
Vol 2 Chapter 1936: Death is coming, rolling in

More and more ancestors rushed out from all directions.

There are many ancestors of the great wilderness giants and ancestors of great prosperity.

Some of them may want to keep the ten little destinies such as Beiding Xianwang.

Some may be trying to **** the destiny in Dadao Destiny.

Others may come from the ancient breeze.

Each has its own purpose and has its own purpose.

An ancestor is an ancestor, after all, even if it is only a clone, its strength is not conceivable by ordinary people.

Under the impact of these ancestors, the ancient Qingfeng field also began to crumble, the fire of darkness is no longer endless, the power of burning is getting weaker and weaker, the water of silence is no longer infinite, and the power of boiling is getting weaker and heavier The killing is no longer boundless, and the power is also getting weaker.


The ten avenues of destiny are already covered with blood, half-dead kneeling in the air, consciousness has already passed out, but the guardian of destiny rushing out of the body, the ten sacred pillars of light have lost the repression of the realm, as if the vitality was restored, Increasingly vast.

Rumo's long hair was dancing wildly in the roaring killing sound.

Katsuyuki's white clothes flew freely in the burning dark fire.

And Gu Qingfeng stood and stood in the boiling still water, with his hands behind his back, eyes closed, and one by one ancestor impacted his own field.

Just at this time.

Above the sky, suddenly the dark clouds condensed and turned into a violent sea of ​​clouds. The sea of ​​clouds descended like a rolling wave.

Seeing this scene, everyone is stunned, but most people are a joy, especially those ancestors who hate Gu Qingfeng and want to kill Gu Qingfeng and rob him of his good fortune. No surprises can come.

Because they all know that this is a sign.

Ten sacred guardians of the Destiny of the Avenue appeared. There was no movement in the Heaven. The ancestors of the giants had completely lost their minds and decided to give up the action of killing Gu Qingfeng.

After all, Jiutianxiandao's attitude has been very clear, and Tiandao has chosen to be silent. Even if they don't want to, they have to give up. Therefore, they rushed out and saved these destiny.

I never thought Tianzhao appeared at this time.

In other words.

Tiandao didn't choose to be silent this time.

When the sky appears, the thunder will sound. As long as the thunder sounds, the condemnation will come!

In other words, Tiandao will judge Gu Qingfeng today.

Remember this.

Everyone was excited. If Tiandao came forward to judge Gu Qingfeng, then Jiutianxiandao's attitude would be unimportant.

as expected.


With the advent of Tianwei, a vast thunder sounded above the turbulent sea.

The voice of thunder, solemn and solemn, sacred light, is extremely vast, as it comes from the sky, as well as from the ground. All sentient beings are just like the gods of God proclaiming their hegemony to all things in this heaven and earth.


The vast thunder came again, Tianwei even more.

And the field of the ancient Qingfeng is also increasingly distorted by the sound of the thunderous sound of this day, as if it would disintegrate at any time, the ancestors who had previously been difficult to move forward approached with relief.

At this time, Gu Qingfeng, who had been closing his eyes, opened his eyes. The dark eyes were no longer dark and silent, but set off a stormy sea and lightning thundered.

At the moment of the blaze, the originally faint dark fire burned wildly again, the faint water of silence boiled again, and the song of killing roared again. In addition, extremely terrible things happened in his realm. Change, this change belongs to death.



A very strong breath of death swept over, enveloping the entire Miluo heaven domain, making it dead and vitality within the heaven domain, as if life was passing away, it is true, everyone has this feeling.

Heishui Mountain.

The old beggar apparently felt that when death was shrouded, every inch of his skin, every pore, and every acupuncture point was greatly affected, his vitality was passing away, and his spirit was dying.

Taking a deep breath, the old beggar held his throat and was terrified: "This **** is the way of death! Did he even realize such a big taboo? How many taboos did he realize! And What kind of domain is his mother in and how can it ever change? "

"I said, you should take the time to understand his past carefully." Hei Shui Niang stared at the ancient Qingfeng here, quietly: "Otherwise, if you were scared to death by him today, you would be scared to death!"


The vast sound of thunder sounded again.

However, this time the sound of Sky Thunder did not shatter the area of ​​the ancient Qingfeng.

on the contrary.

With the integration of the way of death, the fire of darkness is burning endlessly again, the water of silence is boiling endlessly, the song of killing is roaring again and again, in the mysterious realm of the ancient breeze, death swept through everything like a pervasive gale. .


The vast sound of Tianlei sounded again, and every time it sounded, Tianwei became stronger.

The mysterious realm of the ancient Qingfeng is also getting stronger and stronger, and wants to compete with the might of the sky.

"Although Xiandao is not out, Tianwei has fallen!" Gu Qingfeng stared at the ancestors of the giants in the field, condensing: "Can you still be satisfied?"

No one knows the meaning of this sentence, but the ancestors of the giants who rushed over were all trapped in his field, not only difficult to move, but also deeper and deeper. These fields are too mysterious. I don't know how to get out of trouble.


Gu Qingfeng said: "If you are satisfied, then open your dog's eyes and show Lao Tzu clearly!"

Say nothing.

Gu Qingfeng raised his palms and fell on the head of a Daxing Xingjun with a bang. Such a palm dissipates the smoke of the beam of light from Daxing Xingjun and disperses the guardian shock of Destiny. The hand above Dadao Xingjun's head was pumped suddenly, and a crystal light beam like Jinyu's heart was drawn out by him, and the light mass was extremely holy.

Seeing this sacred and bright Jinyu heart, both the ancestors of Jiutianxiandao and the ancestors of the giants all turned red and rushed in desperately because they knew that this Jinyu heart was not the other, it was the heaven and earth treasure , Destiny Heart.

It's a pity ~ ~ The more they rush, the deeper they get trapped, the harder they can get.

"The ancestor of Zhenwu Wonderland! Get out of my body and collect the corpse!"

Gu Qingfeng held the heart of destiny in his hand, and kicked him. The avenue star flew flesh and blood on the spot, and the stubbles of his limbs fell to the giant ancestors.

"The ancestor of the phantasmal family! Get out of my body and collect the corpse!"

After extracting the heart of destiny, bang! Another kick in the past, flesh flew across.

"The ancestor of Haoyue Wonderland, get out of my body and collect the corpse!"

"Dan Dinggu's ancestor! Come out and collect the body !!!"

Bang Bang!

After the remaining King of the Dingding Valley, the King of Baiding, the King of the White Wind, and the King of the Yellow Wind, including the King of the King of the Toads, all of the Chaoyuan Xingjun were pumped by the ancient Qingfeng, and the flesh and blood flew out.

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