
Vol 2 Chapter 1808: Youyue

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The purple green you fox is a spirit beast. !

It is also a spirit beast with a very high blood status.

How high is it?

If you are fortunate to be able to invite the purple green fox back, not to mention that the disciples in Wonderland, even the elders in Wonderland, have to be respectful. They serve delicious and delicious food every day, and they dare not have any neglect.

It's not that the purple and blue fox is full of treasure, a drop of blood is worthless.

No one is stupid enough to sacrifice the purple green fox to make any baby.

Because once the purple green fox grows up, its strength is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

It is rumored that in the ancient times, the purple and blue foxes were regarded as guardian spirit beasts by various major wonderlands or families, and they were worthy of their ancestors.

And if you have a purple green fox guardian, the status of the Wonderland family will not only be improved, but also the security will be guaranteed.

In ancient times, in the wilderness, several Wonderland families had the guardianship of purple and blue foxes.

These Wonderland families have been handed down from ancient times, and they are all famous and famous families in the great wasteland. They can be passed down from generation to generation, and the credit of Ziqing Youfox is definitely not small.

It's just that I don't know why a purple green you fox is still a three-eyed and six-tailed purple fox, so you can run into such a barren secret.

At this moment, no one is considering this issue, and everyone wants to catch Ziqing Youhu as his own.

"Put away the immortal soldiers! No one is allowed to use his sword. If someone hurts Ziqing Youhu, the old man killed him first!"

"Material method! You can only use the method to trap Ziqing Youhu, don't hurt it!"

"Be careful! Everyone must be careful! You can't hurt Ziqing Youfox!"

Some young people may not know the preciousness of the purple green fox, and they are all chasing by the immortal soldiers. The old seniors howl yelled and kept yelling at young people not to hurt the purple green fox .


Thousands of people on the field all collected the fairy soldiers in their hands, and did not dare to cast any fairy magic sword tricks. They could only follow closely behind them, carefully casting their formations.

The speed of Ziqing Youfox is as fast as lightning, and it is difficult to capture even the consciousness. Even if you use the magic sword method, you may not be able to hurt the Ziqing Youfox, let alone the formation method. Cheng, Ziqing Youhu has long wondered where it was.

The most important thing is that these thousands of people are from the major fairyland families. Everyone wants to grab the purple green fox, and they are afraid that it will be taken away by others. As long as you find who is closest to the purple fox, Everyone else would embrace.

Since Huo De recognized the purple green fox, he said nothing and went straight to grab it, but he did not grab it for a long time. Every time he was about to chase the purple green fox, there were hundreds of immortals. Fortunately, Huo De's strength is pretty good, otherwise, I'm afraid I will see the King now.

This can make Huo Deqi not weak, and swears at his mother, if not to see the purple green fox has disappeared, he really wants to kill these people.


The purple green fox is running in the air like a purple wind, and it is extremely fast. The thousands of people in the back chase wildly, and the scene is quite spectacular.

And Gu Qingfeng lazily sat in the big tree while drinking a little wine while watching the lively, and did not take the shot.

Not impossible to grab.

With his ability today, as long as he wants to grab it, he said that a little purple and green fox is the sun of the sky, and he can grab it.

The reason why no shot was taken is simple.

First, he was too lazy to grab, and secondly, he had no interest in the purple green fox.

This thing may be precious to others, and it is no different to an ordinary fox for Gu Qingfeng, and it is not an exaggeration to say that with his ability, if he wants, he raises an ordinary fox. It is not a problem to be a nine-tailed fox.

That being the case, what is the purple green fox that grabbed Rush?

Grabbing it has to be as delicious and delicious as the waiter.

Gu Qingfeng didn't hurt so much.

Give away?

No one seems to be giving away.

Sell ​​it?

Gu Qingfeng is not short of money. If you are short of money, you might as well grab the magic weapon of these people directly.

Seeing that Huo De was again trapped in the array by hundreds of people, Gu Qingfengle laughed and shouted, "I said Huo De, has your brain got into the water? It's like you grabbing things Robbed? You rushed to the front stupidly, didn't you try to die? "

Speaking of robbery, Gu Qingfeng can be said to be a connoisseur in the house.

He knows the trick of grabbing things, the most taboo is to rush to the front.

of course.

If you are strong enough, it is not impossible to rush to the front.

But if your strength is not enough to withstand so many people, once you rush to the front, they will often become the target of the congregation. Mo said that you did not grab the baby, if you grab it, other people will join hands to kill you.

In this case, the best way is to touch the fish in muddy water and watch it change in the robbed team. Even if someone else grabs it, don't take it lightly. Often this kind of behavior, if one party grabs it, it is just a start, and the back is sure Killing will happen.

Take this opportunity, first arrange various arrays without any interest, prepare yourself for the escape route, and then just wait, wait for an opportunity, it is best to wait for them to fight for your life and death, and then you can't cover your ears with lightning. The trend is to grab a shot, don't think about it, run directly.

"A bunch of kings and eight lambs! I don't show my power ~ ~ You really bully me, don't you?"

The face of Huo Deqi was full of iron, offering a peach sword, and one sword went down. At the moment, the surrounding array attack was crushed, and he was rushing to continue to snatch, but was stopped by Gu Qingfeng.

"Come on, grab it."

"No, today an old man has to grab the purple green fox, but it's the purple green fox! And it's a rare three-eyed and six-tailed fox. I'm afraid there aren't a few of them in the wild, so precious. Since the child touched, how could he give up! "

Huo De's voice had just fallen, and suddenly, Dangkong changed.

I saw a touch of purple brilliance flashing in the night sky, purple brilliance blooming like a wicked flower in the night sky, and the entire barren mystery seemed to be enveloped by this purple brilliance, and the brilliance was more like water than fire, and the fire was dark Fire, like cold water like water, turned into a circle of purple brilliance gradually, like a round purple moon hanging in the night sky.

When this purple full moon appeared, the thousands of people who had been chasing the purple green fox madly stopped, all of them shrouded inexplicable fear.

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