
Vol 2 Chapter 1890: Background terrible Shang Qing

These things may not be known to ordinary ordinary immortals, but a group of Celestial Celestial Officers who are following the big sun dragon cymbals are aware of it.

of course.

Know how to know.

If today Tao has not recovered after all, Xiandao is known as the head of the avenue, and it is also true to dominate the world.

Even if the Qing Dynasty had a heavenly background, these Celestial Immortal officials would not look at them.

What's more, there is a shangqing sacrifice between the shangqing sect and the heavenly road, and there is a shangqing sacrifice between the shangqing sacrifice.

The most important thing is that the Shang Qing Sect is spread all over the world, and there are dozens of Shang Qing Sects in the major worlds in Miluo Tianyu alone.

And Xianting Mansion is in charge of Miluo Tianyu, dominating all the world in the territory, even the fairyland families with a large background are not in their eyes, naturally they will not put a small Shangzong in their eyes.

If you want to search the Qing dynasty in other worlds, these Celestial Immortals will not even frown, even if they do n’t have to show up at all. You can arrange a Celestial Tie and tie people to do things. Qing Zong did not dare to make trouble.

However, when it comes to the search of the Shang Qingzong who traveled to the ancient world, some of them are quite worried.

The reason is that Jiutian had a will early, and the ancient world was not under the jurisdiction of Xianting Mansion. In other words, their immortal officials of the Luo Xianting did not have the right to search anywhere in the ancient world.

This is only second.

The most important thing is that the current emperor Yunzhang of the Qing Dynasty in the ancient world was a fairy.

He is also an immortal who died in heaven.

The death of heaven is not the same as the death of other immortals, the death of demon, and the death of other avenues.

Although the destiny of heaven is not in the true sense, its existence is worse than the true destiny of heaven.

Since ancient times, anyone who has died in the heavens has been so powerful and unfathomable.

Such as Tianxian, Tianmo, Tianmon, Tianwu, etc., all have great powers, and Heaven can do everything. It is not something that ordinary people can provoke. Even the Avenue Star King and even the Avenue Throne may not be these heavenly gods. Life man.


No exaggeration at all.

These Celestial Celestial Officials have practiced tens of thousands of years and as many as tens of thousands of years. They have also seen the terrible strength of those Celestial Beings and Celestial Demon.

In their minds, it is best to stay away from those who have died in the heavenly path. They must not provoke, nor can they provoke.


What worries them the most is not the identity of Tianxian, the current ancestor of the Shangzong ancestor, but the ancestor of the ancient Qing dynasty, who once gave birth to a female ancestor, Ye Tianlan, who is said to be the disciple of the female ancestor.

The female ancestor Ye Tianlan, in the legend, is the goddess of heaven.

That's right!

Goddess of Heaven

Shang Qingyu is one of the thirty-six holes in heaven. Such a terrible background is scary enough, not to mention that she is still a goddess of heaven. This can hardly be described as terrible. It just sounds like these. Celestial officials are disturbed.

"The current Qingzong ancestor Yunji of this world is indeed a goddess, and after the reincarnation of her master and daughter Zongniang, she practiced here."

There was a solemn voice from Shengyang Gong in Da Ri Long Yan, and the words turned sharply, and said proudly, "But what?"

"If the Tao does not come out in a day, the old man will die as the sky. In this ancient era, the bright and immortal Dao dominates the heavens and the earth, blesses all the heavens and earth, and protects all sentient beings. Now the emperor's sinner is resurrected and returned. Acting for the heavens, in terms of reason, in public and private, and in duties, the husband has this obligation and responsibility. It is impossible to say that the ruler of the Qing Sect in the world is only the Celestial God, even though the ruler is still the goddess of the Tao. , My husband is not afraid. "

Most of the elders in Tianyu who are walking next to the Dragon Sun are the disciples of Shengyanggong. They all know Shengyanggong's temper, and they all know that these words spoken by Shengyanggong do not have any exaggerated elements. Shengyanggong is a human being, and even if the lord of Shang Qingzong is still the goddess maiden of heaven, he really won't be afraid.

The heart is full of righteousness, not afraid of the sky, this sentence is a word that Sheng Yanggong often hangs on his lips, and it is also a word that has been taught to these heavenly elders, and Shengyanggong himself has always been like this made.


Shengyanggong took a large day of dragons to bring a group of elders from Tianyu to the Shang Qingzong. When they appeared, a group of elders from the Shangqingzong also appeared one by one, Tsing Yi. The woman is not someone else, it is the lord of the Qing dynasty, Tianxian Yunyun.

"I don't know why Shengyanggong solicited teachers and enthusiastically brought me to the Shangqing Sect."

Yun Ling looked a little cold, his expression was quite calm, and so was his speech.

"The lord who wants to come to Yunzhang should know the news that Youdi's sinner died and was resurrected."

"I heard it."

"I don't know if the Emperor Yunji ever knew the whereabouts of Youdi's criminal?"

"I don't know."

Yun Zheng answered very simply.

Sitting in the dragon's nest of Da Ri, Sheng Yanggong passed a moment and said, "I heard that the Emperor You sinner practiced in the Shang Dynasty when he was young?"

"It's true."

"My husband also heard that the master of Youdi's sinner lived in the Shangqing pagoda in Shangqingzong."

"Predecessor Zhenjue is no longer in Qingzong."

"Oh, really?"

At this time, Shengyanggong stepped out of the Dalong Dragonbowl and gazed at Yunzhang, saying: "I wonder if the Yunzhang Sovereign can do something convenient and sacrifice the Shangqing Tower."

"Why?" Yun Zheng asked in return: "Stumped Shengyanggong doubting what I said?"

"Mr. Yun Yun has no reason to misunderstand. The old man does not believe you. The old man just wants to confirm more. By the way, look at the place where Zhenjue lived in seclusion."

"There is nothing to confirm ~ ~ and nothing to look at. You Emperor and the future, I have never seen him."

"Has the Emperor been here or not, as long as the old man enters the Qingqing Tower and doesn't know."

"Sorry, the Shangqing Tower is the supreme treasure of my Shangqing sect. Historically, only the suzerain can enter."

"The lord of the cloud, the deities of Changsheng Pavilion, including the seniors from Kaishan, and others have come forward to confirm that the Emperor has returned, and may be in Miluo Tianyu. The old man has previously announced to Tianyu, and all the world wonderlands have been carefully searched. The whereabouts of Youdi's criminal has not been found, and now only the ancient world remains unsearched. "

After a pause, he went on to say: "The master of the criminal Emperor You once lived in Shangqingzong again. It is said that he would visit his master every time he returns, so in order to make the world safe and secure, he also asked the monarch Yunji to make an exception. Sacrifice the Qing Tower. "

Yun Xuan responded lightly: "I said that I have never seen You Emperor, and he has never been there. As for the Shangqing Tower, I also said that this is the treasure of our Qing Dynasty. Outsiders are not allowed to enter, but also look to Shengyang. Forgive me. "

Shengyang Gong faintly angrily, Shen said: "If my husband insists today, I want you to sacrifice the Qing Tower!"

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