
Vol 2 Chapter 1971: Can't wake up 1 person pretending to sleep

The sunset has long gone.

The dusk faded away.

Night came quietly.

The moonlight was bright and the stars were bright, but the night was especially quiet.

Inside the garden, under the gazebo.

Gu Qingfeng was lying on his back with his eyes closed slightly, as if he was contemplating with his eyes closed, and seemed to have an indescribable loneliness. The red-black too-virtual wine glass in his hand seemed even darker in the moonlight, as if dark The fire is burning.

The previous ancient breeze was a leisurely one.

The current ancient breeze is a lonely ancient breeze.

Cangyan can feel it, and the ancient nameless can also feel it.

The ancient nameless is still sitting quietly, ordinary face, calm eyes, bland expression, as if integrated into the night, more like she is darkness, darkness is her, regardless of each other.


Standing in the yard, with long hands and high-curled hair, dark red dress, showing graceful and luxurious appearance, flawless appearance, no longer glorious, but also looks evil and demon under the moonlight. Just as the goddess in the dark came, dominates the darkness here.

"He looks ... lonely and lonely."

Cang Yan glanced at the ancient namelessness, and said in a secret whisper: "You are still questioning whether you have grafted cause and effect for him, and now you are clearing up the misunderstanding, just because you don't want to cause and effect with him, but he ..."

"This may be the real him." Wu Gu sighed innocently: "No one likes others to impose cause and effect on themselves, and no one likes to avoid all cause and effect from themselves, I think ... he is no exception."

"I always thought he had been used to being alone all these years."

"Habiting loneliness doesn't mean enjoying loneliness." Wu Guming said, "No one will enjoy loneliness ... no one ..."

"We practice spiritually, but we run in the opposite direction, preferring to be detached from ourselves rather than our own heart."

"Perhaps he also cultivates his mind, but unlike us, we transcend our own heart, but he cultivates an initial heart, an ordinary heart, a mundane heart, and an original heart carrying sadness, joy, and love. "

"There is no time in practice, no time in eternity, no reincarnation in life and death, no end to the road ..." Cang Yan murmured: "If you do not transcend your own heart, cut off the emotions and desires, and see the worldly red dust, the waiting for him will be infinite Calamity, one day he will not be able to bear it, mental disorders, blurred consciousness, lost soul ... "

Wu Guming said, "For him, although practice has no years, it has the joy of life. Although time has no eternity, it carries good memories. Although life and death have no reincarnation, they carry sadness and joy, and the avenue is endless. But it carries the dream of the other side. "

"I've heard my son mention that this guy spoke a word that impressed me very much." Cang Yan also said, "He said that instead of pursuing the avenue of nothingness in his years, it would be better to spend extravagantly and enjoy the joy of this world. "

"The avenue he is pursuing ... is different from the one we are pursuing from the beginning. He does not bother to pursue our avenue, but we dare not pursue the avenue he pursues."

"Who said no?" Cang Yan sighed. "What he pursues is an avenue that has no ancient people before him, or perhaps a avenue that has no future people. Do you think he will succeed?"

Yugu Anonymous shook his head and signaled that he didn't know.

At this moment, Gu Qingfeng, who had been closing his eyes and thinking, suddenly opened his eyes and changed his position. He took a glass of wine and took a sip of wine. He sighed and said, "I say big sister, there is a problem, I can Can't ask you. "


"Why don't you want to cause causality with me? Do you hate me?"

When Gu Qingfeng said these words, whether it was ancient namelessness or Cangyan, he could not help but look at the lonely and lonely look of Gu Qingfeng just now. The two of them were quite sympathetic. How could they blink like this? Just like another person, the lonely Gu Qingfeng also disappeared. The former leisurely guy who appeared like a rogue and a rogue came out again, and it was really speechless to say whether he was averse to him.

"Just a joke, don't mind ha." Gu Qingfeng asked with a smile: "Seriously, you don't want to cause causality with me, are you afraid of my variable and messing up your causality?"

The ancient name is not concealed, nodded.

"If the two of us have cause and effect, and your cause and effect are chaotic, what will happen?"

"The consequences are unthinkable," said Wu Guming. "My trajectory of life will also cause many unknown changes."

"That's it!"

Gu Qingfeng pondered for a moment, and then asked: "I ask one more thing, the cause and effect, it is neither visible nor tangible, it cannot be felt, it cannot be detected, how to judge it, so let's say, I should How to know if causality has occurred. "

"I can't answer this question for you, at least, I can't explain it to you in words, you must feel it yourself."

"Why can't I realize the existence of cause and effect at all?" Gu Qingfeng wondered: "I'm stumped I don't have cause and effect? ​​This can't be justified. I should have a lot of cause and effect, whether it is my own cause There should be a lot of the consequences of the original sin, but there are many causes and effects, but I did n’t feel any cause and effect. How should this thing be felt, can you give me pointers? "

"I can wake up a person who is asleep." Yuan Gu stared at Gu Qingfeng anonymously and said solemnly, "But he could not wake up a person who pretended to be asleep."

Gu Qingfeng muttered this sentence and asked with a frown, "Big sister, my brain has just been washed by the two of you, and the medicinal power of the Ecstasy Soup hasn't passed yet, so can you make it clear, Keep it simple, otherwise I do n’t understand. "

"You have always rejected causality in your heart, how can you feel the existence of causality?"

"Exclusion?" Gu Qingfeng shook his head and said, "Before or a little bit more or less exclusion ~ ~ But I am not so much exclusion against causality now."

"But you have never accepted cause and effect, haven't you?"

"That is, if I want to perceive cause and effect, I must accept cause and effect, right?"


"Then how to accept cause and effect?" Gu Qingfeng continued to ask, "Can you help me wash my brain and wash my brain to accept cause and effect?"

Facing such requirements as Gu Qingfeng, the ancient nameless is too lazy to bother.

"You guy ..." Cang Yan said unpleasantly, "There is no end."

"Two big sisters, don't get me wrong. I didn't make fun of you. I really want to accept cause and effect in my heart, but my heart is not willing. So, do you have any way to persuade me? "

Wu Gu shook his head helplessly and said, "Since your heart has chosen to let it go, then let it go, so why force yourself to accept cause and effect."

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