
Vol 2 Chapter 1800: Evil

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"He suffered, this guy must be back to avenge this time."

"In ancient times, the Three Thousand Avenues besieged him and tried him again. After the opening of this ancient era, the secular world has repeatedly tried to obliterate him. This kind of thing will be hated by anyone. Well, let alone the Emperor, this time this guy was resurrected from death, he must be running for revenge on Three Thousand Avenues.

"Uncle, don't scare yourself, okay. If you want to find revenge on the Three Thousand Avenues, I'm afraid that you've been killed for nine days. Why would you chat with us on the boat leisurely?"

"Then why do you say that he is a good person to tell his identity in the public, he did not want to tell the heavens and worlds that his emperor died and was resurrected and returned."

"You Emperor did not disclose his identity. We doubted him before he admitted."

"He can't admit it."

"He is very clear that Yun Shuijian has revealed his identity. The fact is in front of him. How can you tell him not to admit it? Uncle, I don't think Youdi is a bad person."

"What, what? You Emperor is not a bad guy? I said what happened to Qing Qing, how did you meet You Emperor's side, and your temperament has changed, and you have said good things to You Emperor repeatedly? What is You Emperor not a bad guy? You want Find out, he is the original sinner! "

"The emperor is the original sinner. There is nothing wrong, but this does not mean that he will definitely endanger the heavens and the earth, nor does it mean that he will endanger all sentient beings. Do n’t you forget that when the Daoshan came down, the ancestor of Sanqian Avenue Every encirclement under the incarnation failed to obliterate the Emperor You. In the end, the Emperor himself ignited the fire of the original sin karma and burned himself. If he really wanted to endanger the Heaven and Earth Avenue, why light the fire of the original sin karma and burn himself? "

"Stupid girl! Don't forget, it was the emperor who ignited the original sin karma fire that year, so the original sin will awaken. I am afraid that the original purpose of the emperor who ignited the original sin karma fire was to awaken the original sin. Anyway, he transcended life and death and had silence The ability to destroy the rebirth can't die again ... "

Qing Qing and centrifugal quarreled for Gu Qingfeng.

In the end, Jinhua mother-in-law came forward and persuaded: "Centrifuge, Qingqing, don't quarrel, Qingqing, what your Uncle Centrifuge said is not wrong. You are still young and you have not experienced the ancient times. How terrible the You Emperor is, let alone think that you have seen You Emperor. You thought you knew You Emperor. The You Emperor you saw before was just appearance. The true You Emperor is far more terrible than you think. "

"Mother-in-law, I didn't say I knew You Emperor, I just ... forget it, just let me say it."

Qing Qing shook her head. She wanted to say something, but she did n’t say anything. In fact, she did n’t know what happened to her today. Why did she quarrel with her uncle just to see the Emperor who had only met her? The content of the quarrel was actually the good and bad nature of You Di, calm down and think about it, she felt a bit ridiculous.

Jinhua mother-in-law said: "Also, Qing Qing, the Yunshui sword sent by the Emperor, I think ... you still don't want to support yourself!"

"Ah? Why?"

"Dead girl, do you still need to ask why? It won't take long for today's things to spread. By then, everyone will know that your Fei Yu Jian is one of the Five Elements Swords of the You Emperor's rampage."

The centrifugal fairy stared at Qing Qing and said, "What is the You Emperor? He is intolerable, and he is the biggest sinner in the world. Do you raise his sword, do you not make trouble for yourself? You know that You Emperor killed with five elements How many people? In case everyone misunderstood what you have to do with the Emperor, how you explain it at that time, you can't say clearly. "

Mother-in-law Jinhua said: "It's true, Qing Qing, you must have a destructive heart and a deterrent heart. Sometimes public opinion and rumors are terrible. Not only can you ruin your reputation, but it can also destroy you, no matter what. Said that You Emperor is a man who is known as the original sin between the heavens and the earth. We had better not have any relationship with him, even a little relationship. If someone uses this matter to intentionally frame you, we will have a lot of trouble. debate."

Although Qing Qing didn't want to, she had to admit that what Jinhua mother-in-law and the centrifugal fairy said was true. She raised her hand, her palms flashed, the cloud and water sword condensed, and she looked at the cloud and water sword floating on the palm. Qing Qing Heart is very reluctant.

After all, Yun Shuijian had saved her life.

After all, Yun Shui Jian accompanied her to grow up, and she also had a special daring for Yun Shui Jian.

After all, she just learned the secrets of Yunshui Sword, and just merged with Yunshui Sword. She has just met the sword spirit of Yunshui Sword. She has n’t fought side by side, has n’t repaid yet, will she give up when she is stumped?

"Qing Qing, Uncle knows that you can't bear it, but now the Yun Shui sword in your hand is already a hot potato, and it will also cause the killing of the body. Even if you don't want to, you must give up, you throw it."

"What? You asked me to throw away Yun Shui Jian?"

Qing Qing didn't think about it, shook his head and said, "No! I won't throw away Yunshui Jian!"

"Girl! Why are you so stingy! Now is not the time for emotional affairs, you don't want to think about who this sword is, and you don't throw it away, why do you keep it? What if it comes to kill you? Don't forget, in recent years, Canghai Bund has been looking for troubles in our Changsheng Pavilion. Zhengchou couldn't find any handle. If Canghai knew this, they would definitely use it to make a fuss. "

"But ... but ... Yun Shui Jian has a life-saving grace for me. No matter what, I won't throw it away, and when it merges with Yun Shui Jian, I have vowed to take good care of Yun Shui Jian Ling."

"Dead girl ~ ~ This is just a sword !!"

"Yunshui sword is just a sword to you, but to me Yunshui sword is more than a sword!"

"You! You're so mad at me!"

The centrifugal fairy was angry and pointed at Qing Qing, anxious, angry, and helpless. She wanted to drink and scold again, and the mother-in-law Jinhua interrupted it, interjecting: "Centrifuge, don't say it, Qing Qing really can't throw away the cloud Water sword. "

The centrifugal fairy was surprised: "Mother-in-law, why do you even say that? Didn't you just ask Qing Qing to throw away Yunshui Sword?"

"The old man just said that he would not allow Qingqing to continue to raise Yun Shuijian for the time being. He did not say that it would be thrown away. Although Yun Shuijian would attract criticism and even mischief, it would still be impossible. No matter how it was sent by Qing You to Qingqing If the You Emperor knew in the future that Qing Qing would throw away the Yunshui Sword ... then the trouble would be even greater? "

After listening to Mother-in-law Jinhua's words, the centrifugal fairy was also a little confused, she thought about it, and felt that it was really so.

Keeping the Sword of Clouds may cause trouble, but if it is still the case, then you will offend the Emperor, and the trouble will come out.

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