
Vol 2 Chapter 1912: The Emperor is born, the wind rises


Are you here?

Everyone on the field was startled, and turned around to look for the Emperor. However, Luo Tianyu was crowded with people. There was no one to see the end. Everyone looked for it. No one found the Emperor. .

"Brother Youdi, the slave family knows you will come."

The voice of the mysterious woman came again, and everyone was still looking for it. Many people sacrificed the armor of immortals as soon as possible, but also sacrificed the immortal soldiers just in case. The immortal officials of Miluo Tianyu and the major worlds The masters of the imperial dynasty are all nervous, while looking with their eyes, they are searching with divine knowledge.

At this time.

A voice came from the crowd.

"A big lady like this is so kind to invite you, how can I refuse to accept it."

The sound is very gentle, as if a spring breeze fluttered across Miluo Tianyu, there was no momentum and no prestige, and it did not spread to every corner of Miluo Tianyu. Everyone tried to find the source of the sound, and soon it was among the crowd. Two people were found in it, an old man in a purple robe, many of whom knew him, Yun Xiazi, the ancestor of the Yunxia Sect of Naiyang.

In front of Yun Xiazong is a man.

The man is thin and bland.

Wearing a very plain white coat, with long black hair scattered casually, there is no dazzling place on the body, neither the arrogance of the arrogant pride, nor the inscrutableness of the predecessors of the avenue. Fortune, not even an immortal, more like a mortal.

Is he the emperor?

Everyone felt incredible.

Although rumored that after the rebirth of the You Emperor, the appearance is also different from the previous one, but how can this appearance change, and one's unique temperament and power will not become so ordinary? Many people in the field have witnessed Youdi in ancient times, and some of them have played against Youdi, and they all know how arrogant and overbearing you are in ancient times. The invincible power on your body was shocked for nine days. , Xiaju Jiuyou, the trembling in the void, all beings within the heavens are fearless.

On the other hand, how does this man in white look so different from the legendary Jiuyou Emperor, including the Shengyanggong who was beaten by the ancient Qingfeng at that time? He has some doubts.

"It's him! He's the You Emperor!"

"That's right! We met him when he was in the sky ship!"

Seeing Gu Qingfeng, a group of people in Wuling Wonderland who had previously been bleed by Qi Qingfeng's thunderous seven-knock shouts in horror and angrily shouted.

It didn't matter that they shouted, the entire Miluo Tianyu was instantly confused.

The name of a person, the shadow of a tree.

Who is the You Emperor?

The era of the immortal dynasty, burned for nine days, against the sky, Tu Avenue, everyone knows.


After hearing the shouts, everyone in the field didn't dare to think much about it. The first thought was to retreat. While retreating, all the fairy armor soldiers were sacrificed. For a time, the sky full of fairy light bloomed in the void of Miluo heaven. Like the flowers of stars bloom.

And those arrogant avenue lords are all nervous, and at the same time as the sacrifice of the immortal armor, they also sacrificed their own creations, including the top ten immortals of the great wilderness headed by Shi Yan and headed by slaughter jaws. The top ten monsters are no exception.

Although they all clamored to compete with the Emperor one by one, they were just clamoring. When facing the Emperor, no one dared to make trouble.

They are so, the Celestial Celestial Officials headed by Shengyang Gong are like ghosts and gods, not only sacrificing the Celestial Celestial Soldiers, but also the summons of summoning the laws of immortality and the summons of summoning the laws of heaven. .

But even so, they were still scared.

Because they have all gone through the crazy times of antiquity, it is clearer than anyone else how terrible the existence of the Emperor is.

They may have dared to search for You Emperor in the name of Shengyang Gong in the name of guarding the avenue.

Of course, they just shouted slogans.

It's like shouting a slogan against the sky.

This slogan will be shouted by anyone, and everyone dares to shout.


Who dares to really go against the sky?

The answer is yes.

No one dares.

They did not dare, and Shengyang Gong, who led the search of Gu Qingfeng, did not dare.


Shengyang Gong's face is not very good, it is very ugly to be exact. He also sacrificed the armor of the fairy armor, holding the decree of the laws of the heavens in one hand, and the decree of the laws of the heavens in one hand, despite taking deep breaths continuously. Tell yourself not to be afraid, but your heart is still shaking.

Uncontrollable at all, like a shadow.

This is indeed the case.

He took the lead in besieging the Emperor You, and as a result he was beaten alive. He had already cast a shadow on the name Emperor You.

He may not be afraid of death.

However, for Shengyang Gong, the existence of Gu Qingfeng is more terrible than death, because Gu Qingfeng once made him unable to survive.

In the distance, among the crowd.

Some people in the Changsheng Pavilion stood there, and Mr. Kaishan looked at the Youdi who was walking slowly, and sighed, "The existence of Youdi is becoming more and more unpredictable ..."

Qing Qing looked at the You Emperor who came slowly, and murmured, "He ... has really appeared."

"Who said no, this guy really came out ... oh my god! It's over! This is over! It's time for something big!"

Centrifugal fairy and others are scared.

Mr. Kaishan glanced up at the sky, he knew and felt it, and at the moment when Gu Qingfeng showed up, people hiding in the dark came out, more than he thought, and more than he thought. It is terrible, there are all kinds of mysterious and unknown masters.

Although he didn't know what was happening over Jiutianxiandao, he didn't need to know about it, Jiutianxiandao would have been prepared for a long time.

It wasn't only Master Kaishan who noticed this situation ~ ~ At the same time, there were shark elephants, including Yundi and others, as well as Moruyi, the master of the immortal world in the ancient world. I noticed that all the masters dormant in the dark came out, and also knew that the strong men of Dandinggu also appeared one after another. What was most exciting to him was that the prestige of Jiutianxiandao had already covered Miluo Tianyu.


The prestige of Jiutian Immortal Road has secretly come to Miluo Tianyu. As the ruler of Miluo Tianyu, Shengyanggong feels it.

This immediately gave Shengyang Gong, who was afraid of the ancient Qingfeng, a sense of confidence.

"It's really hilarious."

The mysterious woman on the Heishui Mountain looked up at the sky and smiled charmingly: "Brother Youdi really has a lot of face ..."

"No way, Grandpa's face has always been this big."

Gu Qingfeng walked slowly in the void, holding some red demon fruit in his hand, chewing in his mouth, and a gentle smile on the corner of his mouth. He was as relaxed and relaxed as if he was walking in the street on the street, not to mention how easy it is It really feels like a breeze.

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