
Vol 2 Chapter 2036: 1 roar

"Pleated, this time really pleated!"

The Daxing episcopal repented and anxious to pace back and forth. When he previously lured the ancient Qingfeng to the black ancient black hole, he was thinking about how to coax and cheat the ancient Qingfeng to awaken the original sin, thereby going further on the road of original sin. .

If you want to say something dangerous, it's not like you never thought about it. After all, it is an ancient black hole. How can there be no danger.

However, the Daxing epilepsy did not expect that after the ancient Qingfeng entered the ancient black hole, there would be so many dangers waiting for him, so large, so horrible, that it would be like a sheep entering a tiger's mouth.

"I said, you shouldn't take him to the ancient black hole."

"Witch maiden! Now it still makes sense to say these? Hello! Give me an idea!"

The Daxing monk was crying. He was not the first time he heard a witch say this, and he regretted it every time he heard it. He couldn't wait to slap himself, looked at the witch, and begged: "Witch maiden, your old people will show compassion. , Think of a way to save the old boy, and by the way, save the old man. If the old boy died here, the old man would not be able to survive. Your old man ca n’t bear the monk ’s face, and show compassion! ”

Xun Daxing is not afraid of death.

But if he died because he had lured the ancient breeze to the ancient black hole in the desert, it would be too worthless and too hideous!

The witch witch stood on the light ball, always looking at the ancient Qingfeng here, shook her head, and said, "Sorry, I can't do anything about it. This is your own cause, and you can only bear the consequences yourself."

"My **** ..."

The Daxing epilepsy patted his head fiercely, and he just wanted to say something, and suddenly found that the turbulent vortex not far away was something wrong. Take a closer look. The speed of the endless turbulent vortex is significantly slowed down a lot. Turbulent vortexes such as hair also gradually become loose due to the slow rotation speed.

As time passed by bit by bit, the endless turbulence of turbulence became slower and more slack, like a smoky smoke, drifting with the wind, and gradually merged into the huge turbulence of the ancient black hole.

"what's going on?"

Wu Daxing's epic asked, and the witch replied, "He should have opened the acupuncture meridians of the whole body."

"Good guy!"

Wu Daxing's epic monk said in shock: "That is to say, the treasure of the ancient boy has begun to recover?"

"He just opened the acupuncture meridian, and the treasure body should not have recovered, at least it seems so."

not far away.

The endless stream of turbulence gradually dissipated, and the figure of Gu Qingfeng gradually became clear. He was still wearing white clothes, sitting cross-legged, with three thousand long hair in wanton dance, a bland face without expression and expression Especially calm, eyes closed, as if entering the setting.

The human interest on him is still as weak as before, weak like twilight, without any vitality, and without vitality, the whole person is dead.

If you have to say that the ancient Qingfeng is different from the past, the Daxing epilepsy thinks that the ancient Qingfeng is more immortal than before.

I'm right.

I am immortal.

The ancient Qingfeng felt to him like an indestructible stubborn stone, and it will last forever.

Now this feeling is even stronger and stronger, as if the sea is dry, the time is still, the space collapses, and the world explodes, the ancient breeze here will not be affected in any way.

It's a timeless feeling.

With this in mind, Daxing epilepsy's mind was stunned, and said secretly, lord, the treasure body of the ancient boy should not be the legendary immortal body?

What is an immortal body?

He answered: "The shape is not scattered, the body is immortal, life is long, immortal, never die, never wear away."

He is just that this immortal body only exists in the legend. Since ancient times, no one in the world or in the world has ever achieved it. He has n’t even heard it. He has n’t heard anything from a monk or a witch.

The endless turbulence of turbulence finally collapsed and disappeared. At this moment, Gu Qingfeng, who had been sitting cross-legged, suddenly stood up, raised his head, clenched his fists, and suddenly raised his mouth and growled.

Wu Daxing's epilepsy didn't know what was going on. He was tossed by the roaring blood on the spot, his heart was trembling, and his strength was scurrying around as if stimulated.

Resisting the shock of his heart, he didn't dare to neglect, the Daxing episcote quickly protected his mind, folded his hands to the extreme, and sacrificed the immobile gold body again. Even so, he was still aching with the roaring eardrum of Gu Qingfeng, and dizzy Inflated, people can't stop backing.

It wasn't that the Daxing episcopal wanted to retreat, but the surrounding turbulence was exploded by the earthquake when the ancient breeze roared, causing the turbulence to be completely chaotic.

boom! boom! boom!

One after another, the turbulent stream was blasted by the quake. This scene fell like a tide was shattered into countless raindrops, and looked at it all over the sky. At this moment, the turbulent stream is no longer turbulent. , But turned into pouring rain.

As the monk stepped back, he resisted, opened his mouth, and stared at his eyes with a terrified expression, even more horrible than seeing ghosts and gods.

In my heart was a crazy cry.

他 This **** thing is an ancient black hole!

Many forgotten spaces exploded one after another, and the native beasts could not bear it, including those who were powerful and powerful had to seal their own fate, and even the great monk himself had to sacrifice his immortal body to persist.

Xi is such a powerful turbulent stream, and now it is scattered by the roar of Gu Qingfeng as if roaring, pouring down like a pouring rain.

If you have n’t seen it with your own eyes ~ ~ Daxing epilepsy ca n’t believe it, even if you see it at this moment, it ’s incredible.

What exactly is the treasure of the ancient breeze?

How can I be so scary?

It's just a burst of meridians and acupoints, it's already so horrible. If his treasure body recovers, how powerful is it!

do not know.

Wu Daxing's epic could not imagine.

I just feel incredible and unbelievable.

"Isn't this kid's treasure really a legendary immortal body?"

Wu Daxing's epic asked, but he didn't see the witch maiden's figure, and looked around, still no, he didn't know where the witch maiden went.

I don't know how long it has been, Daxing epilepsy really doesn't know, because he was completely frightened by the roar of Gu Qingfeng.

I do not know when, the growl finally stopped.

乱 The turbulent currents that were scattered by the earthquake melted into the sea just like the heavy rain. When the heavy rain stopped, the sea was still the sea.

荒 And the ancient black hole is also an ancient black hole, still rotating like an endless huge vortex, everything has not changed in any way, just like nothing happened.

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