
Vol 2 Chapter 1926: The situation is abrupt!

Gu Qingfeng's words immediately aroused the uneasiness of everyone.

No one had ever imagined that the representatives of the giants gathered in Miluo Tianyu petitioned Jiutian Xiandao together. Instead of asking Jiutian Xiandao down, they invited the Emperor on the Black Water Mountain out.

This one.

Everyone panicked and wondered what Gu Qingfeng said.

What's the big guy to warm up first and warm up?

Sorry that he can't do it?

Does he dare?

He didn't know that the ancestors of the heaven and earth in Sanqiandaodong were secretly waiting for the opportunity to move?

Heishui Mountain.

Maybe it's just been sitting for too long. After Gu Qingfeng stretched his waist, he twisted his neck and seemed to be moving his bones, saying, "How about, what's your proposal?"

Say nothing.

Gu Qingfeng squinted his eyes and looked at the countless crowds gathered in Miluo Tianyu, and asked, "Who is in favor? Who is against?"

Who agrees?

Who opposes?

Who dares to agree?

Who dares to oppose?

On the court.

Whether it is the King of the Dingding Valley in Dandinggu, the Black Yan Xingjun in Zhenwu Wonderland, or the Xuanyu Xingjun in the Fantasy Family, the representatives of the major giants are like the enemy. Nervous, look at me, look at you, no one dares to speak.

"Since there is no objection, let's do this. You have asked me for so long. You are not bothering, Grandpa and I have been impatient."

Gu Qingfeng leaped up, and the man had disappeared into the Black Water Mountain. When he appeared again, he was already standing in the void.

It did n’t matter what he did. For a moment, he was like a tiger descending from the mountain. The crowds gathered in Miluo Tianyu were frightened like birds and beasts frightened. The first time they gave out the celestial soldiers, and all the creatures offered Out.

"The good show is about to begin soon, and the stage is the void of this Luo Tianyu. The singer will stay here to prepare the guys in your hands."

Above the void, Gu Qingfeng walked slowly, while unbuttoning the collar, and rolled up the sleeves, saying: "My first sing of such a big drama, I have no experience, I may not be able to tell you later. People who sing opera still watch operas, in order to prevent accidents, so those who watch the opera please leave consciously and go to watch the major civilizations of the world. I advise you, do n’t be lucky. The man who sings the opera, always has six relatives. . "

Luo Tianyu, the crowd was turbulent.

Cowardly, afraid of things, those who look busy are afraid of causing trouble, and go to all sides of the world.

Among the crowd.

The centrifugal fairy looked at the Gu Qingfeng walking in the void, and said in horror: "Crazy! This guy is crazy! Obviously, he didn't want to fight with him for nine days, and he even took the initiative to stand up! God! What is he going to do? Just ask Jiutian to show up. Why is this guy also forced Jiutian to show up. Those great barbarians forced Jiutian to show up to kill him. What is he forcing Jiutian to show up for? What is he trying to do? "

The emotions of Mr. Kaishan next to him seemed particularly complicated. I didn't know whether it was excited or something else, and his voice was a little trembling. "Attitude, this is the attitude of Youdi."

"Attitude? What attitude?"

"The arrogant attitude, the overbearing attitude, the unyielding attitude, and the rampant attitude !!!" Father Kaishan's face was a little red, and he said, "You Emperor is still the incomparable You Emperor, and has never changed-- "

"But ... but he was stumped and wondered if the ancestors of Sanqiandaodong Heaven and Earth were all staring at him now?"

"Know, how could the Emperor not know, he just wanted to tell all the heavens and the world to have his attitude."

far away.

Huo De looked at Gu Qingfeng, who was rolling his sleeves in the void, and he knew that Gu Qingfeng was about to start, and said, "It's over! This kid is about to start, and look at this posture, this kid may want to kill him ..."

"Crazy! This guy is a lunatic, a downright lunatic! How can he do this, how can he do this!" Nalan Qianqiu's face was so pale and trembling with anger, "He just lowered his head to Jiutian and recognized that It ’s a mistake. If you give Jiutian a step down, Jiutian will give him a big face. Today, this matter can pass. Why is it so simple and easy that he would not do it! "

"Does he have to make things big and make people angry? Will the blood flow into the river to be willing?"

"Does he really think that those ancestors who revived the avenues are all dry?"

"Does he really think that the ancestors of the Holy Land Forbidden Land came to see the fun?"

"He really thinks he is the King of Heaven, can he do whatever he wants, can't he be lawless?"

Nalan Qianqiu couldn't help but hissing and screaming in her heart, this was her heartfelt, also the words she had always wanted to say to Gu Qingfeng but did not dare to speak.

Suddenly, a light fell on Nalan Qianqiu. This was a letter, a letter from Jiutian. After looking at the letter of Jiutian, Nalan Qianqiu's complexion was at first, and then she couldn't help exulting. Leaning desperately, rushing past.

Nalan Qianqiu was born in Langya Dongtian.

Not only is the sister of the maiden sister Su Shi, but also the master of Langya, known as the sister of Cangyan, a legendary woman in the wild.

In addition, she also has a more well-known identity, that is, the honorable mother-in-law of Jiutian Xiandao.

In the nine days, in the great wilderness, the heavens and the worlds have a pivotal position.

See Naran Chiaki appears.

The crowd gathered in Miluo Tianyu instantly boiled, because Nalan Qianqiu is the maiden of Nine Heaven Fairy Road, and in a sense it also represents nine days. Her appearance brought hope to everyone, and many excited cheers. stand up.

Nalan Qianqiu ignored anyone, and rushed directly to Gu Qingfeng, before he had time to speak, Gu Qingfeng preemptively said, "What's the matter, sister Nalan, do you want to sing a good show with Grandpa?"

"No! No."

Nalan Chiaki bluntly said: "Ancient ... You Emperor ~ ~ Can you listen to me, just one sentence!"

"Say, Grandpa didn't say he wouldn't let you speak, but if you are still the same as before, Grandpa advises you to avoid esteem."

"That's it. Just now ... Just now, I received a letter from Nine Days. Nine days have ... decided to negotiate with you about reconciliation. I believe that I will come forward in person in nine days."

Suddenly caused a thousand layers of waves.

If Nalan Qianqiu was like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, everyone in Zhen Luo Tianyu's mind was blank. He was staring there, staring with his eyes wide open, and couldn't believe it.

They are calling for nine days.

He has been asking for nine days, asking for nine days to come and kill the criminal Gu Tianlang.

at last.

I invited a heavyweight lady from Jiutian, but what they never expected was that Nalan Qianqiu didn't bring Jiutian to kill the Emperor, but ... This sinner negotiates news of reconciliation!

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