
Vol 2 Chapter 1749: Helpless

"Master, there are so many people here, why don't we go back to the boat to have a drink and talk. By the way, please also invite Master to taste our delicious wine and food."

哟 "Oh, that's a good feeling, let's not let go, let's go."

Looking at Gu Qingfeng agreeing to be so refreshing, the centrifugal fairy is very secretly happy, and now there is no hesitation anymore, immediately ask Gu Qingfeng to go to Xuantian Ship.

"Uncle, don't you make it difficult for a strong man?"

Wu Qingqing sent a secret whisper to the centrifugal fairy. She knew her uncle and knew clearly that after she brought the Gu Qingfeng to the ship, she would definitely try to get the Yu Yu sword back from Gu Qingfeng.

Although Qing Qing Shangxian was also very reluctant to surrender the Yuyu Sword, she was even more clear that the Yu Yujian had been waiting for its owner. Today, I can meet the owner of the Yu Yujian here. The sword is very happy, especially when I feel the joyful sword song sent by Ji Yufeng in the hands of Gu Qingfeng. Qing Qing Shangxian feels that even if he doesn't feel willing, as long as he can return to its master, then everything It's all worth it.


Xun Qingqing knows better than anyone. Even if the owner of the sword is really willing to give it to himself, the sword may not be willing to follow him.

When the previous owner of the Yu Fei Jian did not show up, he could not wake it up.

Now the master of 翎羽 剑 has appeared, how can it willingly stay with him.

Most importantly.

Xun Qingqing was kind and immortal, she couldn't do it, she couldn't do it anymore, she couldn't bear to be different from its master.

Being able to warm up the Yu Fei Sword for hundreds of years, Qing Qing has been very contented in Shang Xian. She did not dare to continue to warm the Yu Fei Sword. Even when she saw the infinite mysterious changes in the Yu Yu Sword just now, she felt that she had not Qualified, not worthy to be the master of the sword.

After telling the centrifugal fairy what she wanted, instead of following her persuasion, the centripetal fairy said she was stupid.

"You have been raising the Feather Sword for so many years. You should know the existence of the Feather Sword more than anyone. It is definitely an extraordinary sword, and just from the infinite mystery that the Feather Sword is blooming, I am sure that this sword Power is no longer something you and I can understand. Let me tell you this. If you missed the feather sword today, you will probably regret it in this life, and it will be difficult to encounter such a magic sword like the feather sword in the future. "

的 A secret word from the centrifugal fairy came, and Qing Qing Shangxian responded, "I know ... but ..."

Before the words fell, he was interrupted by the centrifugal fairy: "No, but as for whether this old man will take back the sword of Yu Yu, and whether the sword spirit of Yu Yujian is willing to follow you, this is not something you should worry about. It would be better if the old man would exchange with us today. If we do n’t want to, we wouldn't force it. "

"Do you think that all creation has fallen from the sky? No! Any creation is won, even if it fails in the end, at least we have tried and worked hard and will not regret it in the future."

"Also, isn't this 翎羽 剑 made by this guy? Now we don't dare to be 100% sure, although it looks a bit like it, but now there is no real evidence for it."

"Uncle Centrifuge, I'm sure that 翎羽 剑 must have been made by him. Although this guy looks mysterious and unknown, and some people are weird, but ... 翎羽 剑 doesn't deceive me."

"Well, even if it was really made by him, I offered to exchange it with other magic weapons, and now people have not refused, and even didn't even say that they want to get back Yu Yujian, you give up first yourself, I said if your girl was too Silly. "


Wu Qingqing wanted to cry without tears.

"Of course, I invited him to drink, uncle, not just to help you get back to Yu Yujian."

"What else do you plan to do?"

"You said just now, this guy is mysterious and unknown, and the man is strange and strange. This is not the reason for the curiosity of the uncle."

"Uncle, I advise you not to do stupid things, even though I can't see through this big master, but he can make the mysterious fairy swords such as Qi Yujian, which is enough to show that his existence is not something we can Provoked. "

"Nonsense! This simple truth, even you understand, stumped Uncle I still do not understand? Do you think that Uncle and those behind you are as ignorant as I am? I ’m angry when you talk about these babies, you girl It ’s true, ca n’t they be stiffer? Just leave them alone ... ”

Xu mentioned Mo Baiyu and others, and Qingqing Shangxian was helpless.

She has already stated that she will not find any fairy lover.

I also told you many times that I hope these people will not continue to follow them.

I'm a pity.

No matter how she identifies, how she tells.

Those people should continue to offer their affection and continue to follow.

She also did not think like the centrifugal fairy said, with a stronger tone and a stronger attitude.

I just have a gentle nature and a kind heart, she really can't say the kind of words that make people go away, and she can't bear to hurt others' feelings.

I'm here.

The centrifugal fairy, the mother-in-law of Jinhua, and the others took the ancient breeze and Huode to the delicate ship belonging to Qing Qingxian.

Awkward and far away.

Looking at this scene.

The expressions of Mo Mo Bai Yu, Fu Ying, Mu Feng, Yun Zhou and others were as embarrassing as possible, and as embarrassing as their face was.

All of them just came out to cheer up Qingxian with a cheeky face. As a result, instead of courting Qingqing and not telling them, they were also scolded by the centrifugal fairy. Now the centrifugal fairy returns with her ancient breeze. On board, but also to drink Gu Qingfeng, but left these people here.

How can they not be embarrassed about them who are called Aiming Qingqing Shangxian ~ ~

How can they keep their face when they are called to death by Shang Chengxiandao?

Especially Mo Baiyu.

Before coming, he originally planned to use this opportunity to let the fierce lesson Yuan Wu learn the lessons of Gu Qingfeng. After he never wanted to come here, not only did he not learn Gu Qingfeng, but Yuan Wu was beaten with blood. What made him even more surprised is that this guy is still the old master of Qing Qing's fairy sword?

No matter what, Mo Baiyu didn't believe it. Exactly, he didn't believe it, but he couldn't accept it.

I ca n’t accept myself as a Shangxian who died on the immortal road. In order to pursue Qingqing and Shangxian, I chased after a long distance, and for the sake of Qingqing and Shangxian, I jumped up and down for so long, as long as I can get Qingqing. He is willing to let go of everything, and willing to give everything.

But in the end, he lost to a guy who wanted to do nothing, to make things good, not to make things, what Mo Baiyu couldn't tolerate is that this guy not only hangs on, but also speaks well. He was drinking from the beginning. With little wine, I didn't even say a word.

He was just such a person, but was told by Qing Qing Shang Xianzun that the grandfather would not say, and he was also invited to join the ship for a drink.

I want to know that he has been pursuing Qingqing Shangxian for so long, and so far he has not had a good drink with Qingqing Shangxian.

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