
Vol 2 Chapter 1812: Love

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"Come and drink, don't stop drinking today. If you don't drink a dark day, I'm sorry for such a big fate between our brothers!"

Toast and drink again, drink three glasses.

Ren Tianxing asked: "Brother Gu, you seem to be gloating."

"Really? You've seen it all? Yes, Grandpa might as well tell you that Grandpa is gloating."


"The question here is, the more I have the original sin and the falsehood, the more people who carry this guilty guilty in this ancient catastrophe, my grandfather does not expect to get rid of the original sinfulness in my life. Now there is such a good brother and grandpa Together, we can remember this black pot of ancient catastrophe. Of course, Grandpa is happy. At that time, no matter whether it is Tiandi Avenue or causal fate, we will also take care of each other. "

"If Brother Gu is happy about this matter, then Ren Mou can make Guy much happier."

"Oh? Come and listen."

"Ren Mou is also an ancient variable."

"What? You are also a variable in ancient times? Hahahaha!"

Gu Qingfeng couldn't help but laughed.

to be frank.

Gu Qingfeng hit Ren Tianxing at first glance to see that he was as much a sinful body as he was himself, but also a false person.

As for variables.

He really didn't see it.

He couldn't see the variable.

Now that I know that Ren Tianxing is also an ancient and ancient variable, Gu Qingfeng is both surprised and happy in his heart.

As he said just now, this black pot of Gu Hao Hao has been firmly clasped on his head, he can't shake it off, and he doesn't expect to throw it away anymore, and now a sudden emergence of Ren Tianxing, like himself The body of the original sin, the vain self, and the ancient and ancient variables.

In other words, how deep is the ancient Qingfeng in this ancient and ancient catastrophe this vortex, how deep is Ren Tianxing's depression, how much heaven and earth can't tolerate him, and how much can't tolerate Tianxing.

Gu Qingfeng also felt that he could not live this life with his life's confidants.

To say something unpleasant, in the future, it will be ashes off, everyone will go out together, and Lu Hao has a companion.

Although Gu Qingfeng has long been accustomed to loneliness and can tolerate loneliness, it does not mean that he enjoys loneliness.

He couldn't enjoy this stuff.

In the era of infidelity, in the guilty original sin, in this ancient and ancient catastrophe, there is a companion who is at least not so lonely.

"Old man."

Looking at the cheerful Gu Qingfeng, the cold and solemn Ren Tianxing shook his head slightly, seemingly quite helpless, and said, "You must not be too early to be happy, Ren Mou's words are not finished yet."

"What's wrong?" Gu Qingfeng asked, "Shouldn't your kid coax Grandpa? Aren't you the ancient variable?"

Ren Tianxing shook his head and said, "Ren Mou's true ancient and ancient variables are indeed the body of original sin, the false self, but ..."

The words turned around, Ren Tianxing raised his head and drank the glass of wine, and said, "Ren's original sin is not as deep as the ancient brother, Ren's arrogance is really not the ancient brother. Ren's variable is greater than the ancient brother. If today ’s ancient catastrophe is a vortex, Ren will fall into the eighteenth at most, and you are afraid that you have already fallen into the fifty-fourth, even deeper and deeper ... "

Ren Tianxing said so, like the same pot of cold water poured on Gu Qingfeng's body.


He can also see that no matter whether it is the body of original sin or the illusory one, Ren Tianxing has not fallen deep into himself. As for the variables, he has heard people more than once that he is not only a variable of ancient times, but also a nonchalant variable ... … Variables.

And even if Ren Tianxing didn't say it, Gu Qingfeng himself could feel that he had fallen deep and deeply in this whirlpool of false presumption of original sin. Because of this, he didn't expect to get rid of the original sin and prejudice. .

"My brother."

Gu Qingfeng poured himself a glass of wine, drank his head and drank, and smiled, "Some things are clear to me, why should I say them? It's so boring to say that the grandfather can't even fool himself."

"I don't know what Brother Gu plans in the future?"

"What's your plan?" Gu Qingfeng asked, "What's your plan?"

"Stumped Brother Gu are ready to confess his fate?"

"What makes me ready to confess my fate? Old man, the question now is not whether I want to confess my fate or not, but I don't want to confess my fate, or what should I do? Or can you give me pointers?"

Ren Tianxing didn't answer this question, I don't know if he didn't want to, or he didn't know how to answer it. After a while, he started to say, "Is it really impossible to get rid of it?"

Let Tianxing ask such a question, Gu Qingfeng smiled suddenly, and smiled forward and backward.

Ren Tianxing frowned and asked, "What are you laughing at? What's so funny about this?"

"What am I laughing at? What do you say I laugh at? I laugh like a tough guy with a hard bones like your old man, and his destiny has been confessed by his destiny. Yeah, but I remember clearly that you seemed to have said this life Never bow to fate. "

"Renmou did say such a thing. Now Renmou still says that, and he will still say that in the future, he will never bow to his destiny."

"Come on, let's talk about it, we should be embarrassed about who we are and who, and Grandpa won't laugh at you."

"Ren Mou did not bow to his destiny!"

"Now you may not bow to your destiny, but it is fast. When you asked me if my original sin could be rid of it, Grandpa knows that you are now embarrassed and confused ..."

Gu Qingfeng said with a smile: "If Grandpa did not guess wrong, in order to get rid of the original sin in recent years, you should not have to toss a bit, right? Even tossing even began to doubt life, right?"

This time Ren Tianxing still did not respond.

Because the fact is as Gu Qingfeng said, he has been doing one thing, that is to get rid of the original sin, cut off the cause and effect, and then change his destiny.

For this reason, all these years, what he should and should not do, he did everything. In order to get rid of the original sin, he tried everything. Unfortunately, in the end, instead of getting rid of the original sin, he got himself deeper and deeper. The cause and effect are also getting more and more chaotic.

Gu Qingfeng said that they were all good.

Ren Tianxing did not bow to his destiny, but his heart was beginning to get lost, and he started to get lost ... even he felt that he was about to get lost.

There is a way to be extremely cold.

Gu Qingfeng used to be the Great Emperor Jiuyou Emperor ~ ~ and Ren Tianxing was the Weiyang Emperor who represented the Magic Way.

Both can be described as the overlords of the world.

Gu Qingfeng was lonely.

Ren Tianxing is also lonely.

Gu Qingfeng had few friends in his life, and Ren Tianxing also had few friends.

Gu Qingfeng admired and admired Ren Tianxing, while Ren Tianxing also admired and admired Gu Qingfeng.

Gu Qingfeng regarded Ren Tianxing as a rare confidant in his life, and Ren Tianxing also regarded Gu Qingfeng as a rare confidant in life.

And only met Gu Qingfeng, a confidant.

The ruthless Weiyang Demon Emperor Ren Tianxing would sit on the floor drinking like this, only to reveal his inner thoughts.

Because in addition to the ancient Qingfeng, this world is so big, but Ren Tianxing can no longer find a second confidant who can care.

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