
Vol 2 Chapter 1746: Old sword

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"How could this be?"

As the closest person to Qingxian Shangxian, both mother-in-law and centrifugal fairy knew that Qingqing Shangxian hadn't awakened the sword spirit of Xun Yujian for hundreds of years.

Looking at the spinning Fei Yu Jian swords bursting out, they also couldn't figure out why the good Fei Yu sword suddenly lost control, and why the sword spirit suddenly woke up.

What makes them most puzzled is that the reason why the sudden change of Qi Yujian is obviously related to this strange man, but why is this?

What exactly did this man use? Or is there anything in him that attracts Yu Yujian, or is there any relationship between this man and Yu Yujian?

In fact, it's not just them who are puzzled.

Even Gu Qingfeng himself was a little hesitant at this moment.

But soon, he also felt that the Yuyu sword seemed to have known each other, especially the sword songs and the mysterious blooming of the sword body. The more I saw it, the more familiar I became. What happened, asked in surprise: "Are you Yunshui Jian?"

An instant of clamor.

The aqua brilliance of the whole feather sword is more dazzling. It looks like a dragon, swirling around the ancient Qingfeng, straight into the sky, and then falling on the palm of the ancient Qingfeng, slowly rotating, and every rotation, swinging A ripple, like a wave, spreads in the air, and everything around it has the feeling of swaying along with the ripple wave, just like floating in the vast ocean.

The Xuantian ship is the same for all the people gathered in the sky.

No one is no exception.

Looking at this scene, I felt the mystery of the sword of Yu Yu. People like Qing Qing Shangxian, Jinhua Mother-in-law, centrifugal fairy and so on are as shocked as they want, because they never knew the power of Yu Yujian. So powerful and so mysterious.

However, in addition to shock, the heart is more suspicion.

Because they could see it, Gu Qingfeng clearly knew the Jianyu sword, and after only saying a word of Yunshuijian, the Jianyu sword immediately responded.

What do you mean?

The stump Yunshui sword is the former name of Qi Yujian?

Why does this man know?

What is the relationship between him and Ji Yujian?

do not know.

No one knows.

"Good guy! I said look at how familiar you are, you really are a sword of cloud and water!"

Gu Qingfeng looked a little excited, and instead of lying on the chair again, he stood up and stared at the cloud and water sword rotating in the palm of his hand.


He was excited.

In any case, I did not expect that in my life I could encounter the flying sword I made a long time ago.

That was a long time ago. Almost he made it when he first came to Dahuang that year, and he made more than one, but five, after he found the essence of the five elements in an ancient cave house. The five elements of Jinmu Shuihuotu Five Elements were refined to make five swords.

A purple gold sword.

A rattan sword.

A cloud and water sword.

A red fire sword.

A raw earth sword.

At that time, he relied on these five five-edged swords to kill a bloodline again and again under the siege of many masters. Gu Qingfeng was able to gain a foothold in the wilderness that year. These five five-edged swords also made great contributions, but only later The trial on the road was just that trial. Not only did the Five Elements Sword of Zhen break, his flesh was also destroyed by the ashes of the trial.

In the end, although Nirvana was reborn and reshaped the physical body, he did not go back to the original place to find the Five Elements Sword.

As things passed a long time ago, Gu Qingfeng had long forgotten. If he hadn't encountered the Yunshui Sword in the Five Elements Sword again today, Gu Qingfeng would have even forgotten that he had refined such five Five Elements swords.

"Gu Gu! Do you know this fairy sword?"

Huo De ran over and looked at the Yu Fei sword floating slowly in the palm of Gu Qingfeng, secretly wondering and wondering.

"Nonsense, this was refined by Grandpa that year, you said Grandpa knew or didn't know."

"What!" Huode was surprised, and said, "This sword was made by your boy?"

"Otherwise you think."

When the sky was empty, he heard that Gu Qingfeng said that He Yujian was made by him, and Qing Qing was impressed.

She did not doubt Gu Qingfeng's words, and she believed that this sword was made by Gu Qingfeng.

Just when Jian Yujian emerged from her body, and then revolved around Gu Qingfeng, the sword spirit awoke, and when the sword song was issued, Qingqing Shangxian had already guessed that Gu Qingfeng might be the true master of this Jian Yu sword.

after all.

She refined the Yu Yujian, and it has been nurtured for hundreds of years. She is very clear that only when she sees her real master, the Yu Yujian will suddenly get out of control, and the sword spirit will suddenly wake up. To the master who has long missed it, Yan Yujian will be so excited and so excited.

She just didn't expect that in her lifetime, she could still see the true master of the refining sword of that year.

"You! You Yujian really ... are you ... refined?"

The centrifugal fairy is also a little shocked and unbelievable. Although she had already guessed that Yu Yujian may have met the real master, she still couldn't believe it.


Gu Qingfeng nodded and smiled: "However, its former name was Yun Shui Jian."


The centrifugal fairy was there, and for a while she didn't know what to say.

She suddenly thought of a problem.

That is what to do if the ancient breeze wants to return to Yu Yujian?

She is very clear that Qing Qing has put in a lot of effort to be able to awaken Qiu Yujian, and has also put a lot of effort and energy into this Qiu Yujian. Unfortunately, Qiu Yujian misses the old master and does not accept Qi Qing.

It seems that now the old master that Yu Yujian has been waiting for has really appeared, and the Yu Yujian is obviously very excited and excited. Needless to say, in all likelihood, the Yu Yujian wants to continue to stay with the old master.

This time, wouldn't Qing Qing lose the Fei Yujian?

Leaving aside the many painstaking efforts and energies that Qing Qing has spent in the centuries on Jian Yujian, it is not just the feelings cultivated between them over the years, nor that they can be laid down.

But what if you do n’t let go?

Who told the master of Yu Yujian to appear?

If they want to return to Yu Yujian.

They have no reason not to give.

It ’s said that Da Yutian is made by others!

If you do n’t give it ~ ~ The reputation of Qing Qing and the face of Changsheng Pavilion will be affected. The most important thing is that if you do n’t give it, you will stay. After Yu Yujian meets his master, How willing to stay with Qing Qing.

This is really terrible.

The centrifugal fairy did not know how to comfort the Qing Qing here.

"Did you say that Yu Yujian was made by you? Why? By your words?"

At this moment, Shirasawa, a disciple of Changsheng Pavilion, stood up and said.

Immediately afterwards, Lengjue also questioned: "You said that the Yuyu sword was made by you, how do you prove it?"

"Indeed! Who knows that Yu Yujian is the sabre of Qing Qingxian in this great wasteland. Why do you say you made it?"

"You haven't cultivated anything for the better, and you can make such powerful and mysterious swords and swords?"

Subsequently, Mo Baiyu, Fu Ying, Yun Zhou, Mu Feng and others all came forward to question the ancient Qingfeng.

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