
Vol 2 Chapter 1969: 3 mountains that cannot be escaped

The sun is setting, and the sunset is near dusk.

Maybe he was tired, Gu Qingfeng stood up, looked at the setting sun, stretched his back, and asked, "If this variable person is not a person of original sin, would you drive him into the market?"

"The person who is the original sin may not be the variable."

The ancient unknown was sitting upright on the chair from the beginning to the end. The face is still so ordinary, the eyes are still so calm, and the tone is still so plain. "But since ancient times, people who have changed must be It is the original sinner. "

Hear the words.

Gu Qingfeng raised his brow slightly and said, "This is the first time I heard this." Turning around, Gu Qingfeng opened an altar of **** impermanence mixed with the way of heaven and asked, "What are the variables and original sin?" Is it necessary to be connected? Why must the person who is the variable be the original sinner? "

"Because the original sin is the root cause of the cause and effect disorder." The namelessness of the ancients gradually became serious, saying: "It is precisely because of the existence of the original sin that there will be a series of disordered causes and effects since ancient times. Only then will they be born. "

After a pause, he continued: "Don't underestimate the cause and effect of chaos, even if it is just a little chaos, it will lead to drastic changes in the world, because once the cause and effect of chaos continues, it is like a plague, causing many causes and effects to be involved, Chaos, Three Thousand Avenues, all beings, heavens and earth, everything in the world will be affected by the cause and effect of the chaos, and unknown changes will occur. "

The ancient unnamed slowly said: "The chaotic cause and effect of the period of Wudao in that year led to drastic changes in the ancient times, which also affected the ancient, ancient, ancient, and ancient times ..."

"Listen to you ... the end of all ages seems to be caused by the chaotic cause and effect of the era of injustice?"

"Maybe, maybe not, I don't know."

"So, what exactly is the existence of original sin?" Gu Qingfeng asked seriously: "Exactly, what kind of thing caused causality disorder in the era of injustice?"

Wu Gu shook his head and said, "I don't know."

"Ha ha."

Gu Qingfeng drank a glass of wine and took a leisurely walk in the yard and said, "This is rare, you said that you are the embodiment of cause and effect and the messenger of destiny. How cause and effect are disordered, you do not know how destiny falls. Yes, you don't know. "

"I really don't know ..."

"It seems that in order to fully understand the original sin, we really have to open the era of infidelity ..." Gu Qingfeng, carrying his hands on his back, walking around the yard, said casually: "However ... this is how I feel wrong What about children? "

Wu Guming didn't speak, and asked Cang Yan, saying, "What's wrong?"

"How do I think you two are coming to me today, not just to clear up any misunderstandings?"

"Otherwise, what else? You don't think about it, we have no other meaning, I don't have it, and I have no name."

"But how do I hear and feel more and more, are you two trying to seduce me to open the era of injustice?"

Cang Yan explained: "Don't think about it, we don't mean it at all."

"Have you? No, it's not necessary. After we sat down, the two of you sang together and said something to clear up the misunderstanding and say an apology, and then turned to fate, then cause and effect, then the original sin ... At the end of the Wudao era, I said that the two of you are playing a very deep routine, one by one, and the grandfather put it in.

"Ancient surname, can you not measure the abdomen of a gentleman with the heart of a villain?" Cang Yan said silently: "What made us turn you on the head of cause and effect of destiny, the misunderstanding between you and the namelessness is originally cause and effect. It is normal for us to talk about this topic with destiny. As for the original sin, Wuming has already made it very clear. The cause of confusion is the original sin. "

Cang Yan said calmly: "Even if you repel causality and despise fate, you cannot avoid them, because you are the original sinner, and the original sin is both the cause of the cause and effect disorder and the destiny of the fall of fate. The root cause of the end of the Wayless Age, as a variable of original sin, whether it is cause and effect or the Age of Waylessness are the three mountains that you can't go around in your life! You can admit it or not. It is indisputable. You can't escape it, and you can't escape it. "

Later, Wu Guming also explained: "We have not seduced you to open the era of the Wayless, let alone, even if I and Cangyan do not come to see you today, you have decided to seek the Age of the Wayless, haven't you?"

"It seems very reasonable to hear you say this." Gu Qingfeng laughed: "Don't say, I really can't find a reason to refute you for a while and a half."

Say nothing.

The ancient Qingfeng whispered: "The original sin is the source of the cause and effect confusion, the source of the fall of fate, and the root of the end of the Wayless Age ... Ye and I, as variables of the original sin, seem to be incapable of opening up these three mountains . "

Gu Qingfeng murmured like this, walking for a while, and then stopped for a while, suddenly looking at the ancient nameless and pale face sitting in the gazebo, and asked with a slight smile: "You two should not be giving Am I brainwashing?


Cangyan was helpless, and it seemed that he was too lazy to explain it with Gu Qingfeng, and the ancient namelessness seemed helpless and closed his eyes, sighing deeply.

"If you two really brainwashed me, congratulations, you sing it all together ~ ~ You really washed my brain, this psychedelic soup is drinking ... It's really delicious, and it's quite strong Big, big grandfather can't wait to open the Innocent Age now to see what the original sin is. "

"Then ..." Gu Qingfeng turned, and Gu Qingfeng asked again, "Two sisters, can I ask for advice, how can we open this innocent era? Is it true that the book of destiny first became the original sin of God , Slaughtered three thousand avenues, will the era of injustice naturally start? "

The words fell, although Cang Yan's expression did not change, but there was a flash of worry in her eyes. She opened her mouth, stopped talking, and then looked at the ancient namelessness.

Gu Gu stared at Gu Qingfeng, shook his head, and responded, "I don't know."

"You really don't know, or don't want to say?"

"I don't know."

"Okay, I believe in you." Gu Qingfeng walked to the more than two hundred altars of heavenly Taoist wine piled up in the courtyard, admiring the natural way of heaven like Bai Yuding, and asked casually: "I listen Some people say that some people want to open the era of the Tao, but there are some who do not want to open the era of the Tao ... For this reason ... they have been blocking it secretly. "

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