
Vol 2 Chapter 1895: Avenue Abacus

"That is to say, there is Dan Dinggu behind Shengyang Gong, so he dares to be so reckless, but ..." Yun Ji thought for a while and asked, "Does Dan Dinggu have the ability to obliterate the emperor?"


Mother-in-law of Lotus laughed: "Although many ancestors in Danding Valley in the ancient times have woke up and returned, it is only to say that you can kill the emperor, huh, they may not have this ability, let's not say that they are the Three Thousand Avenues, their origins They have recovered, and their respective ancestors have returned. Who would dare to say that you can kill Youdi? If you are really confident that you can kill Youdi, Xiandao will not remain silent until now. "

After all, Mother-in-law of Lotus said, "If Jiutianxian did not show up, Dan Dinggu would never dare to act lightly."

Yun frowned, and said, "But the problem is that Jiutianxiandao doesn't mean to come out now, and Dandinggu must also know what Jiutianxiandao means."

"Hey, now you finally understand why Shengyang Guild is so enthusiastic about searching the whereabouts of the Emperor?"

Yun Zheng moved, and said, "Mother Lotus, you mean that Danding Valley is using Shengyanggong to persecute Jiutianxian Road!"


Mother-in-law of Lotus nodded and said, "Dan Dinggu wanted to obliterate the Emperor, but he had no confidence, nor did he have the courage. Only when Jiutian Xiandao came forward, they dared to take action. Jiutian Xiandao was worried about the chaos in the wild. Therefore, Dandinggu found Shengyang Gong, and asked Shengyang Gong to mobilize all the immortals to kill the Emperor in the name of Jiutian Xiandao in Miluo Tianyu. Shengyanggong fanned the fire here. Once the Emperor appeared, then Jiutian Xiandao Even if you do n’t want to do it, you have to come under pressure. "

"Sheng Yanggong was stumped and didn't know Dan Dinggu was using him?"

"How can the Shengyanggong, a treacherous and hypocritical man, not know that Dan Dinggu is using him, but ... Dan Dinggu is using his appeal, and he is also using Dan Dinggu's power. The good point of the talk is to join hands together, and the unpleasant point is to use each other. After all, they all hate the Emperor You, as long as they can kill the Emperor.

"Jiutianxiandao should know the trick that Dandinggu plays with Shengyang Gong?"

"Of course, Jiutianxiandao knows, but how does it know? I can't stop Jiutianxiandao to stop it? How to stop it? Shengyanggong has been in Miluo Tianyu for hundreds of thousands of years. The most important thing is that the slogan of Shengyang Gong is to be immortal for the people, and it is a way of life, but it stands on the absolute moral high ground. How can you stop Jiutian Xiandao? What's more, once Jiutian Xiandao comes out, Dan Ding Gu's side will immediately stand up and question the Jiutian Immortal Road. "

Mother-in-law of Lotus talked and shook her head and sighed: "With Dan Dinggu as the backing, Jiutianxiandao could not even kill Shengyanggong secretly. Moreover, it is not only Dandinggu that wants to persecute Jiutianxiandao. There are many, many beings. "

Speaking, Mother-in-law Lotus sighed again and said, "This matter is too deep. If it was only Shengyanggong, it would not be anything at all, but there is a Danding Valley behind Shengyanggong. And I'm afraid Dan Dinggu ... there is another. "

"Thirty-six cave days, each of the seventy-two blessed land is not a fuel-saving lamp. It can even be said that none of them want to watch the dominance of the Xiandao family, and everyone knows that the **** of the Xiandao family is only bad for them. Take this opportunity to suppress Xiandao, some want to support their own avenues, and some may have reached a consensus with other avenues ... Anyway, they are playing their own abacus. "

After hearing these words from Mother-in-law Lotus, Yun Yun already didn't know what to say. She thought it was very simple. It was nothing more than the identity of the Emperor exposed, causing turmoil in the wild. I never thought that the identity of the Emperor was exposed. For such a complicated matter, those who are proud of Da Dao, Da Tian Tian Ming would like to take this opportunity to make a name for themselves. 36 Dongtian, 72 Blessed Lands, including Sanqian Dadao, even played their own abacus.


She seemed to realize something and could not help but glance at Mother-in-law Lotus.

Mother-in-law of Lotus does not appear early, but does not appear late, but it appears on the bones of this section, and it is stumbling to heaven ...

And Mother-in-law of Lotus seemed to see Yun Yun's heart thinking, she didn't conceal anything intentionally, and said frankly: "Our heavens have been quiet for too long and too long ... the long time is almost forgotten by the heavens and the realms of the wild ... ... "

"Mother-in-law, do we want to take advantage of this opportunity?"

Mother-in-law of Lotus nodded, gazing at Yun Yan, and said solemnly, "Hey, do you want to know the plan of heaven? If you want to know, the old man will tell you."

"Do not!"

Yun Zheng didn't think about it. He shook his head and refused. "I don't want to know."

"I don't want to know the best. Before coming here, the female maid had specifically told her to be old, and she didn't want you to participate in the matter of heaven."

"Mother-in-law, can I ask you something?"

"of course can."

"Tiandao ... Do you want to obliterate Youdi this time?"

"Ha ha."

Mother-in-law of Lotus smiled slightly: "The old man just said that in this sky and underground, no one in Sanqian Avenue can absolutely kill the Emperor. This is the case with the Immortal Road, this is the way with the Buddha, and our Heavenly Road is no exception. Before grasping and killing You Emperor, no one dares to act lightly on Sanqian Avenue, and no one can bear the consequences. "

Closing her eyes, Mother-in-law of Lotus stroked a smile, which seemed to be ironic, and said, "Dear son ~ ~ Do you know? One thing is ridiculous."

"Funny? What's the matter?"

"Three thousand avenues want to kill the Emperor, but now they want the Emperor to live."


"Because from the current situation of the Great Wild, only the Emperor is alive, and the Three Thousand Avenues is afraid to start a war. Only the Emperor is alive, 36 holes and 72 blessings are not afraid to act lightly, and only the Emperor is alive. The horrible beings who came did not dare to act recklessly, and only the You Emperor was alive. Nine days were the nine days of light, nine nights were the dark nine days, and the great wasteland was the peaceful wasteland. It is the prosperous world of all heavens and earth, and only the You Emperor is alive.

"It can be said that if the Emperor You really died in Wudao Mountain at that time ... then the heavens and the world have already been **** and **** because of the opening of the Three Thousand Avenues, and the famine has already been stained with blood. Great waste ... "

"Everyone says that You Emperor is the original sin God recorded in the book of destiny. Everyone is afraid that he will kill the avenue and end the ancient times. Ironically, in this ancient times, because of such an original sin, God has calmed down to this day. You say it's ridiculous. "

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