
Vol 2 Chapter 1974: Huwei doesn't fight, the world can't fight with it

Gu Qingfeng didn't talk anymore, but walked out of the gazebo and walked towards the house in the yard. When he stepped on the stairs, he suddenly stopped and said, "Jin Er is also the original sinner."

Gu Qingfeng didn't seem to be asking, at least, the tone was not, the tone was not, but the ancient nameless man answered him: "Yes."

"Jin Er is also a variable person."


"Jin Er may also be ... the original sin God."


Gu Qingfeng said three words, and Gu Guming also answered three yes.

"I'll ask Jiner tomorrow. If she stays, let her stay. If she wants to follow you, I won't force it."

Subsequently, Gu Qingfeng opened the door and walked in.

With a slam, the door closed tightly, and the conversation between Gu Qingfeng and the ancient nameless late was also ended.

And the ancient nameless and Cangyan did not continue to stay for a long time. After the two left from Yunxiazong, the ancient namelessly raised his head slightly, closed his eyes, as if he was feeling something, as if he was remembering something, thinking about something. It took a long time before she sighed deeply.

Sigh is sad, sigh is helpless.

Sigh is sigh, and sigh is blank.

next to.

Cang Yan also sighed sighing, the difference is that she sighed as if she was relieved and murmured: "It's a very painful thing to talk to this guy. I'm physically and mentally exhausted ... "

"Walk around with me."

The ancient unnamed voice came, Cang Yan nodded, she knew that talking to Gu Qingfeng, even herself was physically and mentally exhausted, I'm afraid that ancient Guming was even more so. This conversation seemed like an ordinary chat, in fact, Cang Yan Nei's heart was clear. Wu Guming has been under tremendous pressure, especially when talking with Gu Qingfeng.

Because every word and every meaning expressed by the ancient name has passed into the ears of the ancient Qingfeng, it may have an unknown and terrible impact on the heavens and the world, on this avenue, and even on the ancient times.


Do not.

No exaggeration at all.

The existence of the ancient Qingfeng is too special. It is so special that even a single thought will cause unthinkable consequences. This consequence includes whether the Three Thousand Avenues is deceased, whether the ancient times are over, and whether the era of injustice is on ...

This is also the fundamental reason why the ancient namelessness has been unwilling to meet Gu Qingfeng for so long, because she is afraid.

Not only are they afraid that their own cause and effect will be disturbed by the influence of Gu Qingfeng, but also that their words and actions will affect the heart of Gu Qingfeng.

"Whether we admit it or not, sometimes fate really makes fun of people." Cang Yan sighed: "From ancient times to now, there are so many people with original sin, so many variables of original sin, why is he only trapped so deeply, think carefully, still It is quite ironic. Many variables of original sin, throughout their lifetime, are seeking original sin. In order to become God of original sin, at all costs, they are even willing to sell their souls. In the end ... But it is a dream. Some are ashes, some are lost, some have become the puppets of original sin ... "

"And this guy, rejecting cause and effect, resisting destiny, never said to seek the original sin, but kept getting rid of the original sin. As a result, instead of getting rid of it, he got deeper and deeper, deep enough to be unable to extricate himself, even deeper. It's about the fate of the era of injustice ... "

"There is no way to seek the original sin, but to get rid of it and get deeper and deeper. This is really ... ironical."


The eternal name inexplicably said three words: "He does not argue."

Hearing the words, Cangyan froze and asked: "He doesn't argue?"

"Struggle is not contention, not contention is contention, husband Wei is not contention, the world will not be able to compete with it." Wu Guming murmured: "His state of mind is to do whatever he wants, to do nothing is to do, he ... Maybe already Spying out the true meaning of the avenue. "

"This guy's existence is really incredible!" Cang Yan asked, "It's just ... Is the inaction road he spied out, unintentional or intentional?"

"If it's intentional, it can't be done at will, and it can't be done naturally."

"It's true." Cang Yan also sighed: "Whether it is to let it go or to do whatever it wants, it's unintentional, and everything can be unconscious, and only by accident can we discover the true meaning of the road."

Speaking of this, Cang Yan shook her head and sighed helplessly.

"Why sigh?" Wu Gu asked anonymously: "You also feel that your destiny is unfair?"

"Fate is not fair." Cang Yan reluctantly smiled: "I want to search for the endless years of the Avenue, I have not been able to enter the door of the Avenue, and that guy just entered the Avenue door so casually, you said that destiny is fair ?"

"Fate is fair." Qian Guming asked, "If you would exchange it with him, would you be willing?"

"Not willing."

"He must be willing."

Cang Yan asked again, "Don't say me, what about you, would you like to exchange with him?"

"I don't want to."

"It won't matter."

The ancient name walked slowly in the night sky of this world, whispered to himself: "He has too many things, too heavy ... not only him, all the original sin variables, but most of them The original sin variable either lost its mind, was lost by itself, or was overwhelmed ... Only, he had neither lost his mind, nor lost himself, nor was he overwhelmed. An ordinary heart, to be honest, I really admire him. "

"Just admire it ~ ~ Don't move other minds, let alone be like Mi Er, admire and gradually admire it ..."

After hearing the words, the ancients stopped for nothing, looked at Cangyan helplessly, and shook his head.

"Okay, no kidding, but there is one thing that I particularly want to know. Did you regret not having sent him back to the market? If you had him back to the market then, the situation in ancient times may be different. Now. "

"It's really different. If I had driven him back to the market, the situation in the ancient times may not be as bad as it is now, but it may be worse than now. What will the situation in the ancient times be? Yes, I do n’t dare to gamble because I do n’t know. "

"Your courage has always been small."

"I'm timid because I can't afford to lose."

"You always say you can't lose, but you never lose."

"I've bet and I've lost. I've bet it a long time ago. The bet is all I have. As a result, I lose, I lose everything."

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