
Vol 2 Chapter 1760: Ladder said, ancient prestige

When listening to Mo Baiyu's mention of Wuling Wonderland, Yunzhou, Mufeng and others on the field all showed a smiling smile.

Because they all know that the Wuling Wonderland is a great wonderland that has been passed down from ancient times, and it is also one of the eight wonderland of Luo Tianyu. Within the wonderland, it can be described as a dragon, a tiger, and a master, such as a cloud. Nine days ca n’t be counted. There are more than a hundred cents of immortal families, and there are as many as thirty immortals, such as Yuan Wuna, who died on the immortal road, and there are all kinds of wild waste immortals.

In addition, there are really a lot of famous immortals in ancient times.

The so-called ancient immortals refer to the immortals who broke out of prestige in the ancient times. Generally speaking, the male immortals are respected as the fairy, and the female immortals are respected as the fairy.

虽然 Although there are many immortals in this ancient age, they are also known as "Xianxianxianxianxian", but its weight, compared with the ancient times, is simply one in heaven and one in the earth, which cannot be compared at all.

In ancient times, anyone with a little fame would be called a fairy.

In ancient times, the names of immortals and immortals were created by their true ability, and they are also famous after many cycles of life and death. They are all masters with real talents and great ability. What immortals and upper gods are now enshrined in nine days. Even the fortunes are given by nine days. It sounds very prestigious, and most of them are nothing more than falsehood.

The most important thing is that most of the immortals and immortals in ancient times have boarded the avenue ladder.

In other words, in ancient times, only the immortal talents who climbed the avenue ladder would be respected as immortals or fairies.

According to legend, only by climbing on the avenue ladder can we prove the avenue.


古 Since ancient times, whether it is the immortal Buddha spirit, or the demon ghost, will climb the ladder and prove the road.

Some people say that if they want to know if their foundation is good or not, if they are solid or not, if the state is thorough or not, if the Tao is strong enough or not, you will know it on the ladder.

If the foundation is not good, the practice is not solid enough, the realm is not fully understood, and the Taoism is not strong enough, even if you practice as high as you can, you will not be able to climb the ladder, and you can climb the ladder, without exception Those who are truly talented learn their path of cultivation.

There weren't many immortals in ancient times, and those who can climb the ladder can be described as very few and few.

The followers behind Mo Baiyu and Mu Feng in the field are old seniors who have cultivated for many years in ancient times. They have hardly ever climbed the ladder. The reason is very simple. The foundation is not good. The cultivation is not solid enough. As a result, it will become more and more difficult to practice in the future. If not, they will not lose the position of following young people today.

The Ladder Ladder is open in every era, and there are signs before it is opened, but today and in ancient times, the Ladder has not been opened yet.

Although the ancient times ladder has not been opened, young people in the ancient times have not yet had the opportunity to prove themselves on the ladder.


Most people know that even if the ladder of ancient times is open, it is difficult for these young people to get on the ladder.

I must know that in the era of ancient times, when the aura was sparse and resources were scarce, the older generations of them stepped down step by step, but in the end, they still did not lay a solid foundation, which led to the lack of solidity.

Nowadays, in the ancient times, all things are revived, and the aura is extremely full. Various elixir medicines, various mysterious array methods, and various creations are emerging.

Today's young people do n’t even need to practice hard, and they can make rapid progress. Even if they encounter a bottleneck, they can break through with the help of the mysterious array method. How can the foundation be laid and how can they be cultivated? Solid, how can Daoxin be firm?

What's more, the young people of this ancient age are more impetuous than others, and the heart of comparison is extremely serious. They only pay attention to who has a deep cultivation and who has a strong fortune, and does not pay attention to consolidation at all. Some even do n’t even understand the realm. Anxious to make a breakthrough.

The fact is true.

Although the ladder in ancient times has not been opened, the fairy ladder of Jiutian Immortal Road will be opened at regular intervals. Moreover, the fairy ladder of Jiutian Immortal Road is modeled after the ladder. Sex.

Mo Baiyu, Fu Ying, Mu Feng, and so on, who died on the immortal path, including the seventy-two blessings such as Bai Ze and Lengjue, have all gone through the immortal ladder on the nine-day immortal path, but all failed. No one has been able to climb the fairy ladder of Jiutian Immortal Road.

This is just the fairy ladder of Xiandao, and the avenue ladder is more rigorous. It is conceivable how powerful the fairy priests who climbed the ladder in ancient times.

The centrifugal fairy has been on the avenue ladder in ancient times, so it is known as the ancient fairy.

Even if she is not a disciple of Changshengge, Mo Baiyu and others dare not make trouble in front of her.

Coincidentally, the master of Yuanwu is an ancient fairy, the golden flame fairy of the Five Spirits Wonderland, and his ancestors, like centrifugal, are also an ancient fairy on the ladder. This pair of fairy paths The couple's fame in Miluo Tianyu is quite big. Not only is it famous, but also temperamental, it's also a well-known calf.

The reason why Yuan Wu is so arrogant and arrogant is that no one is in his eyes. One is to rely on the identity of Shang Chengxian Dao. The other is to rely on his reputation as a master and a master. Every time Yuan Wu causes trouble again, he beats others to death. The elders came to the door. Instead of apologizing to the master and the mother ~ ~, they would even sneer at the fact that they were deserved to be beaten.

On the contrary, if Yuan Wu was beaten outside, even if he was only injured by a bit of flesh, this pair of masters and masters would come to his door and take the lead for Yuan Wu.

Although Mo Baiyu, Yunzhou and others have been watching Yuanwu unpleasantly, they also suffer from knowing that Yuanwu has a pair of masters and masters who protect the calves. Even if they do so, they will not hurt Yuanwu at all.

Now, Yuan Wu was beaten half-dead, and passed out. If this incident passed to Wuling Wonderland, if it was known to Master and Master by Yuanwu, he would definitely bring a group of masters in Wuling Wonderland.

"Last year, Yuan Wu planted a follower, and his master and mother directly led people to turn over hundreds of people from a family of immortals, and almost all the immortals of the family were almost killed by them."

Mo Baiyu laughed: "Now Yuanwu was beaten half dead, haha ​​... Momou can't think about it, if his pair of masters and masters knew what it was like, they would become angry."

"Hahaha, what is said is that the old Taoist priest is so powerful that he is not the opponent of the Jinyan Xianshi couple. Besides, the Jinling couple still have the Wuling Wonderland."

"Although Yuan Wu was treated like that by an old Taoist priest, the master of that rusher could not get rid of the relationship. At that time, we only need to help a little, and the master of rusher is also in danger."

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