
Vol 2 Chapter 2011: 1 wave is not flat

Xun Zheng's so-called wave after wave has risen again.

The ancient ancient breeze has just tossed back from the turbulent currents of the endless sea. Before it can breathe, the structure of the space tunnel has begun to collapse again.

And whether it is Gu Qingfeng, Mo Wentian, or Daxing Lengren, it can be seen that the collapse of the tunnel structure is devastating. In other words, Mo said to repair, even if he tried his best to stabilize, he could not continue to stabilize. Already collapsed structure.

Before the ancient breeze came, there was a bad hunch. I thought it was unlucky to meet the Void Beast inexplicably. I never thought of encountering the structure that made him extremely speechless.

To this day, Gu Qingfeng is too lazy to scold the monks, because once the space tunnel breaks down, all of them will fall into the turbulent flow of the endless sky outside the sky, and then it will be true that Tiantian should not Called earth to not work.

Although he has realized the ability to follow the waves in the endless sea, he does not want to wander aimlessly in that broken place all his life, not to mention that the endless sea is not only a turbulent flow of space. He can accompany the turbulent flow of space to follow the flow, which does not mean Turbulent over time.

"It's impossible, we can only fight it out in such an unlucky situation!"

The Daxian monk took a deep breath and yelled, "While the space tunnel has not completely broken down, everyone rushes forward, and it is not far from the entrance of the small Zen mystery. As long as we work hard, we should be able to rush Go in! "

The chanting voice fell, and the Daxing epilepsy transformed into a golden Luo Han, with one hand standing on his chest, and the other hand holding Shuiyue Bodhisattva, and ran forward.

The ancient breeze, Mo Wentian, and the five monsters in Montenegro did not hesitate, all sprinting forward.

With such a sprint, the spatial structure collapsed even more strongly.

This is no way, it ’s better than sitting still. It ’s important to know that while the space tunnel structure collapses, the transmission portals of the small Zen mystery area will be closed one after the other. Therefore, they must wait for the space tunnel structure to completely collapse. Rush to the little Zen mystery.

Click! Click!

With the crazy sprints of several people, the structure of the space tunnel is getting worse and worse.

"The entrance to the teleport is just ahead!"

The shout of the Daxing epic came, Gu Qingfeng looked up, and sure enough, there was an entrance at the end of the tunnel. It felt as bright as a ray of light in the darkness, but the brilliance was as blurry as a blaze of flame. Wagging, as if it would fall apart at any time.

The ancient breeze can see that the entrance to the transmission of Xiaozen's mystery is also falling apart. At the moment, both fists are clenched, the heart is widened, the firepower is fully opened, and the sprint is mad.


The ancient breeze feels wrong, look down, good guy! A red badger is entangled in its own waist. This red badger is not other than Qiankun.

"Gude! What are you doing so fast! Wait for us!"

"Dahang!" Gu Qingfeng scolded, "Your uncle!"

The monk Dahang not only tied Gu Qingfeng with Qiankun 绫, but also tied Mo Wentian and the five monsters of Montenegro, and when he yelled, he shouted, "Oh, man, oh!"

With the opening of the six-character mantra of Buddhism, the golden light of the Daxing monk's body burned like a torch, and the vast dharma burst out. The Daxing monk was like a frightened yak, pulling Qiankunyu with everyone Rush towards the portal.

一 Just before the entrance of the teleportation collapsed, the Daxing epilepsy finally successfully led everyone into the small Zen mystery.

"Dahang! You **** it!"

After Xun rushed to the secret realm of Xiao Zen, Gu Qingfeng sat on the ground with a tired buttock, panting heavily, scolding: "Lao Tzu came to help you with good intentions, right?"

The Daxing monk was also very tired, panting heavily, and said, "Lao Lao ... when did you pit you, Lao Lai just felt that everyone was together. There is a care. If you want to fall into the endless sea, you will fall together. If you want to rush in, you will be together. Rush up, why your kid always likes to be special. "

The ancient breeze does not like to be special.

It has been that since the beginning of spiritual practice, he has been alone, suffering, living, and experiencing life and death. He has also become accustomed to individualism. He ca n’t adapt to what teamwork he plays. The important thing is that he is not a heroic hero like Mo Tian. He can't do anything about self-denial, let alone a bunch of people who have no friendship.


When sprinting just now, Mo Wentian was not too tired, but at this moment, instead of sitting on the ground and breathing heavily like Gu Qingfeng, he stood there, staring at the small boy with a grimace. Zen mystery, frowning, seemed very confused, and asked, "This is the so-called little Zen mystery?"

"Yes! What's wrong."

The Daxing monk just got up, looked up, and was shocked. "What's wrong! How did this happen? When the old lady came, the little Zen mystery was normal, why is it so confused now?" ! "

I heard the words.

Gu Qingfeng couldn't help but burst into his heart, and quickly checked. He had never been to the small Zen mystery before, and he didn't know what the previous small Zen mystery looked like. All he knew was that the current small Zen mystery looked very bad, and it was bad. Through.

Above the sky, UU reads www.uukanshu. The dark clouds are condensing, the lightning is thundering, the strong wind is whistling, and the earth is shaking violently. It is just like the storm of nature, just like the end of the world. What makes Gu Qingfeng feel a headache is that he found that the space of this world is also very Unstable, not only the order is disordered, the rules are also disordered, and the entire world space is chaotic.

"How could this be?"

The Shuiyue Bodhisattva looked at the chaotic little Zen mystery, and also looked blank, and asked, "What about our Zen elders?"


Lishuiyue Bodhisattva seemed to be aware of it, and asked, "The stumped Zen relic is now alive?"

"It's impossible!" Daxing epic also said with some uncertainty: "Even if the remains of the Zen ancestors are not confounded like this? Is the space order disordered and the rules disordered? Anymore? "

The words are not falling, rumbling! A loud noise came and the whole world shook violently.

"Is there any other teleportation array in the Little Zen Mystery?"

The land railway was blushing, and said worriedly: "This world is too chaotic, chaos is abnormal, and we think we should leave as soon as possible!"

"Yes, yes, but ... I think it's too late now. Our teleportation team is ruined, and most of the other teleportation teams are absolutely ruined."

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