
Vol 2 Chapter 1931: Arrogance and despair


Gu Qingfeng stood in the dark void, with his hands behind him, a pair of dark eyes, swept across the representatives of the giants in the field, and then fell on Shengyanggong.

Shengyanggong, who was originally afraid, touched Gu Qingfeng's eyes, as if stared at by the eyes of death. His face was scared and pale, and he couldn't stop shaking. They are a little unstable, even the soul is like falling into the abyss of **** of endless darkness.

"I said, I'm going to order your life."

The voice of Gu Qingfeng came, and Shengyanggong couldn't support it anymore. He was paralyzed in the air on the spot. He instinctively wanted to struggle. He was distracted, confused, and unable to concentrate. A strong immortal power was uncontrolled. The body was chasing around, and if the soul was lost, the flesh couldn't help shaking, including the two laws in his hand, which made Jian Jian fall off unsteadily.

"help me……"

Shengyang Gong resisted the fear in his heart and made a sharp and hoarse cry for help.


Who dares to save?

Mo said that his disciples and old officials, even the apprentice King Yuchanxian and Chaoyang Xingjun who stood beside him, dare not save.


I dare not.

Although they are the destiny of the avenue, they have the body of the avenue, they also have the power of the law, and they also have the guardian of the destiny.

But this does not mean anything.

at least.

In the eyes of Gu Qingfeng, nothing.

Because they all know that Gu Qingfeng had killed the Destiny of the Avenue before, and there was more than one. Not only had he killed, but he also won the Destiny. His immortal and unparalleled throne, and even the Destiny of Jiuyou Emperor, were captured. They dare not use their destiny to gamble on Gu Qingfeng's guts.

"Bei Dingxian ... Save me! Save me ..."

Shengyanggong asked Bei Dingxian King for help.

The King of the King Ding Ding was also ashamed. He was afraid of any response to Sheng Yanggong's plea for help.

"All of you in Dandinggu ... ancestors ... you ... said ... will protect me ... save me ... save me !!!"

No one responded to Shengyanggong, not even one.

On the opposite side, Gu Qingfeng stood so quietly, watching, waiting, and letting Shengyanggong ask for help.

"Save me! Save me--"

Shengyanggong screamed for help like crazy, but no matter who he asked for help, he was ignored.

This is called Shengyanggong extremely desperate.

"Qianqiu Lady! Ruyi Lady ... you ... are all fairy goddesses. You can't save you from death, save me! I can't die, I don't want to die!"

Shengyanggong asked Nalan Qianqiu and Mo Ruyi for help.


Although Nalan Qianqiu is a fairy goddess, and Mo Ruyi is holding a great daylight command, she is also a messenger of fairy gods, but they also dare not save the person facing the ancient Qingfeng.

"Big day ... Big day bright ... Jiutianxiandao ... I am the heavenly ruler whom you have bestowed, and I am your master of the immortal road, save me ... I have been loyal to Jiutianxiandao, save me ... Save me ... "


Jiutianxiandao did not respond at all.

At this time.

Gu Qingfeng, who had been silent, finally spoke again: "Who can you ask for help?"


This time Shengyanggong was completely desperate.

"If it doesn't, let it die."

The voice fell.

Shengyanggong's body suddenly froze, and turned into a mist of blood, which died out.

The body is.

So is the soul.

There is no reincarnation, no reincarnation.


Completely dead.

In this way, Gu Qingfeng was in front of a group of destiny, in front of the ancestors of all parties, in front of Nalan Qianqiu Mo Ruyi's two immortal paths, and in front of Jiutian immortal path, in the face of everyone, Relentlessly killed Shengyanggong, a celestial master.

Heishui Mountain.

Looking at this scene, the old beggar sighed and said, "The old man always thought that he was the master of the world, and now I only know that he is just a frog at the bottom of the well. He's really eye-opening. . "

As he said, the old beggar sighed: "The old man hasn't seen the arrogant master, but it's the first time he has been so arrogant like this kid. Zhang Kuang's is not only unbridled, but also lawless!"

"If you kill someone, let him be killed. The kid still allows others to ask for help. After asking for help, he asks who else to ask for help, until the other person has no help, no one can help, and the other person will die with despair. Let the other person understand one thing, that is, the person he is going to kill, the King of Heaven, I dare not save. "

"And ... he still obliterated the heavenly master of the heavens in front of Jiutianxiandao ... This is too arrogant! It's almost arrogant."

"I have to say that this boy is definitely the most arrogant and arrogant guy the old man has ever seen in his life. He can get his mother's arrogance to this share. This boy is also the first one from ancient times to the present, namely Chi You and Xing Tian. No madman was as crazy as this kid. "

The black water lady next to him said saltily: "It's nothing more than a little heaven domain master. No one cares about his life or death. Nine days immortal road doesn't care."

"It depends on what is happening. Usually it is not a big deal to kill a Heavenly Domain Master, but this kid killed a Heavenly Domain Master in front of the heavens and the world. This is not plain. Are you hitting Jiutianxiandao's face? "

"Does Jiutianxiandao still have a face?" Hei Niangniang laughed: "If there is, it will be swollen by my brother You You today!"

"That may not be so." The old beggar shook his head and said, "As you said, there is only one heavenly domain ruler. Nine days don't care at all, but ... besides the heavenly domain ruler, there are still many destiny destinies. These exist. May not care. "

Speaking of the destiny of the avenue, the old beggar also laughed: "To say that the ancestors of these great barbaric giants are really treacherous ~ ~ Let these avenue destiny be the representative, and it is clear that I want these avenue destiny to bet, The army of General Jiutian Immortal Road, no! It will not only be Jiutian Immortal Road, but also the real Overlord Tiandao. "

"You said ..." The old beggar turned and stared at the blackwater mother-in-law and said, "Do you dare to kill these destiny?"

"Old beggar, I said, you really should take the time to learn about my brother Emperor's past."

"Why do you always say this, what do you mean?" As if he realized something, the old beggar said incredulously, "Do you mean he really has the courage to kill the destiny?"

"If you know what my brother Emperor has done in the past, you won't ask this question."


"Because Grandma once spent a long time to understand the deeds of Brother Youdi, and then concluded a sentence."

"What is it?"

"This sentence is that throughout his life, he only dared to dare and never dared."

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