
Vol 2 Chapter 1922: Big Wild Giants Appear Next

"My Xuanyu Xingjun led a family of elders, representing the family of the fantasy world, to come and kill the guilty ancient Sirius!"

Among the crowd, the appearance of two teams of horses once again caused a sensation in the entire Luo Tianyu.

One team is Zhenwu Wonderland represented by Heiyan Xingjun, and the other team is the fantasy family represented by Xuanyu Xingjun.

Regardless of whether it is the Zhenwu Fairyland or the Fantasy World family, it is an ancient existence that has been passed down from ancient times. The forces are spread throughout the world. Not to mention, the Wonderland family is also a master, such as a cloud, a celebrity, such as a forest, and a great number of heroes. It can be described as a giant of great fame.

After Dan Dinggu, the representative of Zhenwu Wonderland, and the Fantasy World family have appeared one after another, as if a chain reaction has been caused, giants from all major heavens have appeared.

Haoyue Wonderland, Gulan Family, Jinlun Wonderland, etc. The reputation of these Wonderland families may not be comparable to that of the thirty-sixth hole Heaven and Seventy-two Blessed Land, but they are all the same as the Zhenwu Wonderland and the Fantasy World family. The giants who are famous in the Great Wilderness have great influence in the Great Wilderness. They are led by either the King of the Avenue or the King of the Avenue. Almost all of them appear as the famous masters on the ladder. They have a certain reputation in the Great Wilderness.

Maybe it was infected by these giants of the Great Wilderness. Soon, all the big and small Wonderland families in the Great Wilderness swarmed out.

Messed up!

It's all messed up.

Representatives of the Wonderland family from various heavenly domains kept coming up, one after another, and countless, the entire Miluo heavenly domain was turned into a pot of porridge, and people were everywhere in the void, shouting to kill criminals The sound of the ancient Sirius is endless.

Among the crowd, Qing Qing Shangxian looked at the chaotic Miluo Tianyu, and her beautiful face was full of panic. Although she was born in such a blessed place as Changshengge, she was also known as one of the top ten immortals in the Wilderness. I've seen a lot of people, but I've seen it for the first time in such a big and crazy scene, and I feel nervous and overwhelmed.

Qing Qing muttered in surprise and said, "Are they ... crazy?"

"Crazy! I look crazy!"

The appearance of the centrifugal fairy is not very good. Even if she is a famous person who has climbed the ladder in ancient times, she can't calm down at the scene that is happening right now, because this scene can't help but remind her of the events of that year.

In ancient times, the Emperor You became the target of public criticism, as it is today, besieged by the masters of the various wonderland families. Those who besieged the Emperor in the past had the Zhenwu fairyland and the fantasy world family.

"These giants did not know how many masters died when they besieged the Emperor in the ancient times. In the ancient times, they did not know how to repent, but they did not know how to come and encircle the You Emperor!" The centrifugal fairy said angrily: "Haoyue Fairyland and the Gulan family seem to be in contact with Is there no deep hatred between You Emperor? Why did it come out? "

next to.

Mr. Kaishan looked at the giants and sighed.

He is an old predecessor in ancient times. He is well-informed and experienced, and generally understands the situation of the great famine in ancient times. He can see things thoroughly.

He knew very well that these emerging wild giants had secretly premeditated everything in secret, with the intention of creating a great momentum, with the purpose of forcing Nine Days to take action, thereby obliterating the Emperor.

Is it just for revenge?

Do not!

of course not.

If it ’s pure revenge, Master Kaishan believes that these great barbarians will never take such a big risk. After all, killing the Emperor is a very dangerous thing. Damage to the soldiers will be a small matter, and it is not impossible to be destroyed. .

In addition to killing the Emperor, in addition to making these giants revenge and snow hatred, they can also obtain Supreme Glory and Supreme Creation.

after all.

According to rumors, the Emperor You possesses the pilgrimage of all living beings, and the humane fortune in the two legends of Shangquanbi and Huangquan.

Everyone knows that humanity will revive in ancient times.

Since ancient times, they have been humane, they have won the heavens and the earth, who of those giants do not want to share a cup of humanity?

Mo said that the barren giant, Sanqian Avenue, who does not want to dominate the humanity, became the head of the Avenue.

If you destroy the Emperor, grab the pilgrimage of all living beings and worship in Vientiane, and the two humane fortunes of Shangquanbi and Huangquan will fall, even if you can't dominate the hegemony in the future, at least, they will occupy a certain advantage in humanity.

Beyond that.

According to rumors, Jiuyouzuhuo is still in the hands of Youdi, and everyone knows that Jiuyouzuhuo is the origin of Jiuyou, and only by obtaining Jiuyouzuhuo can you claim the position of the Emperor and thus dominate Jiuyou, dominates the dark avenue.

The most important thing is that the emperor ignited the original sin, awakened the original sin, and even the original legal body.

In the eyes of those immortals, the original sin may be the scourge of the most sinful sin, and as recorded in the book of destiny, slaughter the avenue and end ancient times.

in fact.

Master Kaishan knows that the original sin recorded in the book of destiny has another meaning, that is, being the original sin God can open the era of injustice.

According to rumors, the truth of the avenue and secrets of becoming gods are hidden in the Wudao era.

I would like to ask practitioners of all heavens and worlds, who doesn't want to pursue the true meaning of the avenue, and ask the gods?

The answer is yes.

Everyone wants.

at least.

Master Kaishan knows that no matter it is the Three Thousand Avenue, or the sixty-two blessings of the thirty-six holes, and even the giants of the Great Wilderness, although he shouted and killed the original sinner in his mouth, in fact, he was spying on the original sin, and he was also training. Those who are suffering from the original sin all want to be the God of the original sin, all want to open the door to the era of infidelity, all want to find the true meaning of the avenue, and all want to ask God to become a god.

If not.

The major giants of the Great Wild will not show up one after another.

The ancestors of Sanqian Avenue and Dongtianfu Land, including the Holy Land, the Forbidden Land and the Returning Ruins, will not pay close attention to this place.

The ancestors including their Changsheng Pavilion are no exception.

They are all peeping at the humane ingenuity of You Di, the fire of Jiu You, and the blood of original sin in the body.

No one wants to miss this opportunity.

Old Master Kaishan can even imagine that once the Emperor fought with Jiutian, the ancestors lying in the dark, such as the Three Thousand Avenue, Dongtianfudi, the Holy Land, and the Forbidden Land, will take advantage of this opportunity to swarm up and completely destroy the Emperor and rob him. Fortune.

Everyone is waiting ~ ~ waiting for Youdi to fight with Jiutian.


Will the Emperor actually fight with Jiutian?

this problem.

Mr. Kaishan doesn't know.

He didn't dare to think about it.

Because it's terrible.

In the eyes of Mr. Kaishan, the giants of Dandinggu and Dahuang are making a huge noise in Miluo Tianyu, and the Three Thousand Avenue and Dongtianfudi are helping to make a difference in the dark. It is better to force the Emperor Yu to do it than to force it to do so.

If you do, it means that he has expressed his attitude, and the world will be in chaos immediately.

The ancestors who supported the killing of the Emperor on Jiutian will use this as an excuse to forcibly kill the Emperor. Once Jiutian started, all the ancestors lying in the dark will try to encircle the Emperor. At that time, the Emperor will be the **** of heaven, afraid Nothing helps.

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