
Vol 2 Chapter 1981: Ancient teleportation array

This is a fat monk with a round shape, looks more greasy, wearing a monk robe and wearing a badger. He is sitting in a chair at the moment, humming a little song, drinking a little wine, and eating a lot With barbecue.

Isn't this **** monk, apprentice apprentice, Fuji?

Why is he here?

If you think about it, Gu Qingfeng immediately remembered that when he first met Daxing Luren in the front line, it seemed that he had said that he would come to Qianji Tianyu to find a doctor.

With this in mind, Gu Qingfeng inspected Yunjue Temple again, and did not find the figure of a monk in the line.

I wonder where Daxing this old bald donkey went.

Without much thought, Gu Qingfeng appeared directly.

It didn't matter that he appeared, and frightened the Fuji monk who was drinking and eating meat in a large bowl.

"You ... You Emperor!"

When the monk Fuji saw Gu Qingfeng, the whole person was stupid. He was at a loss as if he was seeing a ghost and god. After a long while, when he returned to God, he couldn't help being shocked, and hurriedly saluted, shaking. The Tao said: "Small ... I don't know if Emperor Zun came here, but please ... Emperor Zun forgive sin ..."

"It's so smart to live a small life."

Gu Qingfeng sat down directly, looking at a roasted red game on the table, and asked, "What fun is this roasted?"

"Back to Emperor Huizhuang, it's not a lot of fun, it's just ... just a common wild crane."

"You do eat it."

Gu Qingfeng dragged a piece of meat and paid, and nodded in praise, "don't say, the taste is really good."

"If Emperor likes it, small ... you can rebake one for your old man now."

"No, you get up, I have something to ask you."

After the Fuji monk got up, he quickly poured wine into Gu Qingfeng, and said carefully, "I don't know what Emperor wants to ask the little one?"

"Have you met the doctor ... No, have you seen the Prophet of Yunjue Temple?"

"No!" The Fuji monk honestly responded: "When the younger and the master came to Qianji Tianyu a few years ago, the Buddha and Taoist prophet seemed to have left ..."

"is it?"

Gu Qingfeng bowed his head and groaned, drinking, and asked, "Where's your master?"

"The younger don't know where my master went. His old man asked the younger to wait for you here."

"Daxing asked you to wait for me here?" Gu Qingfeng wondered, "Wait for what?"

"Master did not say, he just let the younger wait for you here, saying that you must go to him."

"Where is your Master now?"

"Back to Emperor Huizun, I don't know."

"Your mother-in-law doesn't even know where Daxing is, so he can find him."

"Please ask Emperor to follow the young."

Gu Qingfeng didn't know what medicine was sold in the gourd of Daxing Lei Monk. He followed the Fuji monk to a secret room, and there was nothing in the secret room. When the monk Fuji raised his hand, he moved his method and immediately In a flash, the brilliance in the center of the secret room bloomed, forming a mysterious water mirror.

This is a formation.

It's also a teleportation array.

Gu Qingfeng took a look. This teleportation team has been around for a few years, and it ’s been a million years since I talked about it, but it seems to have been restored by people later. of.

"Emperor, my master said ... as long as you are in this teleportation array ... you can find him elderly."

"Where does this stuff lead?"

"Xiao didn't know and didn't go in. Since Master left, Xiao has been waiting for you."

The ancient Qingfeng sacrifice a sacrifice to investigate, and found that the teleportation array is not an ordinary teleportation array. It contains a lot of space magical powers, but it seems to use the law of space.

The ability to arrange a teleportation array by this means not only shows that the person who arranges the array method is not simple, but also shows that the place where this teleportation group transmits is also unusual.

Generally speaking, most of the teleportation arrays are teleported to each other in the same world. It is not to say that teleportation between two worlds is impossible, but if it is to transmit in two worlds, it is necessary to open the barriers of space in both worlds at the same time. .

And if you want to break through the space barriers of the two-party world, you must first get permission from the two-world world. If the two-party world does not have a world-respect, this gadget is also a very complicated project that requires the consumption of human resources. of.

This is just a world-to-world teleportation array. If the sky domain and the sky domain build a transport array, the project will be even more extensive, at least several thousand years, and it will take tens of thousands of years to complete.

Even after the construction is completed, this gadget is very unstable. If a natural storm comes from a certain world, perhaps a certain celestial area causes spatial turbulence, the efforts of thousands of years will be lost.

There is one more serious problem.

That is the teleportation array. The farther the distance is, the greater the danger factor is. One is not good, and it is not impossible to fall into the turbulent space.

This is why there are very few teleportation arrays between the heavens and the heavens.

Gu Qingfeng was observing the teleportation array in the back room, and he found that this thing was very evil. It neither opened the barriers of the world space nor the barriers of the space of the sky. In other words, it was neither transmitted to a certain world nor to some Tianyu, it can be said that teleportation in this flower and bird world does not seem like it.

The more the ancient Qingfeng observed, the more I felt that the teleportation array was very mysterious, and the investigation of the sacrifice could not be detected for a while, so it felt like it was bottomless.

After thinking about it, Gu Qingfeng didn't bother to continue his investigation, and asked, "Is there anything you can do for me, Master?"

"This ... the younger isn't quite clear, Master didn't say, his old man just said that you should go to him."

"Your master teleported from this stuff?"


Gu Qingfeng didn't speak any more, hesitating to go in and see.

to be frank.

Under normal circumstances ~ ~ The ancient breeze rarely transmits through the teleportation array, especially this ancient and mysterious teleportation array. He has some shadows about this stuff, because in the ancient times, he did not eat less. The loss of the teleportation array.

At that time, he was chased and killed by the Three Thousand Avenue. In order to survive, Gu Qingfeng drilled inside when he met the teleportation array. As a result, he could hardly come out several times.

That's right, just can't get out.

That old teleportation array, after you jump in, you don't know where to teleport.

It may be hell, it may be an abyss, or it may be a more mysterious place. There will always be surprises waiting for you.

It does not matter.

The important thing is that the ancient teleportation arrays are either ancient or ancient, or even older. The ghosts know how many years have passed. Most of the formations are very unstable. After drilling in, they either suddenly fail or suddenly collapse. It is a trivial matter to cause space turbulence. It is a trifle to get hurt. If you are afraid, you may fall into those abandoned and abandoned abandoned spaces. By that time, it ’s really ineffective every day. You ca n’t survive, you ca n’t come out.

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