
Vol 2 Chapter 1775: Master He Fang

"Ma'am, don't be impulsive for the time being. Everything depends on my eyes. You can rest assured that no matter what is the case today, I will also justify our baby apprentice, no matter how powerful the old priest and the lord of the laurel are. Background, I Jin Yan will also make them pay a price! "

After explaining a few words, the fairy Jinyan walked forward, appeared above the heavenly ship of Qingxian Shangxian, stood with her hands down, and yelled, "The five spirit fairyland Jinyan and his wife are visiting, please also centrifuge the fairy, Qing Qing showed up when she opened the array. "

The voice fell.

The glory shrouded in Xuantian Ship flickered slightly, disappearing like a flower in the water, and then three people were seen on the deck of Xuan Tianship.

A woman with a beautiful face and a transcendent temperament, dressed in white.

Hold a flame red lips, beautiful and touching woman.

A handsome man in white.

I am not someone else, it is Qing Qing Shangxian, centrifugal fairy and ancient Qingfeng.

Xun Qingqing stood on Xian'an quietly.

And Gu Qingfeng was still lying on his back, leaning Erlang's legs on the table, slightly crooked his head, holding some red fruits in his hand, eating with a bite, taking a glass of wine from time to time child.

Walking next to him, the centrifugal fairy was like a maid, pouring wine for the ancient Qingfeng.

Looking at this scene, the immortal masters of the Five Spirits Wonderland, such as Jinyan Fairy and Wuhua Fairy, were shocked and overshadowed. They thought that what Zhu said may be exaggerated, but it does not seem exaggerated now, although it is not like Lao Zhu As said, the centrifugal fairy massaged herself, and Qing Qing played the tune on the fairy, but the centrifugal fairy stood by and waited for the wine to be poured.

And Mo Baiyu and others who witnessed the centrifugal fairy massaging Gu Qingfeng before, seeing this scene at the moment, still feels very unpleasant, and there are too many and endless jealousy in her eyes.

They really do n’t understand. This guy has to practice for nothing, or for good or for nothing, but it ’s nothing. He looks horizontally and vertically. No matter how he looks, he does n’t look like a master of centuries. Why is such a respectable status so respectful to him.

They don't understand.

When I saw this scene of Wuling Wonderland, a lot of masters of fairyland couldn't figure it out, and they felt that this fact was a little too incredible.

"The younger generation Qing Qing has met the seniors in Wuling Wonderland."

Although Qing Qing is distinguished and has a strong background, she is also the unparalleled deity in the wild, but she is not as indifferent as those of the seventy-two blessed disciples who are proud and talented. On the contrary, Qing Qing has always been gentle and moving, and she is well-educated Because of this, there are so many immortals admiring him in the wilderness.

"Golden Flame Fairy, no Huaxian Fairy, don't come 恙."

The centrifugal fairy held the jug and looked at the Jinhua Wuhua couple. They asked, "I don't know if they are here, what are you doing?"

Xun is also a famous celebrity in ancient times. The centrifugal fairy and the couple Jinhua Wuhua may not be friends and have no friendship, but they also know each other and barely be nodded.

Wu Jinyan and Wuhua did not indicate their intentions. Yuan Wu was beaten without mentioning anything, but he trembled with the centrifugal fairy. Obviously, he wanted to investigate the situation before making a decision.

As soon as they hit them, the centrifugal fairy knew that he was beaten for Yuan Wu, but the Jinhua Wuhua couple didn't mention it, and she was too lazy to break it.

The two sides chilled for a moment, and Jin Yanxian smiled lightly: "It seems that there are noble guests on the ship today. I haven't asked the Taoist ..."

The centrifugal fairy glanced at Gu Qingfeng, and without speaking, she did not dare to introduce Gu Qingfeng's identity at will.

"Last name, master."

The ancient Qingfeng smiled back.

哦 "Oh? Master?" Jin Yanxian asked, "I don't know what your master is?"

"Neither family."

"So, you are the master of Wonderland? I wonder which side of Wonderland?"


The three-character grandpa 是 is very tall and very big, and it is also an ancient title. Since ancient times, it has become as famous in the world as the title of mother-in-law.

The average person cannot afford it at all.

In ancient times.

Either the domain master of the hegemonic side of the world, or the king of the world who dominates the world, or the big man of the Three Thousand Avenues, or the famous man of the wild, and the master of the thirty-sixth cave heaven and the seventy-two blessed land. Will be respected as the grandfather or maiden.

However, in ancient times, the specifications of honorable titles such as Grandpa and Niangni are somewhat reduced. Anyone who is more famous in Wonderland will also be honored as Grandpa or Niang. For example, the Lord of Wuling Wonderland will be honored as Wuling Da. Master, in addition, there are also some immortal family heads who have been passed down since ancient times. They are also known as grand masters. For example, Lei Lie, Hao Lei family masters are also respected as grand masters.

of course.

Although the names of grandfathers and maids of this ancient age are not as important as those of the ancient times, it is not that the owners of the fairyland family can be honored as grandfathers.

The Lord of the Wuling Wonderland can be revered as the Great Master, because the Wuling Wonderland has been passed down from ancient times, and it is still one of the great wonderland of Xiong Luo Tianyu.

The Hao Lei family that Lei Lie belongs to is also an ancient family that has been influential in the wilderness since ancient times.

That's why he is respected as the Great Master.

Can't stand it.

It is not ruled out that the owners of some small fairyland small families claim to respect themselves like Grand Master ~ ~ I heard that Gu Qingfeng is neither the grand master of Wonderland nor the grand master of the family. "Is it possible that Your Excellency is the grand master of one world?"

The ancient breeze picked up a glass of fine wine, took a sip, and shook his head unhurriedly, saying, "Neither."

"is it?"


Jin Yanxian stood in the air with a pair of eyes, staring at Gu Qingfeng with a pair of eyes, and asked, "If your Excellency is not the world's grand master, you will be stumped or the master of the heavenly world. ? "

"Sorry, I guessed wrong again."

"Neither party is a fairyland, nor is it a fairyland. It is not a world or a heaven. Is it possible that you are the master of the road?

"Wrong again." Gu Qingfeng said with a smile: "You are too underestimated, even if you are older."

"Grand guess? Hehe!" "

These heavens and boundless worlds, no matter how old the grandfather is, he is no bigger than the grandfather of three thousand roads. In this world, even the oldest grandfather is no bigger than the grandfather of three thousand roads. In this world, even the oldest grandfather is no bigger than the grandfather of three thousand roads. In this world, even the oldest grandfather is no bigger than the grandfather of three thousand roads.

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