
Vol 2 Chapter 1729: 1 stone stirs up 0 waves

The young people who were present may think that the so-called superior is nothing great in ancient times.


Jinhua's mother-in-law and seniors don't think so.

With their knowledge of the Master, they knew clearly that the presence of the Master is not only remarkable, it may even be greater than imagined.

Although the lord and the sage and the demon are the same avenues of death.

The difference is that Shangxian inherits Xiandao, Shangxiu inherits Yaoxiu, and Shangren inherits humanity.

That's the point.

Nianxian Tao has nine days of reward for death, Buddhism Tao has xiantian for life, ghost Tao has all deaths for deities, demon Tao has Weiyang Palace for life, and demon Tao has nine fortunes.

Regardless of whether it is Jiutian or Xitian, or Dudu, or Jiuyou, these are the symbols of the avenue, the central master of the avenue, and the center of the avenue.

How humane?

There is no symbol of the avenue, the central **** of the avenue, and the original center of the avenue.

Not only that, even after the disappearance of humanity origins in the Archean period, it never appeared again.

No one knows where the humane lives of the Masters came from.

He is even more terrible because he doesn't know.

If not.

Since ancient times, there have been fatalities on various avenues. There are also many gods, gods, and Buddhas. Why is it that only masters have become legends.

It is because of the existence of the Supreme Master that it is indeed as legendary. Not only is the physical strength immense, the cultivation is also inscrutable, and the magical power is especially vast.

The existence of the Supreme Master can be said that these people in the field can imagine.

at least.

This is true of Grandma Jinhua, the superior whom the centrifugal seniors contacted, and the superior who was in Changsheng Pavilion.

As for the master who has not been cultivated for no good reason, he never said that he had heard it.

of course.

The two also know that the size of the heavens and the earth is amazing, that they have never seen or heard before, which does not mean that they do not exist.

What's more, they all can see that Gu Qingfeng looks weak and weak, even the only human interest in his body is like the flames of the cold winter moon.

He may have practiced in the past, for whatever reason, it is not impossible to lose it.

Whether Gu Qingfeng is really a superior or not, Jinhua mother-in-law and centrifugal are not sure.

Jinhua's mother-in-law is not very interested, but centrifugal seems to be interested in the existence of Gu Qingfeng, especially looking at the ancient Qingfeng lying on a chair with her legs crossed and drinking a little wine at leisure, centrifugation not only I am quite interested, and there is a touch of color in my eyes, as if I admire the kind of free and easy expression of Gu Qingfeng.

As a disciple of Changsheng Pavilion.

多 There are countless big men I have seen in my life.

She has seen the ancestors of the avenue, the emperor of the avenue, the throne of the avenue, the prince of the avenue, and so on, and the ordinary demons and monsters that are ordinary and ordinary.

I am too ruthless, ruthless, and passionate.

Arrogant and arrogant, arrogant and arrogant;

Self-raising, clear and light, nobody's eyes.

Wait, everything.

She is fearless and unrestrained, and she is not unseen.

But most of them are not truly fearless, nor are they free and easy.

When encountering the existence of terror, they will also be afraid, and when they are upset, they will not be free.

Instead, look at the man in white.

At the first glance, the centrifugal felt that the person's bones showed an indifferent free and easy energy. The free and easy was not disguised at all, but was naturally exposed, especially the smiling look of the white man's unscrupulous sweep When I came and swept, I could see it by centrifugation, and I also felt that this person looked at his own eyes with only two words, which was fun.

I'm right.

Is fun, there is no other than play.

He has neither high disdain nor humble admiration.

I have no fear, no fear.

I have no hostility or respect.

He has no glaring nor hatred.

I was not cautious or shy.

Only playful, pure playful.

It stands to reason that if a person looks so unscrupulously on his own body, and still has a playful look, any woman will become angry and disgusted. After all, this is an extremely offensive rude behavior.

离心 But centrifugation is not disgusted and angry.

I was full of curiosity inside.

Curious about the existence of Gu Qingfeng, dare to be so brazen, stare at myself with a playful look.

In addition to curiosity, I also admire in the heart, appreciate the free and easy flow of Gu Qingfeng's bones, and appreciate the unbridled courage of Gu Qingfeng.

To be exact, it's not just about appreciation, it's even deep in my heart.

Because she has been waiting for her favorite person all her life, she is waiting for this free and unrestrained, wild man.

I was stumped and said, "I have waited for my favorite person all my life. Will I finally show up today?"

Centrifugal heart could not help but a little flattering.

When she was ecstatic, Gu Qing said coldly: "I said big sister, no matter how handsome the grandpa is, I can't stand your opinion?"

The ancient breeze went on like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, which immediately exploded the scene.

谁 Who is centrifugation?

He is not only the uncle of Qingqing Shangxian, but also not only the disciple of Changsheng Pavilion. He has been known as the glamorous name in the ancient times ~ ~ It is also a well-known centrifugal fairy in the wild.

There may be a lot of fairies in ancient times, but in the ancient times when resources were scarce and the aura was sparse, even Jinxian could be a powerful player. Being able to be crowned the name of a fairy is definitely a great honor. It is an affirmation of its strength.

Is the identity background of the centrifugal court, such as centrifugation, so the reputation of the ancient fairy, who saw the centrifugal fairy, respectfully and respectfully, the seniors?

And this guy, when the centrifugal fairy appeared, he did n’t have to get up and leave, just sitting on the chair and drinking drunkenly. Now he is even called the centrifugal fairy what a big sister, such a vicious name, more people Shocked, and it is incredible that everyone is still thinking of himself as a grandfather in front of the centrifugal fairy.

He said without exaggeration that, looking at the wildness, I am afraid that few people dared to take the position of grandfather in front of the centrifugal fairy.

I was not because centrifugal fairy had an ancient reputation, but because she was a disciple of Changshengge.

The uncle's self-esteem in front of her not only meant disrespect for the centrifugal fairy, but also disrespect for the Changsheng Pavilion.

What's more, the centrifugal fairy is the uncle of Qingqing Shangxian and the sister of the floating emperor.

He put himself in front of her, and where did he place Qing Qingxian? Where is the Floating Emperor? Where is the Changsheng Pavilion, one of the 72 Blessed Lands?

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