
Vol 2 Chapter 1734: 1 wipe yourself

There is another saying about nature.

He said that nature was born of chaos, and some people say that nature is a symbol of chaos and a symbol of this world.

The ancient breeze now.

He is neither in the Immortal Road nor in the Demon Road. Although he touches the edge with the Buddha Road, he only touches the edge. As for the ghosts and ghosts, he does not even occupy the edge.

Although he seems to be alone.

He is still a pure person who can no longer be pure.

But it just looks like it.

He is the original body of sin and the guilty Gu Qingfeng. He is still not human, and he can't figure it out.

说 Although he transcended the avenue, transcended life and death, transcended the world, and transcended illusoryness, he did not transcend the world.

He has no detachment from heaven and earth, that is, he is still in heaven and earth, both in heaven and earth, and in nature.


I want to explore the ancient breeze, but only start from this nature that symbolizes the world.

The problem now is that the people behind the scenes are not using nature to explore the ancient breeze, but using nature to monitor the ancient breeze.

In other words.

Those who are behind the scenes, even if they cannot dominate nature, are definitely the masters of nature.

Since he discovered it, Gu Qingfeng didn't take the initiative to investigate who used unbelievable means such as nature to monitor himself. He didn't want to explore, and he wasn't interested. He was too lazy to investigate.

Because he knows that there are not one or two people in charge of this nature, but there are many, and each is almost the ancestor of each avenue.

In this case, it is meaningless to explore who it is.

As for why the ancestors of these avenues monitored themselves, Gu Qingfeng used his toes to think about and know why. The ancestors of these avenues were nothing more than trying to figure out how far he had traveled on the road of original sin, and how deep the vortex in the causal black hole has fallen. How far do you intend to go, how deep do you intend to sink, what attitude and thought do you have.

to be frank.

清 For the ancestors of these avenues to monitor themselves, Gu Qingfeng didn't mind too much.

He not only didn't mind, but quite understood it.

He knows his current situation well and knows that his existence is very dangerous. If he were the ancestor of the avenue, it might not be as simple as surveillance.

and so.

As long as these ancestors didn't bother himself, he didn't bother to care.

I was just whimpering, preparing to report my identity, and scaring the ancestors who secretly monitored themselves, by the way, to see their reactions, just have fun.

He originally planned this way, but he did not expect to let Huo De, the old boy, bluntly mix.

The ancient breeze knew that Huo De was thinking for himself, didn't want to cause trouble to himself, and was too lazy to care about him.

It's true.

Fen Huo De also knew that Gu Qingfeng's situation was very special now. Once his identity was exposed, it would immediately change the color of the barren land and the whole world.

He searched for nearly ten thousand years and finally found the ancient Qingfeng, but he didn't want the ancient Qingfeng to be impulsive and fell into an endless place.

"Gu old man, old man uncle, old old ancestor, please be an old man. Please look at the old man's age and have not enjoyed the good fortune. Your old man will have pity on me and let the old man enjoy a few years of good fortune. You're always playing like this, your husband's heart can't hold it. "

After Fang Huode saw Jinhua's mother-in-law, centrifugal fairy, and everyone present, all came out of the shadow of Youdi, and no longer suspected that the ancient Qingfeng was Youdi, his hanging heart finally fell.

Just now Gu Qingfeng said that he was really shocked when he was in Jiuyou. Later, he heard that when Gu Qingfeng was drinking with people, he claimed that he had such a road sign in Chixiao. Broken, especially when centrifugal fairy asked, Huode's heart mentioned his throat.

"I said Huode, how old your kid is, the less daring you are, the more you worry about it, the more you worry about it!"

"Nonsense, what is your kid's existence, don't you know? What if the news of your kid's death and resurrection spreads, what will happen then? Your kid is big, not afraid of the sky, not afraid of the ground, what to play, not to play , Your boy has played, so far the old man is still alone, and has spent most of his life in his mother ’s secular world. Now it ’s hard to mix up some famous people, this has not tasted the sweetness, the old man does not want to be your boy It was mixed. "

哟 "Yeah, I thought your old boy was worried about my comfort. For this reason, the old man was very moved. After a long time, I dare to love your old boy for yourself!"

"Come on, I said these nonsense to my husband, my husband doesn't eat this, and ..."

Huo De was very serious and serious in his secret whisper to Gu Qingfeng, "Gud, please be an old man, please, can you stop looking for such fun in the future, really! The old man is old, really Some of them ca n’t carry it ... do n’t be afraid of your kid ’s joke, just now the old man ’s legs are soft. Look at this sweaty man, all of you are scared by your kid! ”

"As for it!" Gu Qingfeng patted Huo De's shoulder and poured him a glass of wine as a consolation, saying, "Your old boy doesn't want to think about it, even if I say personally that he was resurrected after death, who Believe it? Even your elder brother's mother doubts if he is the Emperor, let alone anyone else. "


Huode took a sip of wine and said, "Now in retrospect, the old man was still too impulsive. Even if the old man was not blind, no one believed that your boy was his mother's prince. Your boy and the legendary The You Emperor is too much, it is just one on the ground, one in heaven. Fortunately, the maiden maid said to the husband that your boy is you Emperor. Otherwise, the old man really doubts whether the legendary You Emperor is your kid. ! "

Wenyan ~ ~ Gu Qingfeng couldn't help laughing, shook his head, and sighed.

He sighed, sighing helplessly, also speechless, and even a kind of self-deprecating sigh.

He never thought that one day, when he told others that he was himself, no one believed it.

To this end, he has to prove that he is himself. What's more, even after the proof, no one believed it.

清 Gu Qingfeng has encountered such a painful thing.

More than once.

After the end of ancient times, he returned to the secular world and encountered too many things like this. Others did n’t believe it. Just then they beat the Qixiao brothers who were born and died in the world. They did n’t even believe it, even Su Shi did. I have walked every way that the King of Qixiao has traveled, and I have been to every place that the King of Qixiao has traveled, claiming to know more about himself than the King of Qixiao, when Gu Qingfeng told her that she was the King of Qixiao she was looking for Su Shi didn't believe it.

Including watching Gu Qingfeng grew up, the fire virtue regarded by Gu Qingfeng is no exception.

Imagine that when Gu Qingfeng proved himself in the mundane world that he was the King of Qixiao, no one close to him believed it. If he wanted to prove that he was the emperor in this vast and vast wilderness, I am afraid no one believed it.

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