
Vol 2 Chapter 1755: Scared silly Qing Qing

Wu Qingqing, if he could n’t believe it, made many consecutive investigations, and finally determined that the traces of this water world are either traces or traces left by the trial on the road.

Most of these trials are immortal trials. In addition, there are demon trials, demonic trials, and Buddhist trials, even heavenly trials.

what's going on?

Cowardly holding back the shock and horror in his heart, Qing Qing Shangxian asked: "Yunshui ... Yunshui ... how can there be so many traces left by the trial on the Avenue?"

唔 "Well, you said that these traces are all the **** thing from my **** bad master, hum! He was in trouble outside that year, and we all came to carry him, really a conscience!"

"you guys?"

"Yes, besides me, there are four other brothers and sisters, the elder brother Zijin, the second sister Fujiki, I am the third child, and the fourth brother is red fire, the younger brother is raw soil."

"Purple gold, rattan, cloud water, red fire, raw soil ..."

Wu Qingqing whispered these names to the immortal, and she heard it, which seemed to be named after the five elements of Jin Mu Shui Huo Tu.

"Hum, if it wasn't for five of our siblings, and he was charged for that **** smelly master, he wouldn't have known how many times he had died. Little master, you don't know our smelly master, it ’s the worst , Chased and killed all day ... five of our siblings have not followed him for a good day! "

"The last time, that stinky host came to a lot of trials, and I almost died ... other brothers and sisters don't know what's going on now ..."

"Who the **** is he? What trouble has he caused?"

Qi Qingqing couldn't figure it out or understand it. He couldn't even imagine what kind of person did what kind of thing.

"Well, that **** guy is not a good guy anyway. As for what was wrong, I do n’t know exactly. In the impression, since I became conscious, I have been fighting and killing that guy, and I ’m exhausted every day. It's over. "


Wu Qingqing couldn't help taking a deep breath, and his heart was chaotic and confusing.

She knows that Jiutianxiandao will not normally drop trial.

He likes killing the immortal, beheading the immortal, etc. These are only crimes of disrespect. They will not be brought to trial at all, but will only be wanted by the immortal.

Like the overthrow of the immortal dynasty in one world, the slaughter of an immortal mansion in one of the heavens, the large-scale killing, etc., this is only a crime committed, and it will not lower the trial. Xiandao will send a master of immortal to annihilate.

Only in one case will Jiutianxiandao come to trial.

That is, its existence has already threatened the law of Xiandao, disrupted the order of Xiandao, and it will only come to trial in nine days.

In ancient times, it is more strict. As long as it affects the law of Xiandao and disrupts the order of Xiandao, even if it is just a little bit, for whatever reason, Xiandao will come to trial.

In ancient times, the origin of the Immortal Road was gradually depleted. In order to ensure the normal operation of the Avenue, the judgment rules of the Nine Heavens Immortal Road were relaxed a lot.

In other words.

If it was judged by Xiandao in the ancient times, its existence must have seriously affected the law of Xiandao, and its behavior must have seriously damaged the order of Xiandao.

To what extent was serious, Qing Qing Shangxian was unknown.

The current world of water is not only the judgment of immortal Tao, but also the judgment of magic, demon, Buddha, and even heaven.

In ancient times, the origins of the Three Thousand Avenues were gradually depleted. Even the powerful immortal roads were the same. The origins of other avenues such as the demon road and the demon road were even weaker. Tiandao is said to have almost completely disappeared in the late ancient times.

Wu Qingqing Shangxian couldn't imagine what the terrible things that Yun Shuijian's master had done that year and how he came to be judged by so many avenues, even the disappeared heavens came to trial.

I was stumped to say that the existence of the master of Yunshuijian not only seriously affected the law of Xiandao and destroyed the order of Xiandao, but also affected the law and order of demon, magic, Buddha, and even heaven.

If so.

Then this is simply intolerable!


The most horrifying thing about Qi Qing Shangxian.

As far as she knows, as long as the road trial comes down, no matter what identity, background, cultivation, or creation, all will disappear, and the body and soul will be wiped out. Since ancient times, few people can survive the trial of fairy road. .

However, the water world has more than a hundred trials, and listening to Yun Shuijian said that its owner suffered more than a hundred, but many, but some traces have disappeared, and some trials have also No trace left.

This also means that the master of Yunshuijian survived the trial and error that year.

If not, he will not be tried again and again by Avenue.

In ancient times, there was not much power to be judged by Xiandao. At the same time, there were very few masters who were judged by demon, magic, Buddha, fairy and even heaven. All of them were evil and overlords in ancient times.

存在 These existences will either end up in the Avenue trial.

He either disappeared mysteriously, and his whereabouts are still unknown. No one knows whether he is dead or alive.

In the ancient times, the sin was extremely evil. It claimed to have ended the overlord Yudi of ancient times. When Wudao Mountain came down, it was also extinguished by the fire of the original sin karma.

and many more!

When I thought of Youdi, Qing Qing's heart sank suddenly, because she suddenly remembered something about Youdi.

It is said that when Emperor You first entered the Great Wilderness ~ ~ When the seal of Jiu You Emperor had not yet been reached, it used to be a five-element sword to cut down the immortal demon, and destroy the monsters and ghosts, and run around in all directions. .

And just now Yun Shui Jian said that it has four other brothers and sisters, namely Zijin, Fujiki, Red Fire, and raw soil. Isn't this the Five Elements Sword?

Oh my god!

Would n’t the owner of Jinyun Sword be the Emperor?

Do not!


I may just be a coincidence.

Emperor Xun You refined the Five Elements Sword that year, it does not mean that others have not refined the Five Elements Sword.

Is it really a coincidence?

Others can indeed make the Five Elements Sword, but the problem is that among the overlords that were tried by the Dadao in ancient times, only the Emperor has made the Five Elements Sword!

Wu Qingqing Shangxian couldn't believe it, couldn't believe it, still thought it might just be a coincidence.

The more she did n’t believe it, the more fearful she was, because she thought of another terrible thing. She was the cloud and water sword she picked up in the tideland. According to her knowledge, the Emperor was once encountered Tried across the avenue, and that time was said to have wiped out the ashes of the trial of the Emperor.


This is not true, is it?

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