
Vol 2 Chapter 1731: Have fun

"Master, I'm trying to provoke anyone."

Gu Qingfeng was lying on his back, leaning Erlang's legs on the table, holding a red spirit fruit in his hand and eating without a bite. He was speechless when he looked at those people who were angry with himself in the air. He said, "Isn't that just saying a word? Why is his mother so angry that she is so angry that she doesn't know how high the heavens are?"

Gu Qingfeng shook his head and laughed. He took a glass of wine and drank it, and said, "What else do I say that I humiliate Qing Qing? Immortal Emperor? And Changsheng Pavilion? Why do I humiliate Qing Qing? How can I humiliate the Emperor of Life? Grandpa, I do n’t even know them, okay, I have n’t seen them before. What do I humiliate them for? ”

怎么 "What's wrong? In your eyes, it's humiliating to think of himself as grandfather? Whose rule is this? What's more, the big sister doesn't say anything, what are you calling out there!"

It's over.

Gugu Qingfeng glanced at the centrifugal and said, "Big centrifugal sister, do you think the grandfather is humiliating you?"

next to.

Huo De was afraid that Gu Qingfeng would reorganize any moth, and quickly got up and explained: "This ... centrifugal fairy, Gu Xiao didn't mean to humiliate you. This guy is such a virtue in playing small, and he likes to pretend to be a master In fact, he is not malicious, and you are not familiar with him. "

Chan has always had a complicated smile on her beautiful face, and her gaze never left Gu Qingfeng. She smiled, "I know he is not malicious, and I don't mind these things, but ..."

The words turned sharp, and the centrifugal fairy laughed again: "I don't think he looks like a grandfather, but a real grandfather."


Lao Gu Qingfeng laughed: "Big sister really has good eyesight. Ye and I hide so deeply that you can even be seen by you. It is indeed a master of Changsheng Pavilion. I really admire and admire it!"

"Master said and laughed."

The centrifugal fairy continued to ask: "I just don't know where and where is the big master?"

"Big sister wants to ask Grandpa where I was mixed up, right?"

"You can say that."

"This ..." Gu Qingfeng rubbed his chin, tilted his head and thought for a while, and said, "Yes, I used to be confused."

I heard the word Jiuyou.

Everyone in the market was shocked, including Jinhua's mother-in-law's face changed and changed, and the smile on the face of the centrifugal fairy was frozen immediately after hearing the words Jiuyou.

If you say that the nine days are sacred, light, and a symbol of purity.

The existence of Jiuyou is evil, it is darkness, and it is a symbol of turbidity.

Nine days is a holy place in the mind of the immortal Buddha.

Jiuyou is a sacred place for demons and monsters.

The immortal Buddha's spirit is regarded as the supreme glory of being able to last for nine days.

Suddenly, the monsters and monsters regarded the supreme glory as being able to enter Jiuyou.

Twenty-nine days represent sacred light and dominate the sun.

Jiuyou represents evil and darkness, and dominates the overcast.

Within nine days, the heads of the immortal spirits gathered, such as the ancestors of the various avenues, the three ancestors, the five kings, the eight kings, and so on. .

This immortal king, that immortal emperor, this bodhisattva, and that emperor are everything.

Within Jiuyou, there are also the leaders of the demons and ghosts. For example, the ancestors of various avenues, such as Chiyou, Xingtian, Jiangchen, etc. are also from Jiuyou, the demon king, the demon king, the demon emperor, the demon emperor, the ghost respect The same goes for everything.

in other words.

Being able to survive for nine days, without exception, is the sacred light overlord of Megatron heaven and earth in all major eras.

The existence of Jiuyou can also be the evil dark overlord who swept the world in all major eras.

Because of this, everyone in the audience heard that Gu Qingfeng said that when he was in Jiuyou Mix, everyone was shocked and changed greatly, and even most people could not move back involuntarily.

After all, the two words Jiuyou represent evil and darkness, and they are holy places in the minds of demons and ghosts, but they are not holy places in the minds of them, but forbidden places!

If this guy really has been mixed in Jiuyou, then his existence is too terrible and terrible. Even if it is not the evil dark overlord who swept the world at that time, it is definitely the bloodthirsty and cruel demon master.

Who is not afraid?

The answer is yes.

Everyone is afraid.

No matter what Shangxian who died on Chengxian Road or the people in Changsheng Pavilion, he was not scared.

Huo and Huo De beside him were equally frightened.

But he was scared not because he was afraid of the two words Jiuyou, nor because of fear, but because he never thought that Gu Qingfeng would be cold in Jiuyou.

什么 What does this guy want to do?

The stumbling of his mother-in-law does not know how terrible a wave will be set off in the wilderness once his identity is revealed?

Huo De knew very well that the ancient times were calm on the surface, but in the depths of the calm waves, there was already a swell, and he was sure that once the news of the ancient Qingfeng was alive in the wilderness, it would immediately cause The shock of the great wasteland, the undercurrent that has accumulated since ancient times will erupt completely, and even this ancient catastrophe may not be impossible.

"Guzi, what the **** do you want? What do you know if your kid's identity is revealed, what the consequences are terrible!"

Ben Huode quickly whispered a whisper, screaming wildly.

The ancient breeze replied with a salty expression: "Blind what you call ~ ~ just have fun."

"Fun? It's nothing? I said that your kid really stood and talked without backache. What you have fun for can scare people to death. Do you know? If someone knows that your kid is still alive, then the fun of you Find it big! "

"I said Huode, things are not as serious as you think, and I told you, Grand Avenue already knew that Grandpa was alive."

"Even if Sanqian Avenue knows that your boy is alive, only those avenue ancestors know that they know that your boy is alive. Why hasn't he acted lightly? Not only has he not acted lightly, even the news of your life has not been made public. They are all afraid that the appearance of your kid will cause disaster in the world. "

"Because they are scared, I decided to have a great time."

"Find a big fun? What does your kid mean?" Huo De thought for a moment, heaved a little in his heart, and panicked, "Will your kid ... will he not be prepared ... ready to let this wild world know Your kid ... alive? "

"It ’s been 10,000 years since the ancient capital, and no one dares to gnaw this horse honeycomb, neither in the sky nor in the underground. Since no one dares, the good man himself went out and took a bucket of this horse honeycomb to stir this trip. Muddy water, by the way, let those scuba divers come up for a breath of fresh air. "

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