
Vol 2 Chapter 1798: argue

"Qiaoer, you have grown up. There are certain things that the uncle can't hide from you, and can't hide from it. Let me tell you the truth. Only the old master is indeed the nine emperor emperor in ancient times."

"Ah? Really?" Qiaoer frowned. "But ... but how does he not resemble the legendary Emperor Jiuyou Zhuang?"

"Stupid girl, the legend is a legend after all, and many legends are too exaggerated." The centrifugal fairy stroked Qiao'er's long hair, and said quietly: "Not to mention how many days we have contacted him, and how do we know that he and the legendary The nine emperor emperor is not like it. You must also keep in mind in the future. Do n’t just look at people to show that often the more ordinary and ordinary people are, the more mysterious, weirder, and terrible, and do n’t despise anyone. Because you never know how terrible a soul lies behind that ordinary appearance. "

The centrifugal fairy looked up at the direction in which the ancient breeze disappeared, and murmured: "As he is, who can imagine, he is such a bland and unreliable man, he has to cultivate for nothing, for good and for good, for nothing. It seems that people who are scornful and talkative and frivolous will be the nine emperor monarchs in the ancient times. "

"The cynicism you see on him, the leisurelyness you see, the casual dissoluteness you see are just appearances, it's just his mask. When he sacrificed the power of great gods and shocked everyone, it was him. The true face is also the true Emperor Jiuyou. "

After all, the centrifugal fairy shook her head again and said, "No! The true Emperor Jiuyou Emperor is more terrible than you see, and it is a lot more terrible ... Clever, if in the future you unfortunately meet Emperor Jiuyou Emperor again, Remember! Don't do anything, don't say anything ... Run as far as you can, stand honestly if you can't run ... Don't ask, don't watch, don't do anything. "

"Ah! Why?"

"Because in front of him, everything you do is in vain, and his mood is your arbitration and your judgment, and it determines your life and death. If he is happy, then heaven and earth are happy, if he is angry, he is sad. . "

"Jiuyou Emperor ... is it really so scary?"

Koji's frightened shivered.

At this time, Qingqing Shangxian crouched down and smiled slightly, "Kiaoer, don't listen to your uncle blindly, he is just frightening you deliberately, Jiuyou Emperor is not so terrible, and he is not a sinful and bloodthirsty man. As long as you keep yourself safe, he won't hurt you for nothing. "

The centrifugal fairy said: "Qing Qing, Qiaoer has grown up. Some things must be known to her, especially about the nine emperor emperor. If we don't tell her, in case she really meets the emperor, the consequences Have you thought about it? "

"Qiaoer wasn't a wayward person. Even if you don't say it, she won't bully others. Besides, I'm not comforting Qiaoer. You Emperor may be terrible, but that's only for the enemies who provoked him. If you don't provoke him, he won't take you at all. He is not the legendary man who will kill and kill innocent people at every turn. "

"My aunt, are you scared to be stupid?" The centrifugal fairy opened her eyes and looked at Qingqing Shangxian unbelievably. "You didn't see the Emperor's one foot just now, and they mok Mo Baiyu. There is only one breath left in the half dead, which is crueler than killing Mo Baiyu! "

"That's because they didn't know how to provoke the emperor from life and death. If they knew it, they wouldn't fall into this field even if they knew a little bit about it."

"What about Shangguan Feixing? He just pleaded for his son Shangguandong, and was killed by Emperor You on the spot. Did he have no self-knowledge, didn't he advance?"

"You Emperor killed him, not because Shangguan Feixing pleaded for his son, but because he didn't know how to repent, he also tried to kill Yudi, and being kind to the enemy was cruel to himself. You Emperor killed Shangguan Feixing and There is no fault. Although I also think that the Emperor You are too cold and ruthless, it does not mean that he has killed innocent people. "

After a pause, Qing Qing said: "Not to mention that the plea is not only Shangguan Feixing, but also Jin Lao, who follows Mo Baiyu, and Jin Lao is not murderous, so he is safe and sound."

"Okay! Even if what you said is reasonable, what about all of them? They neither provoked or killed the Emperor? Didn't they also bleed and fall down after all the seven tricks of the Emperor's shock? Is it? Until now, life and death are unknown. Under such circumstances, can't we be stumped to say that the emperor is cruel and innocent to kill innocent people? "

"You Emperor said they let them leave ... they didn't leave by themselves."

"Nonsense! You said lightly, in that case, the big guy did n’t even move, who dare to leave? The stumped because everyone did n’t dare to leave, and the seven tricks that deserved to bleed, should n’t he be too overbearing? point?"

"I think that should be a warning from the Emperor."

"Warning? What to warn?"

"I'm afraid they haven't fully believed that he is the Emperor, especially the group of Wuling Wonderland. They have suffered such a big loss today, and they shouldn't give up. The Emperor's prestige will bleed their shock. It is to warn them, to be more precise, to warn the big family behind them ~ ~ don't dwell on this matter anymore. "

Qing Qing Shangxian said lightly, glanced at the stunned centrifugal fairy, and said, "What's more, how about being overbearing? As a nine emperor emperor, shouldn't you be overbearing? Is there something I said about you Agree, that is, there is nothing wrong with the young and crazy, it is not wrong to know the heights and heights of the earth, and it is not wrong to live or die, but once you start, you have to bear the cost of doing it. "

"This ... you ... why ..."

The centrifugal fairy blinked and stared at Qing Qing. She really wondered why Qing Qing would justify the Emperor like this for a long time before she said, "I said Qing Qing, what is wrong with you? You must not be deceived by the surface of Youdi, it's just his mask. The real Youdi is terrible, much more terrible than what you saw just now. "

"I feel that the cynical disrespectful, unscrupulous and unbearable You Emperor is the real You Emperor. As for the legendary solitary and ruthless You Emperor, it is probably his mask."

Qing Qing shook his head slightly and whispered: "I think ... if he is allowed to choose, he will definitely choose to be a leisurely and ordinary person. He doesn't want to do anything. Really, no matter from his joking and scolding, or his uninhibited, even in the light words, he can feel that his laugh is from his heart. "

"But when Mo Baiyu and others stood up and provoked him again and again, I could feel that he was very irritable inside, no! Not a kind of irritability, but a kind of disgust, a kind of bored, even when he sacrificed I can feel his boredom when he looks at those great people when he shows great power. "

"I think ... he must be tired of this kind of beating."

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