
Vol 2 Chapter 1839: surge

At the same time, Huode also admired the ancient Qingfeng more and more.


What he admired was not the practice of Gu Qingfeng, nor the virtue, but the character of being unkind and unrestrained.

This kid can not only drink wine with small characters with small backgrounds, but also enjoy drinking with big characters with large backgrounds and large identities.

Not only can they seduce ordinary girls from Xiaomen Xiaohu Xiaojia Biyu, but they can also tease the destiny mother-in-law of Datian Dadi Avenue Overlord.

Not only can you go to the kiln to listen to Xiao Qu'er for some fun, but you can also play around the Three Thousand Avenues to find some great fun.

It can not only bear the prestige of the Great Emperor Jiuyou, but also the notoriety caused by the original sin.

Huo De didn't understand before.

If you do n’t understand anything, you really have seen the world.

Now he understands.

Like Gu Qingfeng, who can enjoy both the best and the worst, this is the real world.

Gu Qingfeng did not understand before.

I don't know what kind of life is the most exciting.

Now he understands.

Such as the ancient Qingfeng can not only bear the prestige of eternal legend, but also bear the notoriety of the ancient sin, so it is the most wonderful life.

Gu Qingfeng didn't live in vain.

Absolutely not.

At least, in Huode's mind, he felt that Gu Qingfeng was worth his whole life.

Huo De didn't understand before.

I don't understand why Gu Qingfeng doesn't care about anything, it doesn't matter, he is not afraid of the world, he just does whatever he wants.

Now he finally understood.

It's not because Gu Qingfeng's state of mind is detached.

It's because this guy should experience, should not experience, should play, should not play, some should not have, all tried ...

There is no regret in this guy's life, and it is not too much to call it a successful life.

What else is terrible for him?

What else to care about?

What else can I care about?

The answer is yes.

He wasn't afraid of anything, didn't care about it, he didn't care about everything.

Think of it here.

Huode is very happy and proud of Gu Qingfeng in his heart, and can be said to be proud of Gu Qingfeng.

"Gu Gu, when are you going to do it?"

"Hand? What hand?"

"Isn't your kid talking about frightening Sanqian Avenue for fun?"

"up to you."

"what? What?"

Huo De thought he had heard it wrong, and he froze for a while, and asked, "What does it mean to watch fate? For the first time in my old life, I still heard that fate is still a matter of fate."

"I do not know?"

"I don't understand."

"Looking at fate means letting it go."

"Let's go with it? This ... forget it, the old man doesn't ask." Huo De sighed again, he found that the ancient Qingfeng is getting more and more evil, and the words are getting more and more unpredictable. He couldn't understand it at the time, and he knew that the existence of Gu Qingfeng was beyond his imagination, so he didn't bother to ask any more.

"Are there any delicious delicacies in Zong?"

Gu Qingfeng touched his stomach and said, "Ye suddenly has a mouthful, and wants to eat something delicious."

"Yes, a lot, what do you guys want to eat, there are all kinds of spiritual fruits ..."

"Even if the fruit is there, does Grandpa want something to eat?"

"After all, Yun Xia Zong is a practitioner, so what's wrong?"

"Isn't it anywhere else in the world?"

"Eating fairy towns."

"Shixian Town?" Gu Qingfeng asked curiously after hearing the words, "but Shixian Town under the Shang Qingzong Mountain?"


"A thousand years have passed since ancient times. Is Xianxianzhen still alive?"

"The Shang Qingzong has always been there, and Shixian Town must be there, and ... Gu Xiaozi, I don't know yet, now the reputation of Shixian Town is incredible. It is famous in Miluo Tianyu. Many people come here every day to taste the food of Shixian Town. "

"It's daring."

When Gu Qingfeng was practicing in the Shang Qing Sect, he would go to Shixian Town every three or five times. Today, he still clearly remembers that there is a Luoxuan Old Soup in Shixian Town, and the deliciousness is a bit drooling now.

"Sixian Town is still in the same place, isn't it?"

"Still at the foot of Shangqingzong's mountain, why, your boy is going now?"

"I have the idea."

"This, Gu, the old man thinks he can't accompany you to Shixian Town. There are more broken things in the case. The old man will have to see a wave of guests later."

"Ye didn't tell you to accompany me."

"This ... well, otherwise, my husband asked Feiyue to accompany you?"

"No need to."

Gu Qingfeng was about to leave, and suddenly remembered something, and asked, "What's the situation with Shang Qingzong now?"

"The Qing Dynasty is still the same. People in the ancient times were the first in this world. It is still the first in the world for thousands of years. The background of the Qing Dynasty is too strong. There are thirty-six holes in the back. For nine days, as long as the immortal path is not destroyed, the Shang Qingzong will not be destroyed. "


No exaggeration at all.

Huo De only knew that the background of the Shang Qingzong was very powerful ~ ~ It was not until after many years of smashing in the wilderness that the background of the Shang Qingzong was much stronger than expected. Alas, Shangqing Aya is one of the best even in the thirty-six cave days. It is said that the background of Shangqing Aya is even more terrible. It is one of the nine days. Patriarch.

It is because of this that the Shang Qing Sect in the secular world can stand up from generation to generation.

Don't think that the Qing dynasty can only exist in this world. There are countless shangqing ancestors in the heavens and the world. Although they can't be found all over the world, they are almost the same.

"The Shang Qingzong is immortal. Grandpa is not interested to know. I asked you, my master, is his old man still Shangqingzong?"

"This one……"

Huo De shook his head and said, "Guo, I'm afraid the old man can't answer you. Anyway, I haven't heard from Master Zhenjue these years. His old man is still not in the Qing Dynasty, and the old man is not quite sure. "

Gu Qingfeng nodded, pondered for a moment, and then asked, "Where is Ye Tianlan? Are you still in Shang Qingzong?"

"The maiden's maiden should be gone, at least. She hasn't appeared or heard from her since the ancient times, but ... Guzi, I heard that the maiden's maiden is the grandmother of Shangqing. Really? "

"Maybe, I haven't investigated this."

Huo De also said: "Shang Qingzong has always been under the control of her disciple Yunzhang, you should remember the monarch Yunzhang, is the one who died in the heavenly path."

"A bit impressed, I don't remember too clearly."

"When the old man set up a sect, Yun Yun also came to congratulate ..."

Before Huo De's words were finished, Gu Qingfeng seemed to have no interest in listening, and he just greeted and left.

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