
Vol 2 Chapter 1966: Ancient nameless explanation

The ancient unnamed explained: "You are a variable and a variable of the original sin. The original sin comes from the era of the innocent, and also exists because of the era of the innocent. Many chaotic causes and effects have been in existence since the Taoist era, and you have existed through countless chaotic causes and effects such as the ancient, the ancient, the ancient, and the ancient. "

"Variations of original sin exist in every age, and there is more than one. You are not the relationship between past life and this life, but the relationship between cause and effect. You are not the first original sin variable, nor will you be the last. A series of disordered causes and effects will not be terminated by your existence. As long as the original sin is attached, this series of disordered causes and effects will last forever and forever. "

Gu Qingfeng was silent, but drank his own wine.

Wu Guming continued to say: "I know that you have been doubting and doubting the cause and effect you encountered. I arranged it. The purpose is to restrain you from such a variable of original sin. Truth to tell you, if I can, I really want to. Do, but I have the power to graft your cause and effect. "

"And ... I can tell you very responsibly that if I can't graft your cause and effect, then in the heavens and the world, no one can graft."

"If it is exactly what you said." Gu Qingfeng asked, "What about the messy causes and effects I met? Are they coincidental?"

"Is n’t it a coincidence? I do n’t know, so I ca n’t tell you. The only thing I know I can tell you is, if it is possible, whether it is Yun Yishang, or the wind is moving from month to month, whether it is Tang Ye or Ye Tianlan, especially Jun Xuan Ye. , They definitely don't want to have anything to do with you. "

The ancient words are not unfamiliar to Gu Qingfeng.

Because he heard this sentence more than once.

He heard Yun Nishang said it, and he heard it said by the wind month by month. He heard it said by Tang Ye, and also by Ye Tianlan ... After their memories of previous lives were awakened, they said without exception that if they could, they definitely didn't want to get involved with themselves. relationship.

As for Jun Xuanyu.

Earlier I heard Jun Xuanyu say so much in Meihua Wonderland, Gu Qingfeng was almost sure. It was her encounter with herself that caused her memory to awaken. I would like to come to Gu Qingfeng if I can, I ’m afraid that Jun Xuanyu will not talk to herself. Get involved in any relationship.

"I said just now ... With the end of the Roadless Age, many avenues have been severely damaged and their sources have dried up. They have to fall asleep for a long time. During the period of drowsiness, the order and laws of the avenues are very unstable. The avenue is also related to the era of infidelity. Humanity is, nature is, heaven is, so is cause and effect, and original sin is even more ... "

"With the revival of these avenues in ancient times, many people have bet on the inhuman era that legends will open in this ancient times, and they want to seize the opportunity, or the humane advantage, or the nature. , Or to seize the opportunity of heaven, and some want to take this opportunity to seize the opportunity of destiny, seize the opportunity of true life, and perhaps the opportunity to cut the cause and effect, the opportunity to change destiny ... "

"Some successes have seized the opportunity, but many have failed ... or even more failed than failure, grafting your own cause and effect with you ..."

"If it ’s the cause and effect of other people, I might still be able to deduce it, but the cause and effect of your original sin is itself chaotic, so I ca n’t deduce it at all, and I ca n’t know the cause and effect between you and them. The current effect, or the new cause and effect triggered by the chaos ... I do n’t know, maybe it ’s a coincidence, maybe it ’s not ... I do n’t know, they do n’t know, I ’m afraid no one knows ... ”

"in fact!"

At this time.

Cang Yan said again, "It is not impossible for you and them to trigger a new cause and effect. In my opinion, this is very likely."

After a pause, Cangyan toasted and drank, and said, "There is a sentence you should have heard. Personality determines fate. What kind of person you are, you know best. Maybe I say this sentence will make you unhappy. However, I still want to say that you are too arrogant and too slutty. Your arrogance is destined to be ruthless, and your debauchery is also destined to be romantic. "

"If you don't provoke them proactively, will their cause and effect be grafted on you? You touch your conscience and ask yourself, is this the reason? As far as I know, you were in the northwestern part of the world, hiding incognito in the demon moon palace. That is, you take the initiative to hook up with the queen style month by month? "

"When you come to Yanluo, did you join Tang Emperor Tang Ye?"

"During the Qing Dynasty, you were not only abolished for a while, you were also put under a restraint. You were half dead, but you still did not forget to hook up with a woman. Finally, you broke through the restraint and re-trained. Let's tease the female ancestor Ye Tianlan, right? "

"Then you got worse, in front of Jiutianxiandao, was being tried by Jiutianxiandao, and you also made fun of Junxuan."

Cangyan's words are very sharp, telling the ancient Qingfeng's romantic past, saying: "Do you talk about these causes and effects all because of your romantic nature?"

Speaking, Cang Yan drank another glass of wine, and continued, "They met you, and they have really lost blood mold for eight lives. Originally, the reincarnation wanted to seize the opportunity. This is good. The opportunity has not been seized. Instead, I've got cause and effect with you, especially Jun Xuan 她 ... she buried her soul, what is the reincarnation, I may not know, but I know that if she did not meet you in the ancient world, even if she did not achieve her wish, I Think ... she won't lose herself like she does now ... "

"Tell yourself if they met you for eight lives and got blood mold? However, to say that the most unfortunate and most wronged is probably my little sister ..."

Cang Yan said more and more angry, and the tone became stronger and stronger, next to the ancient name unknown shook her head to tell her not to continue, but Cang Yan said: "No ~ ~ I have been holding these words in my heart for a long time , I have long wanted to make it clear in front of this guy. "

Cang Yan seemed to be questioning Gu Qingfeng and said, "You said that it was good. Why did you take my little sister away? If you did n’t take her away then, would she sink so deeply? For you to reincarnate In this world, do you know ... My little sister gave up a lot for you and lost a lot ... "

When found that Gu Qingfeng looked up at himself, Cangyan asked: "What are you looking at? Are you right?"

"I said big sister, you said just now that I'm collaborating with each other, Tang Yan, Jun Xuan, and I all recognize them, but to say that I'm collaborating with Su Shi, I don't recognize, I haven't colluded with her, why I took her She left because she asked me to take her away. If she wanted to talk about collusion, she would also collusion with me. Also, what did you say about my reincarnation? I never asked her to reincarnate for me! "


Cang Yan just spoke, but was interrupted by Gu Qingfeng: "What are you, what are you doing, don't you agree? If you don't agree, let's go out and compare."

"Old name, do you really think your aunt is afraid of you?"

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