
Vol 2 Chapter 1822: Ancient world

"True and fake, still revealing the real body?"

Gu Guqingfeng looked at the fire up and down with suspicion, and smiled, "You show a real body called Grandpa and see."

"Then your boy is a bit mentally prepared, don't be scared by his mother."

Huode coughed two times, corrected his look, and then changed his shape. He was wearing a shabby robe, stunned, and the untouched Huode disappeared. In the presence of a holy white robe, his hair was white and hand-held. The fire of Buddha dust.

"Ancient boy." Huo De twisted his white beard, looked like a fairy-like bone, and smiled lightly: "What is the truth of the poor Tao? Look at your expression, it must be surprised."

Don't say.

Gu Qingfeng's heart was really surprised by Huo De here. He looked around Hue De and looked at it, and looked at it. After a while, he began to exclaim: "I said Huo De can be, No wonder people say that people rely on clothes to wear Buddha and gold. Your kid wears this style of clothing. At first glance, it looks like his mother is a bit immortal. If he does n’t know you, he ’s really his mother. Would you think that your old boy is a senior man who came out? "

"Hahahaha! Believe it now."

Huo De laughed proudly and said, "Moreover, the husband can tell you very responsibly that in Miluo Tianyu, the husband is really a genuine senior man, whether it is the ancestor of the Wonderland family or a grandfather, even if It is a man of destiny, and when he sees the old man, he must respectfully shout to senior Yun Xiazi. "

Gu Qingfeng raised a brow and asked, "Senior Yun Xiazi?"

"Yes, Yun Xiazi is the old man's road sign in Miluo Tianyu."

"Yun Xiazi? Why is this way so familiar?" Suddenly, Gu Qingfeng remembered something, and said, "Isn't that **** good for us, Yun Xia's grandpa?"

"Because Yun Xia Zi is our ancestor of Yun Xia's ancestor, so the old man gave himself such a whistle."


"Guzi, you know that the old husband has always had a great regret in his life, that is, he failed to carry forward Yunxia School."

The ancient breeze nodded, and he also knew that Huode was in the Yunxia faction. If it was not for this reason, Huode would not have devoted most of his life to the Yunxia faction.

"To this day, the old man still clearly remembers that the Master was depressed, and it was precisely because Yun Xia sent him lonely every day. Since then, the old man has vowed that he will definitely carry forward Yun Xia."

"Unfortunately, the old man didn't have that ability before. The Yunxiao faction was in the hands of the old man. Not only did he not develop it, he did not even pass on the inheritance. In the end, it was destroyed by your kid."

"Yunxia faction is the knot of your old boy, and this knot is getting stronger and stronger in your heart. This is the root cause of your stagnation." Gu Qingfeng said, "If the old man did not treat Yunxia faction It's gone, you old man will not be able to survive this life. "

"The old man knew that your boy had killed Yunxia faction for the good of the old man, but ..." Huo De shook his head and said, "The Yunxia faction carried too many memories, too many dreams, and too many dreams. I ca n’t let it go. I did n’t have the ability to carry Yunxia to the fore, but then I entrusted you with your child ’s blessing and rebuilt the old man ’s body. This is a little old man ’s ability. ”

Ancient Gufeng asked: "What then?"

其实 "Actually, boy, there is one thing my husband never told you about."

"what's up?"

"After the old man regained his physical body and regained consciousness, he did not rush into the wild, but recreated the Yunxia faction in the secular world. You also know that the old man ’s reputation in the secular world is not good. Little acquaintances know the details of the old man. The old man was worried about creating the Yunxia faction with the Taoist name Huo De. He was later gossiped. Therefore, the old man used the grandfather's Taoist name temporarily, and he lied to the outside that he was Yunxia Grandpa Yunxiazi. "

"So, did you create another Yunxia pie in our secular world?" Gu Qingfeng smiled and looked at Huode, and said, "Look at your proud look. The recreated Yunxia pie mixes well in the secular world. ? "


Ben Huode smiled mysteriously and said, "Gud, since you have arrived in Miluo Tianyu, do you want to go back to our hometown and see?"

即便 "Even if you don't say it, I want to go back and see."

"Let's go then."

In the great wilderness, there are many small worlds in each celestial area, and Miluo Tianyu is no exception.

In ancient times, due to the lack of resources, the immortal dynasty that dominated the origin of the world, worried about people in other worlds vying for resources, and afraid of invasion by demons and monsters, so most of the worldly world was closed. It's hard to get in, and it's hard to get out of the world.

In ancient times, all things are revived, and spiritual resources are everywhere. In addition, in the ancient times, the immortal dynasty dominated the wild, and did not worry about other people vying for resources, or even the invasion of demons and monsters. Is open.

人 People inside and outside the world can come in and out at will. Not only that, for trade exchanges, the world and the world are also connected. As long as the permission of the fairy dynasty is allowed, the major wonderland can also settle here.

The ancient hometown of the ancient breeze and the fire is called the ancient world.

I'm right.

亘 is called the ancient world.

This is a very strange and weird name.

As for why it is such a strange name ~ ~ no one knows.

Among the many secular worlds in Miluo Tianyu, the reputation of the ancient world is not small, it can even be said to be very large, at least, as long as the ancient world is mentioned, most people have heard of it.

the reason is simple.

Wuwudao Mountain has come to the ancient world more than once.

As we all know, Wudao Mountain belongs to the Wudao Age, and it even represents the Wudao Age in a certain sense. It is even more rumored that as long as you climb the Wudao Mountain, you can open all the secrets of the Wudao Age.

It is no coincidence that Wu Wudao Mountain came to the ancient world several times before and after.

Some people say that the ancient world may have some connection with the era of the Tao, and it may not be impossible for the ancient world to be the fragmented world of the Tao.

如此 So, the ancient world is enough to be famous in the wilderness.

of course.

There is an even more important reason why the ancient world is so famous.

Most of the world dominated by the Immortal Path is dominated by the Immortal Dynasty, and the world lord is also assumed by the Immortal Lord.

The only source of the ancient world is not the **** of the immortal dynasty, but the **** of the world goddess, Junxuan, who has always been, and the fairy dynasty never dominated the origin of the ancient world.

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