
Vol 2 Chapter 1947: Laughter full of drama

With the departure of the ancient breeze, everything in Miluo Tianyu restored its peace.

The broken void was re-healed by nature's incubation, as if it had not been broken, leaving no trace.

Even the cloud of heaven that had fallen earlier did not know when it had dissipated, and the voice of the sky above the sky did not continue to sound.

The vast void, uninhabited, looks particularly desolate. Those who had previously ran out of the wonderland of the world because of fear, returned to the world after the ancient Qingfeng left.

Although the ancient breeze has left, the void no longer explodes, and Tianwei disappears, but there are many space debris floating in the void, and these space debris are not others. It is precisely the debris left over from the previously exploded world. In the past, the entire void was everywhere, floating like a snowflake in the void.


There was a laughter in the void.

The laughter was weird. I didn't know where it came from, as if laughing at it, it was ironic, and the laughter was uncomfortable even in the ears, even with a creepy feeling.

Outside the heavens, on the Heishui Mountain, the old beggar heard the laughter and rubbed his chin, saying, "This ridiculous laughter sounds familiar, why is it like the old witch's laughter."

Heizu Niangniang responded lightly: "Who else can she be."

"This old witch always fears that the world will not be chaotic. This time she jumped out and didn't know what moths she wanted to fix."


The weird laughter kept ringing in Miluo Tianyu, and laughed for a long time, then stopped, and then the voice came again.

"Today ’s drama is really wonderful. It ’s so exciting. My wife has n’t seen such a great drama for a long time. It ’s really unexpected that it has been passed down from ancient times. Time, ha ha ha ha ha! "

"You caves are secretly collaborating with the Jiutian Immortal Road, united with the giant barbarians, and in the name of defending the avenues, they are trying to obliterate the people in order to rob the people of their good fortune, hahaha!"

"The plan is very good, and the abacus is also very good. Unfortunately, it is just too ugly to eat, not to say that we old guys can't see it, even the old-fashioned old people who have never asked the world can't see it. Therefore, they will come forward to discourage Jiutian Immortal Road. "

"Knowing that the ancient namelessness has come forward, you hypocrites even want to persecute Xiandao with ten little destiny hearts, and even more deliberately persecute heaven ... hahaha!"

"It's a pity. It's a pity that all of you who think you are right have been tricked. They have been tricked by Xiandao. They have also been tricked by Tiandao. You want to persuade Xiandao and Tiandao to test the guy with the surname of Gu, and Xiandao and Tiandao do not want to use them. You test him, or else, what do you think the heavenly path lowers the sound of the thunder? It is just to create an illusion to get you started! Hahaha! "

This laughter, a little sad, full of laughter, laughed at those great barren giants also laughed at those holes.

"After the praying mantis catches the cicada, there is only one cicada in the matter of today, but no one wants to be a praying mantis, they all want to be a canary. The great wilderness giant is, the heavenly blessing is, the holy land is forbidden to return to the market. Thousands of Avenues want to make canary birds ... hahaha! Especially if you want to make canaries in a blessed way, you just made a mantis! And a mantis eaten by a cicada, hahaha! "

At this time.

There was another voice in the void, but it sounded strange, and laughed: "They ca n’t do anything without the praying mantis. They have fallen too deep. First, the ten destiny hearts, and a group of ancestors. The incarnation can be said to have been dragged into the quagmire by the little guy named Gu quietly and innocently. In order to give up all his merits, he could only brace himself as a praying mantis ... "

Although this weird voice laughed very lightly, it was not difficult to hear in his words. It seemed to be laughing at Dongtianfudi, saying: "They thought that the great ancestors of the Great Desolation and Dongtianfudi's ancestors came out of the nest, and they should be able to test out the surname. The depth of the ancient people, as a result, instead of trying to find out the depth, but ... is overwhelmed by the whole army slaughtered by that guy alone, haha! It makes people cry and laugh. "


That weird laughter came again, and the laughter became even more tortured, saying: "So, the old man said that this play is really wonderful, but the most wonderful thing is the little guy named Gu. I have to say that he really made the old man an eye-opener and insightful ... "

"That's true." The weird voice exclaimed: "This play should have ended with nine days of giving up ... but he was not slow, and he wasn't in a hurry, dragging the barren giants and holes into the sky The quagmire is not terrible. He really said what he said. He said that the stage was created by you, and the prelude was also opened by you. Today ’s scene, you sing, you have to sing. Great! Admire! Admire very much. "

"No! You're wrong. That guy Gu is most impressed by the old man."

"Oh? What is it?"


Somehow, the weird voice laughed inexplicably, and it became more and more heartbroken, just like thinking of a funny joke, and laughed: "I didn't know it afterwards."

The weird voice asked, "What do you know?"

"Can you hear Fang Caijun's words?"

"of course."

"Jun Xuanyu said that the guy named Gu is not only driving himself crazy, but also those wild giants and caves, including the Three Thousand Avenues, and even our shot. Do you know what Jun Xuanyu said?"

"Appreciate further details."

"This guy ignited the fire of the original sin industry in Wudao Mountain, and slept for ten thousand years, and died again."

"This matter ~ ~ I also heard a little about it, so what."

"The fire of the original sin karma that year not only burned his body chaotic and decayed, but also burned him into a chaotic and dormant sleep. Mo said that we do n’t know his depth, that is, he probably does n’t know his depth. If the old man guesses well, In these years, he has always wanted to know his depth, but unfortunately, he has not encountered a suitable opportunity. "

"So, you mean, today they have created such a rare opportunity for them."

"Ha ha ha ha ha! That's right! What's even more funny is that these wild giants thought they were trying to test the depth of others. They don't know, they have been using them to test their own depth! Every step he took, everything he said All words are persuading Dongtianfu to take action, no! To be precise, not only is he persecting Dongtianfu to make a shot, but he is also trying to seduce Jiutianxiandao and Cangtian Avenue, as well as the Holy Land forbidden area, including our old guys! Hahahahaha! "

"Oh ..." said the strange voice: "That is to say, his hands have been itchy all the time, he has always wanted to find someone to fight, but he never found the right person. As a result, this time, the barbaric giant He came to the door with Dongtianfu, first gave him ten hearts of destiny to warm up, and then gave him a pair of ancestor incarnations to move hands and feet, and finally he came out and sent his avatar out to make him addicted ... "

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