
Vol 2 Chapter 1794: Crazy old man is actually fire

Seeing that Huode is not a joke, Gu Qingfeng asked cautiously: "Huode, tell me seriously, are you sure you don't let me intervene?"

As the ancient force in Huo De's body became stronger, Huo's consciousness became more and more vague, saying intermittently: "Ancient boy ... Old man ... Old man is sure, but not ... For the first time, old man ... Dead No ... this ... after all, this is the husband's present life ... and the cause and effect of previous lives, you ... the kid ... just intervened, the husband ... there is a way ... "

"Old man ... old man ... really can't carry it ... your boy ... let go! You won't give up anymore ... the old man will be strangled ..."


Gu Qingfeng also realized that this suppressed the ancient forces in Huode, Huode's physical body could not support it at all, and he pondered again and again, and finally released Huode.

"Okay, I'll let go now, but ... rest assured, I will always look at you."


Just as Gu Qingfeng loosened Huode, Huode's whole body bloomed in black and white like chaos, and the ancient power of the body also broke out completely. Huode went to the top, stood in the air, and stretched his limbs. Head up, eyes closed, and roaring like a beast.


The vast and surging ancient forces exploded, and the trembling emptiness shivered for it. With a bang, the formation on the mysterious ship in the sky of Qing Qing cracked and burst, and the clear air of the ancient Qingfeng was fast. , Raising his hand in the sky with a palm, Qingqing's heavenly ship was lifted into the distance by the palm of Gu Qingfeng as if he had encountered a strong wind and waves.


The sky is full of chaos.

In the chaos, it seems that if yin and yang are changing, if black and white are staggered, if light and darkness are confronting.

Gu Qingfeng stood in the air, and his arrogant figure stood like a lone peak between heaven and earth.

The long hair like ink danced wildly in the wind, and Sheng Xue's white clothes flew wantonly.

A bland face, with a dignified look, stared at the chaos in the sky in the silent eyes.

Do not know why.

He felt that the light of chaos in the sky was familiar, and the ancient forces in the chaos seemed to have known each other.

This chaos should be the chaos of the era, and this ancient force should also be the power of the era.

I do not know how long it has been.

When the gloom of the chaos gradually disappeared, the vast ancient power gradually disappeared.

Huode still stretched his limbs, head up, eyes closed.

this moment.

Gu Qingfeng knew that Huo De was no longer the Huo he knew.


Gu Qingfeng can feel it, and it feels very clear.

Although man is still that person, consciousness is not necessarily that consciousness.

Gu Qingfeng didn't yell and didn't bother in the past, because looking at it, he suddenly felt that the fire here was a familiar feeling, as if he had seen it somewhere.

This familiar feeling is not because of Huo De, but Huo De feels familiar to him here.

What is even more weird is that looking at the ancient Qingfeng here, the ancient Qingfeng inexplicably remembered a crazy old man who belonged to the era of infidelity.

Gu Qingfeng still clearly remembers that he once met a crazy old man in the ruins of the Taoist era.

And more than once.

To this day, he still remembers that when the crazy old man appeared, it was such a world of chaos, and ... the power of the crazy old man seemed to be such a vast and vast force.

Sorry ... the crazy old man he met in the ruins of the Innocent Age is Huo De's previous life?


is that true?

Don't know!

Gu Qingfeng didn't continue to think, just waiting silently.

I don't know how long it took.

at last.

Huode opened his eyes.

It was a pair of gray eyes, and the yin and yang in the eyes changed, looking very chaotic. However, there were more endless puzzles and endless sorrows.

"Every ancient catastrophe!"

"Endless reincarnation is reborn!"

"See cause and effect in previous lives!"

"It's up to anyone who lives!"

The sound came, hoarse and dull, like a thunder billowing, like the earth was cracking, more like chaos was boiling,

"I have my own wisdom, I have my own confusion, I can discern things with me!"

"A hundred kinds of yang, a hundred kinds of yin, turned into heaven and earth!"

"No good, no evil, but cause and effect!"

"Thousands of holy, all kinds of magic, let others say!"

This sound is too powerful and too evil, as if it could penetrate everything, even when the ancient breeze came, it felt very uncomfortable, and even the mind was a little trembling.

The reason that made him tremble was not because the sound was too terrifying.

But after hearing this voice, Gu Qingfeng was basically certain in his heart that Huo De's previous life was the crazy old man in the Wudao era.


When he met the crazy old man in the relics of the Wudao era, the crazy old man was madly thinking about these two words.

Regarding the ancient catastrophes, the endless reincarnation is reincarnation, and the past and present are the cause and effect of the past. Whoever lives and who needs to read the phrase, Gu Qingfeng can't remember how many times he heard it.

to be frank.

He has not always believed that past life and present life will meet in this ancient time.

For so many years, he has never seen anyone in this past and this life meet in this ancient time ~ ~ But.

I saw it today, and finally believed the legend.


In any case, he did not expect that the person who met in the past and this life in this ancient time would be Huo De, and what he did not think was that Huo De's previous life was the crazy old man whom he met in the Ruins of the Innocent Age.

This **** ... isn't it too evil?

The evil gate's name, Gu Qingfeng, was somewhat unbelievable.

Forcing the shock in his heart, Gu Qingfeng continued to look around, and found that the fire and morals here have become mysterious and anomalous, vague and vague, as if in heaven and earth, as if outside of heaven and earth, giving people a very The unreal feeling is weird.

Huo De's expression was bleak, his eyes were awkward, and his mouth murmured: "Fake is all false, everything is false ... False, all things are False ..."

"Benevolence in heaven and earth regards everything as a dog ... hahahaha!"

"Heaven and Earth? Everything? Hahaha, fake ... all fake ... everything is fake."

"No! It's not fake, it's true ... all true ... everything is true!"

"No! It's fake, it must be fake, he said, it's fake ..."

Huode's expression grew more and more dazed, more dazed, and more and more dazed. He just looked at the sky and kept talking madly: "What is true? What is false? True or false False ... false is true ... who can tell? "

"No one can tell."

"People cannot distinguish, magic cannot be distinguished, immortals cannot be distinguished, Buddha cannot be distinguished, sacred cannot be distinguished ... the gods cannot be distinguished ..."

Huo De seemed to be crying, and seemed to be laughing, and continued in his mouth, "Hahahaha! I can't tell the difference, no one can tell the difference ... false ... really ... all are false, they are true ... ha ha ha ha ha ha! "

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