
Vol 2 Chapter 2002: Mysterious man in black

After listening to the words of the monks, Gu Qingfeng realized why the so-called Heishan Five Monsters were neither inherited from heaven or death, but if they were able to control nature, the daring is the innate element born of nature. Refined, and after many years of cultivation, he has been edified by the Dharma for many years. Not only that, but also the point of the mother of Montenegro, no wonder one by one looks so powerful.

Over the years, as the ancient Qingfeng became more and more aware of nature and the Dharma, he felt more and more that there was an unclear relationship between nature and the Dharma. He even felt that nature was the Dharma, and the Dharma was Nature is like the Buddha, and the Tao is natural.

At this moment, looking at a few nature monsters who have become refined Buddhas, the ancient Qingfeng is the Tao of the Buddha, and the natural insight of Taoism is more thorough.

"The strengths of the five monsters in Montenegro are all unpredictable, especially when the five monsters join forces. It is just a storm of nature. There is nothing you can do. The headache is very serious. Their respective characteristics are made from the essence of nature, and their power cannot be said. "

Dahang epilepse sighed: "They have been retreating from ancient times, hundreds of thousands of years ago, and today's cultivation is strength, I am afraid it is even more unimaginable. I really do n’t know why the old mother of Montenegro turned these five crazy crazy It ’s a monster. "

Gu Qingfeng asked: "Crazy?"

"You're stumped and can't see the abnormality of Montenegro?"

Gu Qingfeng shook his head. He didn't really see what was wrong with the five monsters in Montenegro.

"Except for the landlord, the other four monsters in Heishan are abnormal. The head of the fire head is very grumpy, and it burns all over the world. It has burned seven or eight worlds in a row. This wonderland, I do n’t know how many people died, just because his mother is unhappy, that Lei Gongdian mother and dog couple is not a good thing, all day long whispering, I like to tinker with a thunderstorm, get some Zijin Electric, the favorite thing to do is to make trouble everywhere, and the wind siren, not even a good bird, blowing a gust of wind from time to time, that is a wave of excitement. "

"In short, the five monsters in Montenegro except the landlord, the other four are afraid of the world's chaos. Before the retreat, they have messed us up in the West. The eight Buddhists saw a headache. . "

"Really?" Gu Qingfeng rubbed his chin and laughed, "Ye really didn't expect that the Heishan Five Monsters could be so big that they could disturb Xitian. Why, your Xitian ancestors didn't come forward to the Heishan Five Monsters." Killed? "

"That would have to be done. Montenegro's five monsters have long been integrated with nature. There are so many incarnations and countless, how to do it? It can't be done too much. In the past, nature couldn't be dead. Now it's big. After the natural recovery, it will be even harder to kill the Montenegro Five Monsters. "

The monk shook his head helplessly and said, "What's more, the five monsters in Montenegro were trained by the old mother of Montenegro. There is a way to see the face of the monk without looking at the monk. Even if the ancestors of the eight Buddhist monks could kill the five monsters in Montenegro, that would have to Ask your mother in Montenegro to agree or disagree. "

Gu Qingfeng looked at it for a long time, and looked at it. I also saw four spooky monsters, including a fire head, and any thunder goddess, and Feng Siniang. After searching for a long time, they did not find the land official And asked, "Why didn't you see the Landlord?"

As soon as the words fell, Gu Qingfeng saw a group of three people in the distance approaching the sky.

One of them he had met was the sister-in-law of the Daxing episcopal, Shuiyue Bodhisattva.

To the left of Shuiyue Bodhisattva is an old man with a cane bent over his back and humped his back. When Gu Qingfeng glanced at it, he knew that this old man with a humpback should be the land man among the five monsters in Montenegro.


Compared to the landlord, he is more interested in a person standing on the right side of the Shuiyue Bodhisattva.

Is a man in black.

The man in black wore a large black robe and hoodie, which wrapped the whole person tightly and barely, revealing only a pair of dark eyes, except that he could see nothing, giving a very mysterious and weird, It's very empty.

"Do you know that man in black?"

Gu Qingfeng asked.

Mo Wentian shook his head and said: "I don't know and never saw it." Closed his eyes, Mo Wentian frowned, and said: "Although Mo can sense his existence, he can only sense it. , Very vague. "

What Mo Wentian said was also what Gu Qingfeng wanted to say, because, like Mo Wentian, although he could sense the existence of people in black, it was extremely vague.

It feels like a faint faint brilliance appears in the dark void. It can be seen, but it can only be seen. I can't touch it, and I don't know where the brilliance is.

This feeling is not unfamiliar to Gu Qingfeng, because Jun Xuanzhen also feels so nihilistic, giving people a very unreal feeling. Not only is Jun Xuanzhen like this, when he was in the Luo Tianyu, He found that there were several such beings who had been staring at him secretly.

As for who these people are, Gu Qingfeng didn't know for a while.


Gu Qingfeng and Mo Wentian both looked at Daxing epilepsy, and both knew that if any of them knew the identity of the man in black, then this person must be Daxing epilepsy.

However, what the two did not expect was that the Daxing epic shook his head with a look of horror and said, "Old man does not know this man in black."

Mo Wentian next raised an eyebrow, and then took a deep look at the ancient Qingfeng. Obviously, Mo Wutian had doubts about Daxing's words, and Gu Qingfeng never believed in Daxing's epilepsy. monk.

"Dahang! You old bald donkey!"

In the air ~ ~ The fire-headed Tuo, who looks like a giant flame, shouted with a mighty red sword. "Lao Tzu knows you are hiding here, and hurry up to Lao Tzu! Otherwise, Lao Tzu Make you look good! "

"Dahang, if you don't come out again, don't blame our brothers and sisters for being polite to you."

Huotuotuo, Lei Gongdian, and Feng Siniang all released ruthless words in the air. Seeing that Daxing's priests did not come out, the four were ready to force Daxing's priests out at this time. The Landlord who came together said, "You guys must not be rude."

Although the landlord looked inconspicuous, what he said was extremely important. In a word, the other four monsters in Montenegro did not continue to shine.

If he was just a monk, he might have been hiding, but now that Gu Qingfeng and Mo Wentian are here, there is no need for him to continue hiding, and he waved his hand to remove the array and appeared.

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