Before the arrival of Wudao Mountain, the heavenly signs appeared in the world.

Day sun fell, Yin and Yang turned upside down, the blood moon was empty, and the disaster star came to the world.

This is an old legend.

Wu Dari fell, representing the collapse of light.

Yin and Yang are upside down, representing darkness.

When the blood moon is empty, it represents the arrival of the disaster star.

The arrival of the disaster star means that the disaster is imminent.

It is not others, it is Xiao Jiner, that caused this sign.

Xiao Xiaojiner is a disaster star.

Also, it is not only the catastrophic star in the ancient times, but also the catastrophic star.

Because the blood moon at that time was not the blood moon of ancient times at all, but the blood moon of the era of infidelity.

血 This round of blood moon is like a wedge, touching Xiao Jin'er's soul, and the two sides are fused with each other.

Once Xiao Jin'er's soul merges with Blood Moon.

Wu Xiaojiner may not be that innocent Xiaojiner then.

For Xiao Jiner, Gu Qingfeng desperately integrated Blood Moon into himself.

But this did not stop Xiao Jin'er's soul.

Later, helplessly, Gu Qingfeng had to kill Xiao Jin'er's ashes first, which prevented Xiao Jin'er from changing.

When Wudao Mountain came down, before he lit the original sin karma fire, he gave Xiao Jiner's blood spirit to Su Shi, because he didn't know if he could survive after the original sin karma fire. In circumstances, he can only give Xiao Jiner's blood spirit to Su Shi, because he can't believe everyone except Su Shi.

He knows that if anyone can keep Xiao Jin'er, then this person must be Su Shi.

He also believes that Su Shi can do it.

I just fell asleep for nearly 10,000 years, can Xiao Jiner be fine now?

Can Su Su help Xiao Jiner reshape her body?

If has helped Xiao Jiner reshape her body, where is she now?

Have you had a good time?

Are you happy?

Is he still as innocent as he was then?

I wonder.

Gu Guqingfeng glanced at Huode, and asked, "Huode, do you remember Xiao Jiner?"

"Little Jiner?"

Huode didn't seem to think that the good-looking Gu Qingfeng would inexplicably bring up Xiao Jin'er. He froze for a while, then nodded, and said, "Xiao Jin'er is so cute and smart, even if the old man forgets your kid, I won't forget Xiao Jiner. "

"The last time you saw Su Shi ... did you ask Xiao Jiner about it?"


Fang Huode stared at Gu Qingfeng with a scornful glance, and said unpleasantly, "Do you think the old man is as heartless and heartless as your kid and knows that you are happy all day? Didn't the old man say you ..."

Huo De would like to take this opportunity to reprimand Gu Qingfeng, but only when he found that Gu Qingfeng stared at himself with a serious face, especially the deep eyes were obviously impatient, Huo De would say what he wanted to say. Swallowed back.

He almost watched Gu Qingfeng grow up and knew Gu Qingfeng's temper better than anyone.

He is very clear. If Gu Qingfeng is in a good mood, you can do whatever you want. He said to reprimand him, even if he rides on his head to **** and pee, he doesn't mind.

But once the boy is serious, especially when he is serious and impatient, it is better not to mess with him, to mess with this boy, there is absolutely no good fruit to eat.

"Well, the last time the husband saw Su Shi, he deliberately asked about the news of Xiao Jiner." Perhaps it was because Gu Qingfeng seemed to be worried about Xiao Jiner's situation, Huode said: "Relax, Xiao Jin'er is fine now, still as innocent and cute as before. "

"Have you met Xiao Jiner?"

"Have seen it once, but ..."

Xu Wenyan said that Gu Qingfeng suddenly sat upright, waved his hands, motioned to the two sisters in the kiln to leave, and asked, "Nothing more?"

"It's just ... Xiao Jin'er doesn't seem to remember her husband, and her previous memory is lost ... Even your kid can't remember it. The old man asked Su Shi, she said ... it's her The memory is sealed ... It is said that Xiao Jin'er's previous memory will cause Xiao Jiner to come? The old man can't remember it, it seems that it is said that the previous memory will cause Xiao Jiner to be painful, anyway, it is because of Xiao Jiner Not good, so Su Shi sealed Xiao Jiner's previous memories. "

The ancient breeze nodded, raised a glass of wine, did not drink, but fell into contemplation.

Xiao Jin'er has experienced the blood moon before, and she also knows that the disaster star came into the world. If she reshapes her body and wakes up, this incident will surely make Xiao Jin'er feel relieved, and she will be kind, Even an ant couldn't bear to die. When in the mundane world, I would rather kill myself than merge with the blood moon, let alone become a disaster star to harm the innocent ~ ~ If you wake up again, with the character of the little girl, I'm afraid it will do the same thing.


Regarding the memory before the blood moon, if it has been imprinted on Xiao Jin'er's heart, it is very likely to touch Xiao Jiner's soul again, and it will not be impossible for the blood moon in the Wudao era to appear again.

虽然 Although he forcibly integrated Blood Moon into himself, that thing disappeared after he wiped out the ashes of Xiao Jin'er.

As the ancient breeze pondered, Su Shi sealed Xiao Jin'er's previous memories, indeed for Xiao Jin's good.

If he changed to Gu Qingfeng, he would do the same, and he would do it more thoroughly. Not only would he seal Xiao Jiner's memory, but he might erase Xiao Jiner's memory directly.

As long as Xiao Jin'er is safe, it doesn't matter whether you remember yourself or not.

"Xiao Jiner, have you been by Su Shi now?"

"This should not be there, it seems to be following Su Shi's master sister to practice."

The ancient breeze knew that Su Shi's master sister was a legendary woman with a great reputation and a master of Langya, one of the seventy-two blessed places.

不仅 He not only knew that he had dealt with that year, and his impression of Cangyan was not bad. It was not a bad thing for Xiao Jiner to follow her practice.

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