
Vol 2 Chapter 1796: My surname is Gu, my real name is Sirius, also known as Qingfeng

"And ... you are still a variable in ancient times!"

Huo De stared at Gu Qingfeng as if he found something extremely incredible. He said, "No! You are not only a person of the original sin, you are the body of the original sin, you are not just a person of falsehood, you ... or a falsehood. I ... you are not a variable of ancient times ... you are ... a variable of no way! "

"Variables ... how can they be variables?" Huo De seemed to remember something again, and whispered: "The original sin of the uninformed, the inauthenticity of the uninformed, the uninformed in the innocent ... It is you! It is you! How could it you!"

Huo De's words made Gu Qingfeng somewhat ignorant, and asked, "What do you mean! Do you know who I am?"

"My husband has been looking for you! After looking for you for many, many years, I finally found you now!"

"Are you looking for me?" Gu Qingfeng was even more confused, and asked, "What are you looking for?"

"Yeah! What does the old man ask you for?" The madness of the fire felt like the chaos in the sky, and his consciousness was turbulent. Then he drank, "Yes! The old man remembered that the old man wanted to tell you A few words, you have to be careful, don't believe in fate, don't believe! Nor do you believe in cause and effect, you have as many past lives as you have cause and effect! Don't believe in yourself. "

"They've found you! They've been looking for you. There are people of the Wasu ethnic group, as well as the Kaye people, and the Capricorn people. They are all awake ... They are looking for you, and they will stop you at all costs. . "

Gu Qingfeng could not help but secretly startled, because he found that the words Huo De said were the same as that of the seed that had hit him on the road, they were both careful about the Po Wa and the Kaye people.

"What on earth are the Wasu people, and what are the Gaya people? Who are they?"

"Women! Those terrible women! Those women around you! They are all ... don't believe them !!! So is fate! She is a Capricorn ... don't believe her !!!"

The woman around me?

What kind of mother-in-law is it? What Gaya people? And the Capricorn of Roush?

What's this about?

Gu Qingfeng didn't understand. The more he heard it, the more he asked, "Who told you these words, why did you tell me these words?"

"Yes! Who told the old man to tell you ... why did the old man tell you these things?"

Crazy Huode looks more confused than Gu Qingfeng, he murmured, and said to himself: "The old man remembers a woman ... let the old man tell you these words ... wait! Woman! Another woman, Don't believe it ... Can't believe it! This is a trap! Yes! Don't believe it, these are all traps! That woman used her husband ... Lost, deliberate traps! You must not believe it !!! "

This ancient breeze was completely wiped out.

Just now Huoder made a lot of cautions to make himself careful, but he didn't convince himself at the moment.

"That's right! You have to find someone, there is you behind that person! You only have to find that person, everything will be true! That's a woman! Why! Why a woman again! No! You can't go find that Woman, do n’t look for her! Do n’t believe it, it ’s all a trap! It ’s a trap for you! ”

Gu Qingfeng did not continue to inquire. Looking at the madness of fire here, he had realized that even if he asked, he couldn't ask for a reason. The old boy's previous life had been completely lost ... He was talking upside down, maybe he himself Don't know what is being said.

Maybe also aware of these inconsistencies, Huo De looked very lost, and said, "The old man is lost ... forgotten ... nothing can be remembered ... the soul is broken, the consciousness is blurred ... The old man just said You should not have heard these words. "

After a while, Gu Qingfeng carefully asked: "Do you know who I am?"

"I don't know ... I just feel that you seem to have known each other, and this feeling is very strong, but unfortunately, the old man is lost ... everything is forgotten ... I only know that the old man seems to be looking for someone ... and the old man who he is looking for, It should be you ... as to why it is you, my husband ... I don't know, it just feels like you ... "

"You're looking for me ... just to tell me these things?"

"Maybe, my husband is lost ... forgot ..."

"Okay, then the guy you just mentioned ... maybe you want to start?"

"Ancient boy ..." Huo De thought for a long time, then whispered: "The old man only remembers that it was my loved one ... the other old man couldn't remember, he was gone ... it seemed to disappear ... or he might leave Now ... but ... he said he would come back ... he said he would come back to end it all ... the old man believes that he will be able to do it, the old man has been waiting for him! "

"What's his name, Gu Gu?"

"What's it called? I don't know, I forgot ..." Huode closed his eyes and thought hard, but he couldn't remember it anyway, shook his head fiercely, and lost his way: "I really can't remember ... what Have forgotten ... "

After saying that, he stared at Gu Qingfeng again and asked, "Who are you? Why do you make your husband feel so familiar, UU reading and the innocent and guilty innocence of you, the original sin, and Are there variables? Why all of this seems familiar, who are you? "

"My surname is Gu."

Gu Qingfeng looked at Huode, pondered for a moment, and said, "The real name is Sirius, also known as Qingfeng, and the road number is Chixiao. What's your impression?"

"The surname is Gu, the real name is Sirius, also known as Qingfeng, and the Tao number is Qixiao ... It ’s familiar ... It ’s really familiar, why is it so familiar ... No Falsehood, No Original Sin, No Variables ... these ... these ... No! Impossible! Impossible! "

Huo whispered, but the more murmured, the more shocked his expression, the more murmured, the more panic, the more unbelievable he was, pointing at the ancient breeze, horrified: "You! You! You! You! You are actually ancient Boy? "

"Is Gu Gu just stumped me?"

It wasn't just Huode that was shocked, but Gu Qingfeng, who was opposite, was also shocked. From Huode's reaction, he had already guessed that Gu Gu in Huode's mouth must have said himself.

But the problem is that Gu Qingfeng only knew the fire virtue of this life, and the crazy old man in the innocent era of the previous life of fire virtue did not know it!

"No! Impossible! You can't be Guy Gu!"

"Absolutely impossible!"

"Illusion! Definitely an illusion! Hahaha! The old man doesn't believe it! Hahaha!"

"This must be an illusion created by fate to confuse the old man! Hahaha !!!"

"Old man won't be fooled!"

"Falsehood! Everything is falsehood, hahaha! It is his mother's falsehood! Hahaha!"

Huo De was completely mad, like a mental breakdown. In the air, Zhang Ya danced his claws and shouted. When he jumped up, the person had disappeared. Gu Qingfeng didn't hesitate, took a step, and followed immediately.

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