
Vol 2 Chapter 1778: Startle

"It seems that Grandpa is a bit shameless if you say so."

Perhaps Gu Qingfeng himself felt too shameless, and said, "After all, Huo De is a person who fights for the grandfather. Now the old boy is retreating. If the grandfather sits idly by and ignores it, then come down to the old guy and catch the old guy. And it's his mother's time to talk bad things about Grandpa. "

Gu Qingfeng rubbed his chin, pondered for a while, and said, "So, if you can wait, wait for the old boy to go out and seek revenge from him. If you can't wait, then the master can only do this for Huode. Carry it down. "

"What do you mean?"

The fairy Jinyan stared at Gu Qingfeng and said coldly, "Explain the point."

"Is n’t that clear enough? What it means is that if you want to get revenge on Huo De's old kid, you must pass the grandfather and me first, and kill the grandfather, and then you will kill him. It's that simple."


The immortal Jin Yan froze suddenly. He didn't pay attention to Gu Qingfeng originally, especially after seeing the knife of his colleague behind Gu Qingfeng with his own eyes, he even confirmed in his heart that such a greedy life is afraid of death. What might be a master.

But he never thought of it anyway. When the words turned, Gu Qingfeng said that he had carried the matter down. What more did he say he wanted to seek revenge from the old Taoist priest?

This is not only confusion for Jin Yanxian, why would this guy dare to say such a thing?

"Speaking of the fact that Grandpa hasn't been active for a long time, I just took advantage of this opportunity to move my hands and feet and digest and digest the three ten thousand years of Zhu Guo."

Although Gu Qingfeng said so on his mouth, it didn't seem to mean anything. He still lay on his back lazily, leaning on Erlang's legs, drinking wine, and looking at Jin Yanxian, saying, "You Are you planning to come one by one or go together? "


The utterances of the words fell, the fairy Jinyan, the fairyless Wuxia, and the masters of the fairyland of the Five Spirits Wonderland all changed and changed their expressions, and their expressions became wary. The eyes staring at the ancient Qingfeng were full of incomprehensible doubts.

No one knows why Gu Qingfeng had such courage to say such arrogant words.

Especially Mo Baiyu and others, they knew that the existence of Gu Qingfeng was extraordinary, and they had seen that Gu Qingfeng raised his hand and wiped out a monster with a strength comparable to that of Jiuyi Luojinxian, but even so, it can only explain his The physical body is only powerful. A mortal flesh and blood body is always as powerful as it is powerful, not to mention the hundreds of people from Wuling Fairyland this time are all barren spirits, among which there are dozens of spirits who open the gate of life and death of the heavenly branches. Masters, as well as two fairy masters with ancient prestige such as Jinyan Xianshi and Wuhua Fairy.

凭 Why is he so arrogant?

I was so arrogant that I would say what came one by one, or go together.

This is clearly hundreds of people in the Five Spirit Wonderland, such as the Golden Flame Fairy and Wuhua Fairy!

The fairy Jinyan and Wuhua Fairy looked at each other. They did n’t do anything. At the same time, they felt that there must be a demon in the abnormal situation, and they were unsure whether the ancient breeze was a mystery or really fearless, plus the centrifugal fairy. With Qing Qing Shangxian being so respectful to the ancient Qingfeng, they have no bottom in their hearts.

Besides, there is a more important reason.

That is, centrifugal fairy, Qing Qing Shangxian have always had no clear attitude.

Previously, they also heard that Qing Qing's Shangxian's sword was made by ancient Qingfeng, but now they are on the mysterious ship of Qing Qing's Shang Xian. Even if they really want to do it, they must get Qing Qing's consent.

"The centrifugal fairy, Qing Qing Shangxian, I believe you have heard what I said. I will be fair for my disciples today. I do n’t want two people to be fair for me, just two people. It is convenient to step in. ”


Aunt Grandma wants you to do it.

I can just test whether this guy is the Emperor.

The centrifugal fairy thought so in her heart, that beautiful face didn't show the inner joy, still pretending to look awkward, looking at Gu Qingfeng, and asking, "Master, what do you like?"

"Oh, sister, are you asking my opinion?"

The centrifugal fairy was asked by Gu Qingfeng's sentence, and there was something at a loss, especially when staring at Gu Qingfeng's eyes, feeling uncomfortable, as if the mind was seen through, the mind couldn't help it A little shivered and stuttered, "Master ... you ... what do you mean ... what? I ... I am of course asking for your opinion."

Perhaps because of a guilty conscience, the centrifugal fairy quickly explained: "This matter has nothing to do with the grandfather. If the grandfather does not want to come forward, the little girl ... can come forward to solve this matter, the old Huode senior ... after all, it is a coincidence Of our life-saving benefactors, we ... will not let anyone bother the old Huo De ...

"Really?" Gu Qingfeng smiled and smiled at the centrifugal fairy, and said, "How can I listen to this?

"No ... I ... I'm telling the truth."

"Honest? Right? I just heard you and the sister Qing Qing whispering there, saying that if Ruo Ye is a fake, your face will be ashamed to the uncle's family, and you said ... what is it? The people of Wuling Wonderland will stay out of the matter if you are going to do it, and they are going to use the Wuling Wonderland to test whether the Lord is true or not? "


The sound of the ancient breeze came, and the centrifugal fairy felt only five thunder blasting, her face was pale, there was no trace of blood, and even the station was a little unstable, all of a sudden sitting on the ground, it looked like a ghost.

Do not!

Exactly, it ’s even more terrifying than seeing ghosts and gods!

She never thought that the secret whisper between herself and Qing Qing would be heard by Gu Qingfeng ~ ~ Think again about the words she said with Qing Qing's secret whisper. Rotten his mouth.

She clearly remembers that when Gu Qingfeng said that he was a good person, he not only scolded him for being thick-skinned, but also called him shameless.

She also clearly remembers that when Gu Qingfeng fell down on Huo De, she scolded herself shamelessly.

Not only that, but also said that if this guy is really not the Emperor, he will certainly pump his skin, chop his muscles, and frustrate his ashes!

Although the centrifugal fairy increasingly suspected that Gu Qingfeng was not the true You Emperor, she was only skeptical. She did not dare to be 100% sure. The reason why she had been cautiously waiting was that she did not want to offend and wanted the Jinyan Wuhua couple to try. I am afraid that if the ancient breeze is the true emperor.

Now these words have been heard by Gu Qingfeng. The centrifugal fairy knows that if this guy is really an emperor, then I am afraid that I will not be far from death.

When I thought about it, the consciousness of the centrifugal fairy was frightened and blurred.

She is so, and Qingqing Shangxian is not much better. The same frightened Huarong loses her aptitude. She only feels the sky spinning, her mind is completely blank, and she is kneeled on the ground.

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