
Vol 2 Chapter 1790: 9 You Emperor

The Great Famine is still a vast expanse of great famine.

Never changed because of anyone or anything.

This has been the case since ancient times.

The former mighty fleet was long gone, and now there is only a high-flying ship named Qingxian Shangxian slowly sailing in the wilderness.

On the deck.

Gu Qingfeng was lying on his back, his eyes closed slightly, and his forehead clasped with one hand, his mood looked bad.

It's not because the people of Mo Baiyu made him angry.

to be frank.

Gu Qingfeng always felt that he was a good temper, and rarely angered at these trivial matters. Even when he was young and frivolous at that time, he would not be angry about these trivial matters, let alone. After so many things, many things are taken lightly, and it is impossible to get angry at taking the things just now as a pleasure.

But just now, without knowing why, he suddenly felt upset and had a very irritable feeling.

He didn't know what he was upset with, but he was very upset anyway.

Anxious to kill, kill everyone!

This feeling is quite familiar to Gu Qingfeng.

He also clearly remembers that before his own madness, he was so baffled for no reason and had no control.

In the beginning, it was n’t too serious, but the later, the more irritable, the more trouble you got, the more you couldn't control it, until the madman was completely lost, and the consciousness master was lost, and eventually became a crazy walking dead.

Sorry to say that you have signs of madness?

It's unlikely!

At that time, the madness was because he killed too many people, was condemned by morality, tortured his conscience, and could not pass his own level. Therefore, the birth of the madness led to the loss of self-wind.

Today, he is transcended from good and evil, and from life and death. He is no longer bound by morals, and he will not be tortured by conscience.

Say something bad.

Now Gu Qingfeng has no morals and no conscience at all.

Not only that.

He also transcended the world, transcended the avenue, and even transcended himself.

Although it is impossible to be a saint like all four are empty, but his heart is as rocky as water, and his anger and sorrow are gradually forgotten. Even the big things cannot shake his rocky heart.

Gu Qingfeng may not dare to be 100% sure that he will not go crazy again in the future.

But if it is a sign of a madman, he believes he can feel it.

And just now somehow he was able to confirm that it was not a sign of madness.

But what would it be if it were not a sign of a madman?


When Gu Qingfeng moved, he remembered something.

Since the rebirth of silence, his physical body has been in a state of decay and chaos. Not long ago, this decayed and chaotic body finally began to recover. As the physical body gradually recovered, Gu Qingfeng also felt a kind of saying no Unknown change in cleansing.

Although the change was subtle, Gu Qingfeng felt it.

To say exactly what changed.

Gu Qingfeng may not be able to say.

But he is certain that this change must be related to original sin.

Gu Qingfeng has been thinking about a problem long before he realized that he had not got rid of the original sin, and instead of getting rid of it, he might have become the body of the original sin.

That is, with the recovery of the decayed body, and with the gradual awakening of the original sin, will you become another yourself.

Or maybe he has begun to change, but he just doesn't know it.

After all, Gu Qingfeng knew his existence, and he was carrying not only the original sinner, but also a false self.

When he didn't notice it before, Gu Qingfeng didn't take it to heart either. Just now somehow he was upset, which made him murmur.

Is it true that he is worrying, or is it true.

The ancient Qingfeng was not sure for a while.

Shaking his head, did not continue thinking.

of course.

It's just a whisper.

Inner whispering does not mean that Gu Qingfeng was worried or afraid.

on the contrary.

He was neither worried nor afraid.

If the fire of the original sin was not ignited that year, in the face of this situation, he may be worried about whether he would be affected by the original sin and the false self and finally become another self.


Since the original sin karma was ignited, he has been asleep for 10,000 years, and has been reborn, the ancient Qingfeng has long wanted to open.

Previously he resisted the original sin, and also resisted falsehood.

He is now irresistible.

However, it is just irresistible.

This does not mean he accepts it.

The current Gu Qingfeng will neither resist the false original sin nor accept the false original sin.

To put it plainly, there are only eight words.

Everything follows, let it be.

Opening his eyes, he glanced at the empty desert, and asked, "People ... are they scattered?"

"Hui Jiu You Emperor ... people ... people are scattered ..."

The centrifugal fairy and Qingqing Shangxian have always stood honestly. After hearing the ancient Qingfeng questioning, the centrifugal fairy hurriedly spoke.

In the wild.

Destiny is all.

Today the ancient destiny, Daxing Xingjun, is called King.

Like the ancient destiny, the throne of the avenue is called the king.

Like the ancient destiny, the emperor's seal on the road is called the emperor.

This is an orthodox and a tradition, and it is a respected name handed down from ancient times.

Most destiny is above the avenue.

Of course.

A few destinies are exceptional.

Such as the destiny of the nine days, such as the destiny of the nine you and so on.


The reason is very simple ~ ~ Nine days, no matter Jiuyou, it is not a avenue, but an existence above the avenue.

For example, nine days.

Often speaking of Jiu Tian Xiandao, in fact, Xiandao does not mean that it is just nine days. Nine days does not mean Xiandao.

Nine days are nine days, and Xiandao is Xiandao.

You should know that Xitian Pure Land is also one of the nine days.

It is called Jiutian Xiandao because Xiandao has always been strong.

This is true for nine days, and Jiuyou is no exception.

Nine days is the holy place in the mind of the immortal Buddha.

Jiuyou is a sacred place in the eyes of monsters and ghosts.

and so.

Neither the destiny of Jiutian nor the destiny of Jiuyou can be compared with those of Dadao Destiny, and their weight is much greater than Dadao Destiny.

Because of this, the destiny of Nine Heavens and Nine Heavens is not God, but Zun.

Gu Qingfeng asked Jiuyou Emperor that year, and the orthodox name was Jiuyou Emperor.

It would not be impossible to call it "Master", but this kind of honorific name is a popular name, which is not so strict. Especially, the honorable name of Grand Master in ancient times has been overflowing, and its weight is far inferior to that of ancient times.

Earlier, because I was not sure whether the ancient Qingfeng was the You Emperor, the centrifugal fairy called it the master of the emperor, and after feeling that the ancient Qingfeng sacrificed the power of great gods, whether the centrifugal fairy or the Qingqing Shangxian basically had the ancient Qingfeng inside The legendary You Emperor.

I dare not call any grandfather casually. In order to show my awe, therefore, I used the orthodox title.

"What's also called Jiuyou Emperor? It's just a matter of years and years." Gu Qingfeng shook his head slightly and sighed: "Now Grandpa is no longer Jiuyou Emperor, it's just a mortal, so , Also screaming what Jiuyou Emperor, and also called Grandpa. "

"Okay ... Master."

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