
Vol 2 Chapter 1835: her years without waves, respect me for the rest of my life

The ancient breeze likes wine and is addicted to wine.

He once drank all the fine wines of the endless world in this vast wilderness.

If Qiu said that the strongest and most difficult wine to swallow between the heavens and the earth, Gu Qingfeng would surely answer four words: Hong Chen's past.

I'm right.

他 In his opinion, Hongchen's past is the strongest, hardest to swallow and the most drunk.

This wine is not drunk, only drunk.

Li Guqingfeng lay on his chair, leaning Erlang's legs, slightly closing his eyes, and playing with this stone, he said nothing.

绯 And Feiyue stood beside and did not continue to speak, but stood quietly.

She is Ouyang Ye's aunt.

Even if the memory of Ouyang Ye's previous life has long been awakened, now she has become the mother of clouds, and has always regarded Feiyue as her aunt.

About the red dust past between Yun Nishang II and Gu Qingfeng, she knows, not only knows, but also listened to Yun Nishang in detail about the past.

and so.

She also knows all the stories behind this stone pendant.

I chose to be silent just because she knew it.

After a long while.

The ancient breeze opened his eyes and raised his head to drink the wine.

Liquor is a **** impermanence wine presented by Weiyang Mo Emperor Ren Tianxing.


古 When the ancient Qingfeng raised his glass, this glass of **** impermanence is no longer **** impermanence, but a glass of fine wine with red past.

In the past, Gu Qingfeng continued to pour a drink with a glass of alcohol.

After drinking the wine in the glass this time, he felt a feeling that he couldn't tell. He glanced at the empty glass, poured it down, and didn't pour out even a drop.

"She only asked you to give me this thing? Did she say anything?"

Feiyue shook her head and said, "Yui Ye just let me return this stone pendant to you, the others ... said nothing."

"Oh, just say nothing."

The ancient breeze whispered: "It's ok without saying ..."

Gugu Qingfeng stood up, poured two glasses of wine, and said, "If you see him again in the future, tell her a word for me."


Gu Qingfeng handed one of the wines to Feiyue, and he picked up another one himself, saying: "The relationship between the first life has its cause and effect, and there is no look back on the road to fate. Respect me for the rest of my life. "

I say nothing.

The ancient breeze drank the wine in the glass.

Xie Feiyue opened her mouth and stopped talking. She looked down at a glass of wine in her hand and looked at Gu Qingfeng, put the wine in her hand on the table, and said, "I can't tell you this."


"There is no reason, you ... see her later and tell her yourself."

"I don't know if I can see her again."

"I believe you will be able to see Ye Ye."

"Well, that's it, then forget it." Gu Qingfeng looked at the stone pendant in his hand and smiled, "I'm wondering about something. She asked you to return this thing to me, which means she knew I will definitely come to Yunxiazong? "


"Nature's mother is indeed a mother-in-law, and she really looks like a god." Gu Qingfeng sighed as he drank, "I've only slept for ten thousand years. After waking up, all of them are mother-in-law." I will be considered a godmother. "

既然 "Since the stone pendant has been returned to you, I also ... it's time to leave, you ... continue to rest, I won't bother."

"This is going to go? Stop drinking two cups to talk?"


行 "OK, then you go."

Xun Feiyue slightly owed her body. After saluting, she turned and left, leaving only the large garden and only Gu Qingfeng alone drinking fine wine.

Looking at the stone pendant in his hand, Gu Qingfeng couldn't help falling into contemplation.

He is not saying anything, not sighing, not even remembering something.

Although Red Sleeve was the first amorous woman in his life, but after learning that Red Sleeve was the reincarnation of Yun Nishang, Gu Qingfeng had long forgotten that relationship and had no attachment to it.

He looked at the stone pendant in deep thought because he remembered something.

That's why I wore this stone pendant on my neck when I was young. Who left it to myself?

Is it your own biological father and mother?

Regarding his own biological father and mother, Gu Qingfeng had no impression at all. He had inquired about the information of his biological parents in the past. Nothing was found, and no one knew who his biological parents were. According to those people under the Chiyan Ridge that year, When they found themselves on Chiyan Ridge, they were already wandering around Chiyan Ridge.

And Gu Qingfeng's first memory was that he wandered on Chiyan Ridge. He was hungry and ate wild fruits. He accompanied a lone wolf all day and jumped on Chiyan Ridge.

The ancient breeze pondered that even if he was born of the blood of the original sin, there should be only a biological father and a mother. Could it not have come out of a crack in the stone?

What's more, Bai Chou is just like himself, conceived with the same blood of original sin. Everyone has a biological father and mother.

Why don't you have any impression of your father and mother?

The ancient breeze looked at the stone pendant in his hand and wondered whether this thing was left to him by his own father and mother.

If so.

Why is this stone an ancient character?

What is the meaning behind the ancient word 字?

I was stumped and said that I was abandoned by my biological father and mother in Chiyan Ridge?

The ancient breeze clearly remembers that when he was wandering in Chiyan Ridge, he was only three or four years old. What about the memory before the three or four years old? Why isn't it a little bit?

Even if you were abandoned by your biological father and mother, should you have the previous memories?

And how did he come to Chiyan Ridge? Why is it Chiyan Ridge?

Gu Qingfeng did not think about it carefully before ~~ ~ Now think about it, I feel that my life experience seems to be a kind of evil spirit, a bit confusing.

The more ancient Qingfeng thought, the more she felt wrong, the more she thought, the more she felt the evil.

Can't stand it.

After thinking for a long time, he didn't think of a reason, so he didn't keep thinking about it.

Today's Gu Qingfeng is very open and pessimistic about many things, such as cause and effect, such as destiny, such as original sin, such as falsehood, and everything is true. His life experience is no exception.

Now he is inactive, not compelled to do anything, everything follows, let it be.


Another person walked into the garden eagerly.

I am not someone else.

I am exactly Huode.

"Mother-in-law, old boy, you mother is too good to sleep, you have been asleep for half a month before waking up."

Looking at Gu Qingfeng's anxious look, Gu Qingfeng said saltily and indifferently: "What? Heaven fell down?"

"The sky hasn't settled down, but it's coming soon."

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