
Vol 2 Chapter 1850: Sad You Emperor

"It's nice to be alive this year, no matter how other people live."

After listening to Gu Qingfeng's words, Xiao Jiner's face that looked innocent was showing a very mismatched expression, as if helpless, saying, "Brother, do you believe in cause and effect?"

"It's okay, you can't believe it, you can't believe it."

"That big brother thinks that you and sister-in-law met before, is it a cause and effect?"

"I don't know."

"Does the older brother think that cause and effect can escape?"

Gu Qingfeng shook his head and responded truthfully, saying: "I don't know."

"Can cause and effect be cut off?"

"Not even sure."

"I don't know if my elder brother still wants to answer Jiner."

Gu Qingfeng looked at Xiao Jin'er and said, "Jin'er, what do you want to say? It's better to say it."

"Jin Er feels that both the cause and effect of previous life and the cause and effect of this life are cause and effect. If the big brother can avoid the cause and effect and cut off the cause and effect, then it is good. Why not try it? "

"It's not impossible to try, not to mention, I never refused, right?"

"The elder brother did not refuse, but the elder brother did not accept it, nor did he take the initiative, did he?"

"Jiner." Gu Qingfeng bitterly explained: "This kind of thing is about feelings. I don't have any feeling for Su Shi. How can you make me take the initiative, right?"

"Since the elder brother has no feeling for sister-in-law, why do you have to recruit sister-in-law, and why give her hope again and again?"

"Jiner, I already explained it. Before, I just took Su Shi away without any other meaning."

"Brother, Jiner is not talking about this time."

"Not this time, which time?"

"Before Wudao Mountain came down, did Sister Xun ever look for his elder brother, right?"

"Yes, that's what happened."

"The elder brother once said something to sister-in-law, do you remember?"

"What is it?"

"As long as you want, as long as I have."

"It's good to say that."

"So big brother, can Jiner understand this sentence as a promise?"

"This ..." When Gu Qingfeng was asked by Xiao Jin'er for a while, he really didn't know how to answer, scratched his head, and explained: "This is indeed a promise. When the roadless mountain came down, both Su and I knew this. As soon as she died, she said that she would let me stay with her for a few days, and I would stay with her for a few days. As for this promise, I really said that. "

"Since the older brother acknowledged it."

"I didn't say I wouldn't admit it. If Su Shi asked me to go to him, as long as she said, no problem, I can go now. Jiner often, did your uncle sister ever let me go to her?"

"Sister Sister ... hasn't said it, but ... Sister Sister didn't say it doesn't mean she doesn't want to, and ..."

What else did Jin Jiner want to say, Gu Qingfeng really didn't want to talk to her about this problem again, and said, "Since your sister-in-law hasn't said it, don't blame me about it. When she spoke, I'll pass by. "

"Brother, you ... how can you ... so ... so ..."

Xiao Jin'er stared at the Gu Qingfeng here, shook her head helplessly, but wanted to say something but stopped talking, and then shook her head again, sighed and sighed, got up and jumped off immediately, riding on her again My white horse.

"Oh, I haven't seen you for a long time, but my temper has risen." Gu Qingfeng laughed. "What's wrong, I'm not going to see your sister, are you still angry?"

"No, Jin'er wasn't angry, Jin'er was just ... a little lost."

"What have you lost?"

Xiao Jiner rode on the white horse, looking at the sky, and said quietly, "Big brother, do you know? In Langya Blessed Land, I often see a lot of old seniors will miss the young age. I did n’t understand it before, now I finally understand Then. "

Gu Qingfeng was a little puzzled, and some couldn't understand. Why did Xiao Jiner, who was not so good, came up with such a strange word, and asked, "What do you mean by that?"

"When you are young, you are carefree. Both reality and dreams are wonderful."

"What do you mean, you are now grown up, are in trouble, and are starting to miss the time before?"


"So you are lost?"

"Jin Er is not lost to herself, but to her older brother."

"Why did I let you down? I was stumped because I didn't go to see you, Sister Su?"


"Why is that?"

Xiao Jin'er said softly: "In the past, Jiner often heard people say how big and embarrassing his elder brother was. Whenever he heard someone say that, he would be very angry, and would stand up for him. My brother justified, until today, and until now, Jiner finally understood a truth, that is, what the world said is not bad, the big brother is really a kind person. "


This time, Gu Qingfeng was completely speechless.


Xiao Jin'er said that she provoked Su Shi, and Gu Qingfeng justified himself because he didn't mean to provoke Su Shi.

right now.

Xiao Jiner said that he was a kind-hearted person ~ ~ Gu Qingfeng did not justify himself, because he knew he was such a virtue.

He has never denied this.

No way.

He's just like this. He likes to tease a girl and stir up a girl when he's fine, so as to pass the empty loneliness in his heart.

Seeing Gu Qingfeng's silence, Xiao Jin'er apologized, "Brother, I'm sorry, Jin'er didn't want to make you angry, Jin'er just wanted to ..."

Gu Qingfeng waved his hand and said with emotion: "Jiner, the elder brother is not angry, you are right, I really have such a bad character in your elder brother, I ca n’t change it, I ’m too lazy to change it, just like this . "

"Brother, can Jiner ask a question?"

"Just ask."

"Big brother, after so many years, haven't you ever really loved a woman?"

"should not."

Gu Qingfeng thought about it carefully. The women that she had come along in this way, from the beginning of the clouds, to the moon, to Tang Yue, Ye Tianlan, Jun Xuan, and so on ... thought again, once young At that time, although there was such a past with Yun Nishang's reincarnation, at that time, young ignorance, immature mind, and no sense, at that time, rather than pursuing her, it was better to engage in agitation, the element of being able to compete with authority, Not to mention falling in love, I'm afraid I can't even talk about it.

As for Jun Xuanyu, to be honest, there is more content in the drama, and there is no love at all.

"Brother, don't you think this is a sad thing?"

"Sadly? Why is it sad?"

"If a person lives a whole life, if there is not even a loved one, and he doesn't even know what it feels like, wouldn't it be sad if the elder brother is stumped?"


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