
Vol 2 Chapter 2000: Smug smile

Whether Gu Qingfeng or Mo Wentian, both of them have heard this sentence and know its meaning.

Heaven and earth are indifferent to benevolence, and it does not matter to be innocent. Heaven and earth gave birth to all things and did not want to get any reward.

Heaven and earth treat all things the same. It is not particularly good to anyone, nor is it particularly bad to everyone. Everything follows its natural development. In other words, no matter what all things become, that ’s the behavior of all things. It ’s nothing to do with heaven and earth. Heaven is still a matter of heaven, earth or dry earth. but.

Heaven and earth are so, and saints are no exception.

This is also the Tao, one life, two life, two life three, and three life, human law, earth law, heaven law, heaven law, Taoism naturally.


Gu Qingfeng and Mo Wentian didn't know that this sentence of innocentness and ignorance of all things as ruminant dogs, and sage inhumanity and mortal life as ruminant dogs had anything to do with trust and distrust.

The Daxing epic explained: "The saints are all ants. The saints do not care about our lives, because after being a saint, there is no so-called good and evil, and there is no emotion, just like the heavens and the earth. It doesn't matter benevolence or inhumanity. "

"Although the resurrected ancestors of our Zen Buddhism have not yet been sanctified, they have been practicing Buddhism for a long time. The four majors are empty and the six roots are pure. Not only are we Zen ancestors, this is the case for all ancestors of the avenue. On behalf of them, they will care, not only will they not care, and the old man can tell you for sure that after practicing to their state, there is only one mind in his mind, that is the truth of pursuing the avenue. If he can pursue the avenue, he said Killing us Zen disciples will not frown even if they kill their brothers and mothers. "

"You two understand the meaning of grandma?"

Gu Qingfeng and Mo Wentian nodded.

They all understood.

As the Daxing monk said, he is not distrusting the Zen ancestors, but that the Zen ancestors ’cultivation has been out of trust or not, because whether you trust or distrust will not affect those Zen ancestors. What ancestors did.


Mo Wentian, who had been silent, suddenly asked, "You do n’t have a short time to practice Buddhism. Taking your practice as the realm, even if you are not as old as those ancestors, they are definitely not much different. They are all four, and the six roots are quiet. Ask for the way, don't care about the things outside of you, why do you care? They cut off the seven emotions and six desires, stumped you? "

"Seven emotions and six desires are not to say that you can cut them off, or you can't say that you can break them." The Daxing epic responded: "If the seven emotions and six desires are really so good to cut off, they would have been sanctified long ago. Besides, the pursuit of the truth of the road is itself a How to cut off this desire? "

"The seven emotions are chopped, and the six desires are difficult to determine. This is a well-known thing." Mo asked the heavens, "But the problem is that, as far as I know, you have n’t cut off the seven emotions and six desires, but you have never cut them, right? ? "

The Daxing monk didn't conceal anything, and bluntly said, "That's right! It's true."

"Why? Sorry you don't want to be sanctified into gods like those ancestors? Pursuing the true meaning of the avenue?"

"Whoever does n’t want to become a god? Those who do n’t want to pursue the truth of Dadao? Of course, the old man also thinks, but the thing of Dadao Shinji is too vain. So far, no one knows what Dadao Shinji is, and no one To be clear, the old lady is a very pragmatic person. If you do n’t even know the true meaning of Dadao, what am I pursuing?

The monk of Daxing said: "As for sanctification and devotion, haha! The old man really thinks, but if the price of sanctification is to cut off the seven emotions and six desires, then the old man would rather not be a **** or sanctification, and the old man would rather be an affectionate He wants to be a human, a secular living Buddha, and he doesn't want to be a ruthless and holy Buddha. "

"It's better to be a secular living Buddha than to be a holy Buddha, good to say!"

Mo Wentian praised: "It is truly a living Buddha in the world, and the realm is extraordinary."

"Come on, you'll be embarrassed." Daxing epilepsy stared at Mo Wentian and asked, "Speaking again, as far as Lao's knowledge is concerned, your kid hasn't cut love and **** to this day? Why don't you? cut?"

"I do n’t ask God to practice, because I enjoy the process of carrying sorrow, joy, anger, sorrow, joy, sorrow, joy, anger, sorrow, and detachment from one's self, not to pursue the so-called sanctification or sanctification, nor to pursue the so-called avenue truth. I am pursuing the process of spiritual practice. , Not the result of spiritual practice. "

The Daxing epic nodded and whispered: "The pursuit is the process of practice, not the result." After a moment of comprehension, I gave Mo Wentian an admiring look and sighed: "Mo Xiaozi, Mo Xiaozi, your state of mind Taller than the oldest. "

Mo Wentian smiled helplessly: "Too much Momo."

"Old lady didn't lift you up."

In turn, the monk looked at Gu Qingfeng again and asked, "Gu Zi, how about you, why haven't you cultivated so much in practice? Others may not know it, but the old man knows that your boy has escaped so many avenues and escaped. After ego, only his mother has a passionate heart, what is it? Why, stumped, you are just like Mo Xiaozi, only pursuing the process of spiritual practice, not interested in the true meaning of the road? "


Gu Qingfeng was lying on his back, leaning on Erlang's legs, drinking leisurely wine, and listening to the Daxing epic, he shrugged, and shook his head, and said, "Don't hide from you, master and I practice. I'm not interested in becoming a **** or being holy, and I'm not interested in the true meaning of the main road. As for the practice, I'm not too interested. "

"Then why is your boy practicing?"

Aside, Mo Wentian was also quite curious. He also wanted to know the reason for Gu Qingfeng's practice.

"You really asked my grandfather about this question. If you want to say what I ’ve practiced, I do n’t do anything. Everyone practices, so I practice, and I do n’t think about why, and it ’s like everyone. They are alive, and I am alive. "

Gu Qingfeng rubbed his chin, thinking hard, saying, "If I have to say what I have done, I may be for survival, it may be for longevity, or it may be for eating, drinking, fun, and enjoying life. You know, we are a Vulgars, and they are still very vulgar. Vulgars do n’t have much pursuit, just to make a living, after all, it ’s better to live. ”

"Cultivation has reached your level. Your boy is a wildflower. From ancient times to now, I am afraid I can't find a second person like your boy."

The Daxing monk shook his head and sighed, saying: "But ~ ~ Even if the old man doesn't want to, he still has to admit that your kid's seemingly vulgar and dazed practice attitude is actually wantless. Wuqiu, you are really **** high in this realm. "

"There is love and color, there is no desire or desire, let it be, it is a state of inaction." Mo Wentian also said, "The ancient brother is in such a state of mind that Mo Mou is envious."

"How is it? Ye is high, right? Envy?"

Gu Qingfeng had no humility at all. Instead of not being modest, he laughed and laughed very proudly, saying, "Don't say that you both admire Grandpa's state of mind, even Grandpa envy me myself! Hahahahaha!"

Seeing this scene, Daxing epilepsy cursed shamelessly, and Mo Wentian was very speechless.

Of course.

Just then, a mighty shout came from the air.

"Dahang, you old bald donkey, get out for grandpa!"

(End of this chapter)

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