
Vol 2 Chapter 1762: Laughing fright

I want to say that centrifugal fairy doesn't laugh intentionally, but after listening to Qing Qing's words, she couldn't help but want to laugh.

In the centrifugal fairy, the existence of Gu Qingfeng is indeed mysterious and unknown, and it is indeed unfathomable. It can be proved that he can make Yunshuijian and other mysterious fairy soldiers. It may be that he has cultivated a fork or something. The reason was that Xiuwei was lost, and no good fortune was found. That's why it is what it is today.

Others may not understand it, but the centrifugal fairy knows that the reason why the Three Thousand Avenues in this ancient age draw humanity ’s destiny is because the humanity will inevitably recover in this ancient age. No one can stop them. To be able to do this, after all, since ancient times, those who have won humanity, have won the world, and it is precisely for this reason, in ancient times, Xiandao has been obliterating the destiny of humanity in order to prevent the recovery of humanity.


He is to continue to control humanity.


In ancient times, not only did they obliterate the destiny of humanity, but even those who did not know where to come out of it, Xiandao would not let it go.

The centrifugal fairy wondered about the kind of master that Gu Qingfeng might have been obliterated by the immortal in the ancient times. Although the cultivation was taken away, the man survived.

of course.

This is not the reason why the centrifugal fairy can't help but want to laugh, but after drinking with a wine like Gu Qingfeng, I also have some understanding of Gu Qingfeng's beauty.

From the perspective of the centrifugal fairy, even if this guy was really a legendary master with great power in the past, he is definitely a hooligan master who mixes with the world, deceives men and women, and acts as a blessing. The major worldly bullies are similar.

Because that guy ’s mundane habits are so obvious. Either lying on his back or tilting Erlang ’s legs, tilt them up, and shake his legs, not only shaking his legs, but also eating food is extremely ugly. Pay attention to it, wipe the mouth with the sleeve after eating, even the drinker sucked.

I especially want to take advantage of others. I always want to take advantage of others and keep my mouth shut, not because I think I am the grandfather, that little girl is really vulgar and cannot be vulgar anymore.

What makes the centrifugal fairy unintelligible is that that guy also likes to blow cowhide in particular, and his tone is extraordinary. It seems that he doesn't put everything in the world in his eyes. He did not dare to fart, including knowing the past and future, taking charge of the cause and effect of fate, deducing the cosmic floods, understanding the universe and the world, and the legendary so-called incarnation of the cause and effect. Children.

There is no standing, no sitting, no eating, no cultivation, no cultivation, no temperament, no temperament, no prestige, no politeness, and casual manner. , Especially like bragging guys.

怎么 How could this kind of person be the arrogant and domineering in the legend, free and easy, and stand up in the ancient times, the great overwhelming generation of overlord Jiuyou Emperor?

Even if the centrifugal fairy is killed, she does not believe that the maiden maiden will never forget such a great emperor.

"Uncle! I'm almost scared to die, how can you laugh! I really didn't joke with you !!!"

Looking at the centrifugal fairy holding a belly and laughing, she was anxious like an ant on a hot pot, and could not laugh or cry.

"No more laugh, really no longer laugh."

The centrifugal fairy coughed twice, but still couldn't help but want to laugh, but based on her understanding of Qing Qing, she knew that Qing Qing would never suspect that the old man was the emperor for nothing, and said, "Say Well, why do you suspect that the great master is the emperor, what is the reason? Uncle and I are curious, what is the matter that makes you doubt that guy is the emperor, and it seems that you still believe it suspect."

"If you don't have conclusive evidence for such a terrible thing, do you think I would be nonsense?"

"Do you still have evidence? What evidence? Take it out and tell me to see."

When Yun Qingqing raised his hand, after the palm of his hand flashed, Yun Shui Jian emerged. The centrifugal fairy did not understand what she meant, and asked, "You mean this Yun Shui Jian is evidence?"


"What kind of evidence is this? And how to prove that the great master is the emperor?"

"Uncle, do you remember where I picked up Yun Shui Jian?"

知道 "Know, it seems to be a tideland. I took you there."

"Uncle Master knows that Youdi and his elder were once tried by Sanqian Avenue in the tideland."

"Nonsense! Of course I know, otherwise what you thought the uncle took you to the tideland was to let your little girl see the world and have a long experience." As he was saying, the centrifugal fairy seemed to realize something and asked : "The stump is because you picked the Cloud Sword in the Tideland, so you suspect that guy is the Emperor?"

"Of course more than that!"

"What else?"

Somehow, when I heard this, the heart of the centrifugal fairy suddenly became inexplicably tense, the smile on her face gradually disappeared, and her expression became more serious ~ ~ Uncle, you know that I am in contact with Yun Did you find anything when the watersword merged? My consciousness has entered the sword spirit world of Yunshui Sword. In that sword spirit world, there are many and many traces left by the trial of the avenue! "


I heard nothing! The face of the centrifugal fairy changed, and she immediately stood up, her beautiful face was cloudy, her eyes were full of shock and shock.

"The traces of the Avenue trials, most of them are the trials of Xiandao. In addition, there are the traces of the demon Tao, the demon Tao, the Buddha Tao, including the heaven trial, the uncle should know that in the ancient times, the origin of the Avenue gradually dried up. The Trinity Avenue rarely drops trials unless it seriously affects the order of the Avenues. "

The centrifugal fairy became uglier the more she heard her face, she took a deep breath, shook her head, and said, "Even so, it doesn't mean that he is the Emperor, right? And that big master is a master himself, and he was tried in ancient times. Not surprising. "

"Uncle is right. In ancient times, in order to suppress humanity, it was not surprising that Xiandao killed human beings, but it was not enough to lower the trial. Even if that master really exists against the sky, Xiandao had to lower the trial, but the key is It is not only the immortal trial, but also the demon Buddha, and even the trial trace of heaven in the sword spirit world of Yunshui Sword! In order to suppress humane trials of the gods, then the demon Buddha, and even heaven, lowered the trial to judge a humane god. ? "

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