
Vol 2 Chapter 1867: Terrible true body

Perhaps the laughter of Tu Jaws was too arrogant, and it caused a lot of immortal pride in the opposite side. They could not see the arrogance of the demon in the heart, even the upper demons such as Tu Jaw. Xiandao Pride will not put him in his eyes.

"Huh! It's just a little demon, dare to be so mad."

"Xiaodao has subdued us from the Great Guangxian Road since ancient times. The so-called upper demon, no matter how rampant, is also a demon, and cannot reach the big table."

"The monsters couldn't even get on the table, and they could only slap in the Wuling Wonderland."

"That's right! A group of monsters who pull big **** even want to come here to make this lively, and they are not afraid to tell jokes when they go out."

"That is, a group of monsters who don't know how to live and die, in my eyes are a group of beasts."

There are many ridiculous people on Xiandao who laughed at it. No one knows who actually started, because there are too many philosophers on Xiandao.

Although most of the immortals in Fairy Road are still relatively high-quality, it is not guaranteed that there are some low-quality ones in it, not to mention, the people gathered in Meihua Wonderland not only have immortals, but also countless immortals. Shangxian, and the immortals of the major wonderland.

of course.

There are also many here on the demon road, and when you hear the ridicule of Xiandao, the demon road is not to be outdone.

"A bunch of immortal hybrids, what are you guys doing, don't you just rely on people? What's so great!"

"Without nine days of blessing, you wouldn't even be a fart!"

"A group of self-righteous things, I really think you have dominated the world with Xiandao? Tell you, now our ancestors of the demon Tao are back, it's time to find your Xiandao account!"

The two sides clamored and laughed at each other, not knowing what to do.

Yaodao shouted over there: "Just like your group of so-called immortal pride, you also want to kill the Emperor? His mother doesn't know if she can spit his urine and look at herself, is there such a thing?"

"The Emperor You almost burned you for nine days in the flames of ancient times. Are you forgotten? Did you dare to kill the Emperor? Did you still want the Emperor to burn another nine days to be happy?"

"I say you, his master, your master, your ancestors, the trousers that scared you when you saw the emperor, a bunch of rabbits with no hair, and they tried to kill the emperor, and I don't know who was the joke!"

At that time, the emperor You burning nine days was well known, and it was a shame that Nine Heavens Immortal Road could never erase.

It's just that in the ancient times, immortality ruled the world, and no one dared to bring up this shame.

Now I do n’t know who has eaten the ambitious leopard and dared his throat and spoke out the nine days of shame in front of so many people in Xiandao.

This time, the demon road not only annoyed all the immortals in Xiandao, but also annoyed the immortals who had been around to see the excitement around them.

"A group of monsters with big cocks, and their faces say that we are immortal, facing the emperor, at least we are not afraid of immortality, and you are demon, and even the face scared by the emperor in ancient times dare not reveal it."

"Yu Emperor made a lot of noises at that time, weren't your demon roads frightening? Even your demon roads gave way to You Emperor and wanted to serve You Emperor as the Lord of the Demon Road, but they were too lazy to see it. A glance. "

"Now that you see the Emperor You are recovering, you also want to obliterate others. Is there this ability? People scare you!"

Everyone knew that the Emperor You had burned for nine days.

At that time, the Emperor You made a lot of things, and everyone knew the same thing.

If you say that Emperor Youdi's burning for nine days is the shame of Xiandao, then what Emperor You did then throw away the origin of playing Demon Tao is the shame of Demon Tao.

In this way, the demon Tao shook his throat and called out the shame of Xiandao to humiliate Xiandao.

And Xiandao also shouted the shame of the demon to humiliate the demon.

Messed up!

It's all messed up.

Fairy Road laughed at Fairy Road, which was angry at Fairy Road.

The fierce screamers on both sides were clamoring with their voices, and there was still the possibility of fighting.

Fortunately, there are Shimao and Fang Ying on the side of Xiandao, and the upper gods on Qinggu are suppressing. There are also other monsters on the other side of the demon road. As long as the leading figures on both sides do not do it, others dare not do it.

The representatives of Shi Yan, Fang Ying, Qinggu, and the Celestial Celestial Celestial Masters maintained the order on the side of the Immortal Road, while the gang of slaughter jaws also maintained the order on the side of the Demon Path.

They are the young generation leaders of Xiandao and Yaodao in the ancient times. Whether it is experience, experience, or state of mind, they are not comparable to other arrogants. They are very clear that in this case, if the two parties start, the consequences It is unthinkable, not to mention that today they are all coming for the Emperor, not to fight.


No one wants to make this matter big, and make every effort to maintain order.

However, they are deliberately maintaining order, and the results are not ideal. They may all be the leading figures of the younger generation, but they are far from being able to deter others with one word.

Especially over Xiandao, it just turned into a pot of porridge.

You know today, all of you are all fairy arrogants in the major heavens. They are all self-proclaimed masters. They usually do not accept anyone. They may be afraid of the powerful strength of Shi Yan, Fang Ying, etc. It was just that Shi Yan did not continue a word, and they dared not move.

as expected.

In the end, Xiandao started working with Yaodao.

You have to watch things get bigger and bigger, it has reached an irreparable level.

Just then, a terrifying roar sounded.

嗷 ——

Looking around, I saw a behemoth that did not know when it appeared in the air.

The behemoth, as huge as a hundred meters, was like a mountain, covered with red hair, a huge head like a human and a tiger, two fangs like sky hooks, huge power, and it was frightening.

This is alas!

Do not!

This is not 梼 杌 ~ ~ but Descendants of 梼 杌, it is Nai Tuja!

At the same time, two more demon sacrifice came out.

A huge body, like a big bird covering the sky.

The other one also had a huge body, with two heads and two horns.

The three demon real bodies are stronger than one, and the mighty one is more terrible, especially the man who slaughtered his jaws and sacrificed him behind him, really like the legendary fierce beast from the famine.

I saw him raising his huge head and making a roar.

This sound was really mighty, overbearing and terrifying. The immortals and demons in the chaos of the earthquake all had headaches and cracks, and the stations were a little unstable, including those who had to cover their ears. The appearance of pain.

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