
Vol 2 Chapter 1805: Where birds don't shit

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"Your boy is really ... you said to the husband how to say hello."

If it was before.

Huo De might still be able to guess Gu Qingfeng's inner thoughts. As for now, Mo said to guess, he could not even understand Gu Qingfeng's inner thoughts at all.

In his opinion, if it was the original sin person, the false self, or the ancient and ancient variables, it would be difficult to understand the world. After knowing that he would wake up, San Qian Da Dao would do everything possible to deal with him and change to anyone. Can't sit still? Will definitely be prepared in advance.

This thing is just like crossing the robbery. Since everyone knows the danger of crossing the robbery, everyone will prepare for the coming disaster, and no one wants to die in the disaster.

But the guy with an ancient breeze was indifferent.

I said to get ready.

He didn't seem to take this matter to heart at all. Not only was he unprepared, but he drank a small drink all day long, looking for fun.

It's just like ... it's not him, but others.


Huode cannot really understand Gu Qingfeng's inner thoughts.

Although the situation of Gu Qingfeng is quite special, it is like being cursed by fate, but things have not reached the point of being irreparable.

at least.

Huo De knew that the situation of Gu Qingfeng was far from this level.

Not only that.

He believes that as long as Gu Qingfeng is willing, this matter may not turn for the better.

For example, go to the Virgin Mary Su Shi.

Huo De is very clear that if Gu Qingfeng opens his mouth, Su Shi will certainly help Gu Qingfeng at any cost.

And with the influence of the maiden maiden today, as long as she comes forward to help Gu Qingfeng, it can be said that even if Sanqian Avenue really wants to use Gu Qingfeng, she must weigh the consequences.


Gu Qingfeng would never go to the maiden to help her, even if she was too lazy to see it.

This makes Huo De very helpless, and what makes Huo De helpless even more is that since his previous life, he has mentioned the three families of Caobu, Capricorn, and Kaye, and the woman that Gu Qingfeng was looking for.

Regardless of whether this is true or not, first investigate clearly to understand, and then maybe find the woman, there may be some turnaround and maybe not.

As for the news of the three groups of people, including the mother-in-law, the Capricorn, and the Gaya.

This is not difficult at all.

As long as the old man named Tianji is unknown, he will certainly know the news of these three ethnic groups, and even the news of Gu Qingfeng looking for that woman may be known.


Gu Qingfeng seems to have a dislike for Wu Guming, which can be said to be a bit disgusted and also too lazy to see it.

Huode pondered.

No matter what the result is, try it anyway.

Maybe there is hope.

If you don't try, there is not even a little hope.

But Gu Qingfeng is too lazy to even try it now, giving Huo De feels as if he is waiting to die and give up his life.

Did the stump Gu really take his fate?

It ’s really like the boy said that he had tossed his youth in the hope of survival. He did n’t want to toss in the latter half of his life for the so-called causal fate. He just wanted to live and did n’t want any hope for survival. What lives for destiny, I just want to live for myself.

Huo De wanted to persuade, but just thought of these words that Gu Qingfeng said, after thinking about it, the words came to his lips, and after all he did not speak again.

in fact.

Speaking of it, sometimes when you think about it, Huo De also feels that these words made by Gu Qingfeng make sense.

In this life, people say that they are not long and that they are short.

Since you are alive, you should be alive for yourself, so why bother about those messy things.

It ’s better to live a happier day than to live a smart day.

Of course.

This kind of thought can only be thought about.

Huo De is only Huo De. He is not the ancient Qingfeng, and his heart is not as big as the ancient Qingfeng. He cannot do the ancient Qingfeng even if the sky falls tomorrow.

When I think of it here, Huode admires Gu Qingfeng very much. This kind of admiration is the admiration in the bottom of my heart, and it is also the five-body casting of admiration.

That night.

Gu Qingfeng is wandering in this world.

I don't know if the more alive, the more lazy, or if it is too weak, the ancient Qingfeng feels a little tired and flustered.

Previously, he followed Huo De's previous life and ran around, but in order to suppress Huo De's previous life, he was really tired. After the fire consciousness was awakened, Gu Qingfeng pondered to find a place to sleep well.

I thought this place should be a secular world, but I just walked around and found that there is no personal image in this broken place, and it was dead, and looked up, then I realized that this world is a barren world, to be precise, even the world is counted No.

Because there is neither the sun, the moon, nor the origins of the world, it can only be regarded as a secret place, and it looks like an abandoned deserted place.

Gu Qingfeng pulled out the astrolabe and looked at it, but unfortunately, there was no mark of this mystery on the astrolabe, and asked, "Where is the broken place where this bird does not shit?"

Huo De also took out the astrolabe and shook his head. Obviously, there was no imprint on the astrolabe about this mystery, and then he continuously took out four or five astrolabes, but unfortunately there was no imprint of this mystery, saying: "The old man wondered if there should be a secret place here before, what calamity might have been encountered, and the devastation, the people in the secret place either died or left, anyway, how does this secret place look like the ruined one? Desolation. "

In the great wilderness, countless countless places like this barren land.

Basically, they have suffered any calamity as Huo De said. Since then, it has become barren and gradually lost its vitality and has been abandoned.

As for the calamity, this is hard to say.

It may be a turbulent storm in the wild, or it may be affected by a natural storm.

Maybe it was killed by the demon.

Such things happen from time to time in the wild ~ ~ is not uncommon.

Seeing that Gu Qingfeng did not respond, Huode asked: "Gude, where are we going?"

Gu Qingfeng yawned and said, "Find a place to sleep first."

"Why is it sleeping again?"

Huo De said dejectedly: "Your boy is sleeping besides eating and drinking on the boat, not enough?"

"In order to stare at your insane past life, Grandpa and I have always been behind the buttocks, and I haven't been idle for a moment. After so much tossing, shouldn't Grandpa be sleepy?"

"Yes! Hear what you say, the old man has to thank you, thank you, right?"

"Otherwise, do you think? Grandpa jumped up and down for your sake. Shouldn't your old man be overworked?"

"Uncle Gu, the great ancestor, leave here later, my husband find a place to take care of you, can you?"

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