
Vol 2 Chapter 1863: Come from Changsheng Pavilion

The two men were talking, and a group of twenty or thirty people came in.

Seeing these years, the centrifugal fairy and Qingqing Shangxian couldn't help but look up, because these people are the elders of the Changsheng Pavilion. The white-haired old man headed by this is not only the elder of the Changsheng Pavilion, but also The master of Dingding's famous floating emperor is also the ancestor of Qingqing Shangxian.

The hill road opened.

He is a far-off ancient senior who has practiced for hundreds of thousands of years.

I have high prestige in the wilderness.

The people who followed behind the old Kaishan predecessors were also the strong men of Changsheng Pavilion. Whether it was cultivation or strength, they were all inscrutable, and they were all famous and powerful men in the wilderness.

"Master, why are you here?"

Neither Qi Qingqing nor Centrifuge thought that the elders of the Changsheng Pavilion would come, let alone that even Master Shishan, the ancestor who had long ignored the world, came.

"What happened to this old man, can he still sit still?"

As soon as Master Kai Kaishan's words fell, a group of elders behind Changshengge couldn't help but scold him.

"What happened to the two of you, how could you spread such a big thing."

知道 "I don't know how many people are looking for you both now!"

"Our faces of the Changsheng Pavilion people have all been lost to you. Massages, bouncy songs, kneeling and kneeling, how do you two do such things that corrupt the reputation of the Changsheng Pavilion. "

Facing the rebuke of the elders, Qing Qing lowered her head and remained silent, and the centrifugal fairy knew that she had lost her face to Changsheng Pavilion this time and begged: "Uncle, we already know that you are wrong, you Do n’t train us anymore? Not to mention that you were not present at the time, and you did n’t know how scared I and Qing Qing were. We had to massage him to play a song, but that was the Emperor after all. ”

"What's wrong with Emperor You? Are you so afraid of him? As disciples of Changsheng Pavilion, how can you be so greedy and afraid of death that you don't even have the reputation of our Changsheng Pavilion?"

"Uncle, don't stand back and talk without backache. It doesn't happen to you. If you see the Emperor, you might be afraid."

"Well, you centrifugal, how dare you talk to Uncle Shi and do something wrong, do you still have reason?"

Centrifuge was about to return to the past. At this time, Mr. Kaishan drank, "Enough, it's this time, what else is noisy!"

Mr. Kaishan is famous for his majesty. No one up or down in the Changsheng Pavilion dares to arrogantly in front of him. He glanced at Qing Qing and said, "Qing Qing, the old man asks you, the fairy sword you have been nurturing really is like Rumors are like the Five Elements Cloud and Water Sword made by the Emperor?

Xun Qingqing nodded, and then sacrificed Yunshui Sword.

The Jinyun Sword is blooming with aqua brilliance, whispering, like the sea setting off a turbulent wave, which makes people feel a sense of suffocation.

"So powerful!"

The predecessors of Wu Changsheng Pavilion are masters who have been practicing for many years. When Qing Qing sacrificed Yunshui Sword, they can clearly feel the powerful power of Yunshui Sword.

An elder elder asked, "Qing Qing, I saw your fairy sword before. It doesn't seem to have such great power?"

"In the past, the sword spirit of Yunshui Sword ignored me at all, and I could not wake it up. On the way, I encountered the Emperor ... The sword spirit of Yunshui Sword awoke ...

"Is this really the Five Elements Cloud Water Sword made by the Emperor?"

"This ..." Qing Qing replied stubbornly: "Should be, there are many traces of trials left on the various avenues in the sword spirit world, and sword spirit himself also acknowledges that it is the Yunshui sword."

At this moment, Mr. Kaishan held the Yunshui Sword, closed his eyes, as if feeling the Yunshui Sword.

Everyone didn't talk anymore, staring at Master Kaishan.

I would like to say Youdi, they may have all seen it, but they have never seen the Five Elements Swords made by Youdi.

Can't stand it.

I have seen one person.

This person is the old man Kaishan.

不仅 He not only saw the Five Elements Sword refined by Youdi that year, but also played with You Emperor, and was very impressed with the Five Elements Yunshui Sword made by You Emperor.

"Father, how is this? This fairy sword is really a five-element cloud and water sword made by the emperor?"

Mr. Kaishan opened his eyes and didn't speak, but just returned Yun Shui Jian to Qing Qing, then shook his head, sighed deeply, and said, "It seems everything is true, he is back, You Emperor ... really returned from death and resurrection. "

If they had a little doubt about the Emperor You were real before.

So when Master Kaishan said these words, the only suspicion in his heart had completely disappeared.

"This is terrible. If You Emperor returns, the matter is really too big. The calm and wildness will be chaotic from then on."

"After not in use, the Great Wilderness has now become a mess of porridge. After I heard that the news spread, Jiutianxiandao immediately lowered the purpose of the avenue. This time, there are likely to be major issues."

Wu Changsheng Pavilion is one of the 72 blessed land. Naturally, the elders of these Changsheng Pavilion also knew what the return of the Emperor meant, and they were very worried.

"Nine days have come down the avenue?" Qing Qing asked, "What will it do? What will it do?"

"The existence of You Emperor threatens the ancient times, what do you say the purpose of Jiutian descending the avenue?"

"That is to say, Jiu Tian has already lowered his will and is ready to obliterate the Emperor?"


"Oh my God!"

After hearing that, Qing Qing only felt that she was turning round, and she was very guilty and guilty, because she felt that if she did not pick up the Five Elements Cloud and Water Sword of the Emperor, the identity of the Emperor today would not be because of herself exposure.

"I don't know, don't tell me blindly!" Father Kaishan glared at everyone in the Changsheng Pavilion and reprimanded, "Who told you to kill the Emperor You for nine days?"

"Father, ~ ~ Don't you say that nine days have come down?"

"The old man did say that the will of nine days had come down, but he never said that the will of nine days was to obliterate the emperor."

"Father, do you still want to say this? Nine days are about to come down, it must be the killing of Emperor You."

"What do you understand! Only nine days of immortal law enforcement were received this time. If Jiutian immortal really wanted to obliterate the Emperor, thirty-six cave days, seventy-two blessings, the various immortal palaces, the major immortals, the major Wonderland will all receive the will. If there is such a day, the fairy road will not be far from death. "

"Father, what do you mean by that?"

"Nine days is no longer the nine days of the year, and Xiandao is no longer the same year. Nine days of the fairy road has long been suffocated by a group of people who are smoky, forgetting their original intentions, thinking that they dominate the world and do whatever they want."

Mr. Kaishan shook his head and sighed, as if he was extremely disgusted with Jiutianxiandao, and said, "I also hope that they can learn the lessons of ancient times and keep a good memory. Otherwise, the nine-day burning of the emperor in ancient times will repeat itself. The ancestors are awake, and I hope that this group of ancestors will no longer be as incompetent as the people of this ancient age. I hope so, otherwise, only the sentient beings of all heavens will suffer. "

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