
Vol 2 Chapter 2033: Too exaggerated and evil

The heavens and the earth have all breaths, and all breaths are different.

Although the spirit breath is inherent, it is not permanent, but changes with the change of cultivation.

Can't stand it.

No matter how the Spiritual Breath changes, the congenital Spiritual Breath will not change, such as human breath, magic breath, demon breath, etc. These are congenital Spiritual Breath of Spiritual Breath, and will not change.

In addition to the innate spiritual breath, there is also the breath of the fortunes of the day after tomorrow. The repaired Jindan, Yuanshen, Fairy and so on, including destiny, death, various avenues, etc., all belong to the breath of fortune.

If the innate spiritual breath is compared to a seed, then the created spiritual breath formed the day after tomorrow is like a branch.

No matter how prosperous the leaves are, the seed will always be that seed.

He is like, no matter how complicated the created spiritual breath is, the innate spiritual breath will not change.

Generally speaking, everyone who practices spiritually basically has an innate source of spiritual breath, and more or less has a number of acquired innate spiritual breaths. Few people have only one innate source of spiritual breath. After all, everyone is practicing in ancient times. As long as you practice, you will have the created spiritual breath.

right now.

A guy with a turbulent stream is only born of the innate source of breath, and this innate source of breath is pure human interest, which not only familiarizes the Daxing monk, but also causes someone to pop up in his mind. Come.

That's the ancient breeze.

I want to come to Daxing, and only a special guy like Gu Qingfeng can survive in the mysterious and dangerous black ancient black hole.

I just.

Is it really this guy?

is it possible?

The monk, Da Daxing, resisted the excitement of his heart and continued to explore. When he finally discovered the person's appearance through the divine knowledge, the entire person was struck by lightning and his mind was completely blank.

Because he saw a guy covered with turbulence, either someone else or Gu Qingfeng!


Lord Buddha!

How come this guy!

Oh my god!

The horror of Daxing epilepsy is unparalleled, and even before it is too late, as soon as the mind is relaxed, the consciousness is instantly shattered by endless turbulence. The Daxing priest is decisive and immediately cut off the consciousness. Time flew back to protect the mind, but even so, after cutting off the consciousness, the mind was still severely affected.

However, at this moment, the Daxing epilepsy could not care about his frustration. He pointed at the ancient Qingfeng with turbulent swirls and shouted to the witch next to him: "Witch maiden, this guy is an ancient boy!"

"I know."

The witch witch stood on top of the light ball, and replied lightly, always staring at the ancient Qingfeng opposite.

"you know?"

Da Daxing's epilepsy looked for a moment, seemingly incomprehensible, and asked, "How do you know?"

"Why can't I know?"

"No! No! Old man didn't mean it, old man said ..." Dahang's episcopal is now confused, and his thinking is a bit confused, not only because he is frustrated, but also because he knows that the whole body is turbulent. The guy in the whirlpool was the ancient breeze.

"Guzi! What is this ... what happened? How can there be so many turbulent swirls in all the trick points around him? What is going on?"

"I said, you shouldn't take him to this wild ancient black hole."

The voice of the sorceress woke up, and Daxing's epic was even more stunned. He couldn't figure it out. What is the relationship between Gu Qingfeng's turbulent swirl and his taking him to the ancient black hole?


Wu Daxing's epilepsy seemed to realize what, and asked horrifiedly: "Sadly said what happened to the ancient boy? He is now in danger of life? These endless turbulences will put him to death?"

"No! Quite the opposite."

"What do you mean?"

"These turbulences were derived from him."


Xu Wenyan was shocked by the Daxing epic, saying, "Good, what does he evolve from so many turbulent swirls? What does he want to do?"

"You haven't understood what I mean, I mean that these turbulent vortices were all derived from him."

The Witch repeated what she said just now, and the Daxing mad monk did not know what he meant. He shook his head fiercely, calming his flustered mind, and after calming down, he didn't quite understand what the witch said.

The ancient breeze has evolved so many turbulent swirls. It is not important what it does, what is important is how he has evolved an endless number of turbulent swirls.

You know this is an ancient black hole!

How many forgotten spaces have been exploded one after another.

Those who are powerful and powerful have to close themselves up to the fate of the sky, and even the void beast born and raised in endless seas and seas cannot withstand the turbulent flow of the ancient black hole and be crushed by the ashes.

Daxing monks, including witch maidens and other existences, although they can rely on their strong strength to carry the chaos in the wild ancient black hole, but to say that the chaos swirling in the wild ancient black hole evolved, and there are still endless. Can't do it, Daxing epilepsy is not clear, he only knows he can't do it.

"He should have realized the mystery of the turbulent flow, and he has a new understanding of space and the avenue."

Daxing epilepsy said in shock: "This turbulent flow has no rules at all, what is the mystery?"

"No rule does not mean that there is no mystery." The witch said softly: "You should be clear that chaos and chaos are also spaces, both space and avenues, and avenues have mysteries."


Daxing epilepsy knows.

Although he talked about the turbulent flow without rules and mysteries, he just talked about it. In fact, the Daxing monk knows better than anyone. The witch maiden is telling the truth, and all the turbulence in the endless sea is space. What is different from the wild space is that these turbulences just have no life, no soul, no form, and ever-changing space, which does not mean that there is no mystery.

Really shocked the Daxing monk ~ ~ Everyone also fell into the ancient black hole.

I was tossing to death in the ancient black hole, I did n’t say anything, and I was as tired as a dog.

Why can the ancient Qingfeng guy realize the mystery of the avenue space in the ancient black hole?

Xun Daxing's epilepsy did not know that Gu Qingfeng's understanding was unparalleled. On the contrary, he knew very well that Gu Qingfeng's perception was terrible.

But, no matter how unparalleled and terrible the perception is, you won't be able to realize the mystery of the avenue space in such a mysterious and dangerous place like a wild black hole.

Is this too exaggerated, too evil?

And, what kind of mysterious space space does this guy realize?

The lingering monk wanted to go back and forth, but he couldn't figure out what kind of avenue space mystery can realize, in order to develop an endless number of turbulent vortices in the turbulent vortex such as the ancient black hole.

When he asked, the witch responded: "He has realized the mysterious space of the avenue. I don't know. Since he can evolve endless turbulence in the ancient black hole, it means that he has seen through and seen through these turbulence. In other words, not only can he now move freely through the ancient black holes, such as walking on flat ground, but he can also fully integrate into the turbulence, regardless of each other. "

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