
Vol 2 Chapter 1785: Terrible 3 numbers

"My grandfather has lived for most of my life, and I have not heard of my reputation. It is not his mother ’s evil slam, or his mother's sinfulness, or sheer evil, or inaction. The sinner who is not on this avenue is the sinner on that avenue. What scourge is born, what threatens the world, all kinds of notoriety in the world.

Gu Qingfeng stood up, stretched his waist, and continued, "It is ridiculous that you said that if Grandpa killed these little rabbits, he would damage the reputation of Grandpa? Grandpa would like to ask you, Grandpa already has his mother's sin. The monstrous Lord, what do you care about?

Gu Qingfeng held the jug and poured himself a glass of wine, saying, "It's like you let him care for the grass in front of a demon who kills without blinking and sees life as grass and mustard. Is your head crowded by the door? It ’s still his mother ’s practice on dogs for so many years. ”

"Everyone's mother wants to be famous and want to go crazy? Not even his life? Or his mother treats his grandfather as a Buddha of great compassion?"


No one dares to speak.

Everyone who was afraid was awkward there.

Especially Mo Baiyu and others.

They originally thought that since Gu Qingfeng claimed to be the Emperor, and promised to instruct them, he would naturally show mercy. Until that point, after all, the Emperor's prestige was placed there, and hurting the juniors would damage their reputation.

It was only after listening to the words of Qingfeng Feng that they came to realize that the name of You Emperor is indeed a great disaster, but his prestige is a wicked sin. What bloodthirsty and cruel, murderous like hemp, cold blood, merciless, etc. .

This makes the centrifugal fairy really want to laugh.

Laughing at Mo Baiyu, these people are ignorant, and they also laugh at the predecessors of Xiandao who follow Mo Baiyu.

No one knows that the Emperor You overthrew the immortal dynasty in the secular world and slaughtered endless immortals.

Who does n’t know the Emperor You burned the Nine Heavens Immortal Road, the nine-day corpse burned into a mountain, and who did n’t know how many worlds were destroyed and how many lives were killed when the Emperor You were mad, and everyone did n’t know that the Emperor was angry, and he killed everyone all the way Throughout the great heavens, the blood of the great wild blood that has been killed has flowed into the river.

It's such a sinister monstrous emperor. This group of dogs who don't know how to live and die wants his mercy to be merciless. So far, the group of old seniors who follow Mo Baiyu say that if they kill them, they will lose their reputation.

Is there anything funny in this world?

As Gu Qingfeng said, this is like you let him care for the grass in front of a demon who kills without blinking and sees life as grass and mustard. Is it because your head has been squeezed by the door or his mother has been practicing for so many years? Fix it on the dog.

Isn't this a big irony?

This is not a big joke!


It's a pity that these people, Mo Baiyu, had been thinking about how to make themselves famous. They forgot that the Emperor was not the hero hero of ancient times, but burned the sky for nine days, chopped the sky, and turned the evil world over, ending the evil overlord in ancient times!

Until they heard about Gu Qingfeng, they only came to their senses. They were full of confidence and full of confidence. At this moment, the so-called confidence, the so-called confidence, all disappeared, and the scared faces were as dead as death. .

"Although Grandpa never plays idle games, but since you have already spoken to this person today, Grandpa is not good at refuting your face, isn't he trying to make a name for himself? Today, Grandpa will complete you and let you thoroughly Make a name for yourself. "

"Of course, just call me Grandpa at you, I ca n’t let you cry in vain. What kind of patience do you have today? Although you can do it, how much patience you can make, so much patience. , I ’m full, I ’m struggling, I ’m going to kill you, I ’m sure you have the skill, and you wo n’t fight back before you fight enough! ”

"How's that?"

"Come on, don't let it go! Let's do it."


Who dares to do it?

There was one on the field, and no one dared to take action. Mo Baiyu, who was so frightened, couldn't stop retreating.

"What is it, just you have the guts and want to be famous?"

"You, Master Youyou!"

Jin Laoqiang endured the fear in his heart, and Tong Tong knelt down, respectfully said: "Bai Yu, they are young and ignorant, they offended you for a while, and I also hope that ... I do n’t want them to have general knowledge with them!"

After all, he hurriedly reprimanded Mo Baiyu and knelt down to make amends. Although Mo Baiyu was internally afraid, if he let him kneel down to someone who did n’t know if the Emperor was the one, he could n’t do it anyway.

When Jin Lao knelt like this, Shangguan Feixing and others were also afraid, but instead of kneeling down like Jin Lao, they immediately stood beside Fu Ying and Yun Zhou and other gods, just in case.

Mo Baiyu shouted: "Don't be afraid, he can't be Youdi! Absolutely impossible. If he is Youdi, Sanqian Avenue would have killed him long ago, would he still allow him to arrogantly?"

Shangguandong also yelled, "Yes! He is not a You Emperor at all, but a liar posing as You Emperor!"

"God say it again, what kind of patience do you have today, despite making it out, call out to you Master, Got you fight enough, before you fight enough, God promises not to fight back!"

Gu Qingfeng was sitting on a chair, and he could not see the joy and sorrow on a bland face ~ ~ It was bland, just like a blank piece of paper, nothing, just self-care He drank the wine and said, "Master counts three. After three, if there is no one to do it, then I will do it."


When Gu Qingfeng started to count, everyone panicked and kept back, some people were afraid and even started to escape, but somehow, when Gu Qingfeng counted first, everyone had a kind of Feeling, it feels like the clear sky, the big day suddenly disappeared, and the world became dark.

It really feels like this.

It is strange that there is no sun, no big sun, no light at all, and I do n’t know why, but I feel like I suddenly lost the light and plunged into endless darkness.

What's even more strange is that everyone can clearly see it, and the mysterious realm of the heavens and the universe still floats in the wilderness like the stars in the night sky and has not disappeared.

The eyes can still see, and the consciousness can be detected, but it feels that the inner world has lost its light.

What does it feel like.

Nobody knows.

They don't know where this sense of loss of light comes from!


When Gu Qingfeng's second number fell, everyone on the court had another feeling.

Feeling the inner world, a silence.

Can't hear anything.

There is only deadly silence, deadly silence.

Strangely, their ears were clearly audible, and their senses were also detectable.

They also don't know where this feeling of silence comes from.


When the ancient Qingfeng counted to the third number, everyone had a feeling of falling down, more like falling into an endless abyss.

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