
Vol 2 Chapter 1915: Dormant undercurrent

"Oh, when did Brother Youdi become so modest, but the slave family knew that Brother Youdi had always been very romantic and often came and glanced with a lot of avenue maidens, who is the mother of the world, what is the maiden maiden, and the maiden maiden ... Madam, even the maiden of this ancient age has a deep affection for Youdi's brother. "

"No way." Gu Qingfeng sat on the chair, holding the mysterious woman's small waist in his arms, shrugging his shoulders, and said, "Who makes Ye Ye so attractive."

Raise your index finger and raise the chin of the mysterious woman, smiling evilly: "Isn't even your blackwater maiden fascinated by grandfather now?"

"Hehehe ... Brother Youdi is so romantic ..."

"That's right, of course, the old saying goes, people don't like to run into adolescents! Hahaha!"

Gu Qingfeng laughed loudly, holding the black water maiden in one hand, admiring for a while holding the Long Ding glass in one hand, and glancing at the black three-legged tripod on the table, saying, "What do you guys who drink look like nice."

"Do you brother Brother Emperor like you?" The black water maiden snuggled in the arms of Gu Qingfeng. The silky silk robe was exposed with incense shoulders, and her chest was looming. She raised a jade hand to caress Gu Qingfeng's blandness. Cheeks, a pair of eye-catching eyes, charmingly gazing at Gu Qingfeng's eyes, said softly: "If Brother Youdi likes it, the slave family can give it to you."

"Really?" Gu Qingfeng narrowed his eyes and looked at Hei Yao's three-legged tripod, and said, "Such a good thing, are you willing to give it to Grandpa?"

The black water maiden stood up and sat on Gu Qingfeng's thigh, her hands were hooked on Gu Qingfeng's neck, and her cheeks were pasted. Sexy flame lips almost had to stick to Gu Qingfeng's mouth, and said softly: "The people in the slave family are quiet Brother Elder, what else is there ... "

Speaking, the black water maiden was about to kiss it. Suddenly, a finger erected in front of the mysterious woman's lips. The finger was exactly the finger of Gu Qingfeng. He laughed, "Sister, I'm a serious man."

"The slaves didn't say Brother Youdi was unruly ..."

"That's true."

"Where is Brother Emperor ..." Hei Shui Niang Niang piqued Gu Qingfeng's fingers and insisted on kissing.

"What's the matter." Gu Qingfeng refused, and called for two glasses of Long Ding fine wine, and said, "Drink a glass of wine before talking."

"Okay ... the slaves listen to Brother Youdi ..."

On the Heishui Mountain, the ancient Qingfeng and the mysterious woman were in the eyes of the public in the large court. At this moment, the ancient Qingfeng's unruly looks like a romantic prodigal son, and the mysterious woman's glamorous and charming look also looks like a fox charming demon.

This scene made all the people gathered in the void of Miluo Tianyu very uncomfortable, especially some women, all with their heads lowered, turned around, or closed their eyes, sorry to look again.

"His grandma!"

Among the crowd, the old bachelor such as Huo De also looked at the face with red ears and red ears, and kept swearing.

Gu Xiaozi's heart is a little bit bigger!

Luo Tianyu didn't know how many masters were dormant, and Sanqian Avenue was staring at it, and the boy cuddled with the black water maiden of Laozizi, and also drank his wine.

This guy, no one refuses, no one comes.

One flamboyant and charming, one slutty.

One shameless than the other!

Thanks to so many people watching, otherwise, looking at this posture, it is possible for these two goods to be barely dried.

This is too arrogant and impertinent!

I knew Sanqian Avenue was staring here, and his mother did so, and she didn't take Sanqian Avenue too seriously.

far away.

Tianxian Yun looked at the ancient Qingfeng and the black water maiden on the Black Water Mountain. Perhaps she was also embarrassed to continue watching, turned around, and murmured something in her mouth, and asked, "Mother Lotus, you know this. Who is Hei Shui Niang? "

After all, Mother-in-law of Lotus is an old senior who has cultivated for many years. Looking at the scene that is happening on the Black Water Mountain, there are not many emotional fluctuations in the eyes of Gujing. She shook her head and said, "The old man has never heard Blackwater Lady. "

"Mother-in-law, can't you see through?"

"Can't see through."

"Can't even see her mother-in-law?" Yun Yun was surprised. "Who will she be?"

"I'm afraid its existence is beyond my imagination."

"Then what did she come for this time? Wouldn't it ... really just look for Emperor ..."

"It shouldn't be!" Mother-in-law Lotus shook her head again, and said, "As for what happened to her this time, she didn't even understand what she was doing."

"Mother-in-law! There is one more thing that I don't understand." Yun Yanmei asked: "You Emperor have already appeared, and many mysterious strong men dormant in Miluo Tianyu have also emerged. Sanqian Avenue is also staring here, But ... why is it so quiet? They all seem to be waiting for something. "

"You're right, they are all waiting."

"What are you waiting for?"

"Waiting for an opportunity."

"When is it?"

"When and when, there are too many terrible things behind this event. They have only one purpose to help the flames, and that is to provoke the war between Jiutianxiandao and Youdi. To be precise, some people want to use Jiutianxiandao to test Exploring the original sin of Emperor You, some people also want to use Emperor Emperor to cause unrest in the wild and push Jiutian Xiandao from the top of the avenue ~ ~ Mother-in-law of Lotus looks at the crowd gathered in the void of Miluo Tianyu. Said: "If the old man guesses well, then someone will stand up and use the voice of Emperor You to question Jiutianxiandao. As long as someone dares to stand up, those who are lying in the dark will respond. There are many of them. Those who want the Emperor to die without reincarnation. "

Closing her eyes, Lianhu mother-in-law said: "There are caves such as Dandinggu, there are great wonderlands like Zhenwu Fairyland, and there are ancient families like the Fantasy Family that have been passed down from ancient times. There are too many people who want to die. They all hate the Emperor You, and they all want to take this opportunity to force Jiutianxiandao to take action. "

"It's just that these existences are deeply hidden, and they won't show up easily, and they dare not show up, so I pushed Shengyanggong out."

After a pause, she looked at Shengyang Gong surrounded by a lot of Celestial Celestial Officials. Mother-in-law Lotus also said: "Originally, Shengyang Gong was the best person to conquer the Emperor. Without saying a hundred words, he is both the ruler of the heavens and the master of the immortal path. He has the right people and everything, and he appears to be controversial. Others help the situation, and the momentum will suddenly rise. Unfortunately, those who dormant in the dark, who I didn't expect that Shengyanggong was too scared of the Emperor. He didn't hold back at the last moment and was scared and paralyzed. "

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