
Vol 2 Chapter 2039: Black hole shock


"What's the reason?" Gu Qingfeng asked such an understatement to the Daxing monk and yelled, "While the mysterious existence has not yet started, let's hurry up and escape!"

"Escape?" Gu Qingfeng said indifferently: "Where did you escape? Where did you escape?"

"No matter where you go, it's better than staying here!"

"I said Daxing, it's you who tricked Grandpa into you, and it's also you who let Grandpa leave now. You can change your way of going back and forth like this, can you play together in the future!"

"Old boy! Old ancestor, old man knows that you are wrong. Do n’t care if your old man does n’t remember the life of the old man. If your child dies here, old man wo n’t survive. You can save yourself, by the way. Save the grandma, even if you are not the grandma, you have to think for yourself. "

Xun Daxing's epilepsy begged hard, now he just wanted to beg Gu Qingfeng to leave here.

相比 Compared with the anxious him, Gu Qingfeng looks much calmer, and the people are light and light,

"Dahang, Grandpa doesn't know what you have deceived me for, and what kind of abacus you are thinking about. These are things you do. I don't know, and I don't want to know."

Gu Qingfeng took out an altar of fine wine, drank a few sips, and then patted Daxing's monk on the shoulder, and said, "If the grandfather hasn't come in, it's fine. Now that the grandfather has come in, you can't help but leave. Now. "

"Your boy ..."

Daxing epilepsy just wanted to say something, all of a sudden, rumbling! A violent sound came, and the whole ancient black hole of the earthquake became chaotic.

what's going on?

The Daxing Monk didn't know, Gu Qingfeng didn't know either. The only thing he knew was that the loud noise came from under the black ancient black hole. There wasn't much to say. After Gu Qingfeng threw an altar of fine wine in his hand to Dahang Monk. She just disappeared.

"Ancient boy! Where are you going! Wait for the old man!"

I found that the ancient breeze suddenly disappeared, and the Dahang renju rushed to catch up, but now, the ancient breeze has realized the mystery of the avenue space. There is no trace, where can the Daxing episcopal find it, and with a swear, he can only go down and bite the bullet.

The loud noises continue, as if from the source of the ancient black hole, the entire ancient black hole of the earthquake is becoming more and more chaotic, and the various turbulences are also changing with the chaos, and sometimes become a line-like spatial turbulence, sometimes changing The turbulence, ellipse, etc. that are rectangular are changing irregularly.

Gu Qingfeng was thinking about whether to find the source of Huanggu black hole, but unfortunately, it has not been found for a long time. It is like a boundless and endless abyss. After searching for a long time, he still has not found the source of Huanggu black hole. .


A loud noise kept coming.

The ancient black hole in the deserted field is also becoming more and more chaotic, and many turbulent streams are intertwined and even merged together.

The turbulent flow of the martyrdoms merges with each other, just as the waves merge with the waves into a larger wave.

Immediately afterwards, Gu Qingfeng found a strange thing. Not only the turbulence in the depths of the ancient black hole was merging, but even the turbulence above it was merging with each other. Looking closely, I felt that the turbulence of the entire black ancient black hole seemed to be all The same as each other.

What's even more weird is that the turbulence of fusion gradually formed a vortex of turbulence.

I just worked for a while, there were turbulence everywhere, densely packed, countless and countless.

情况 What the **** is this?


The loud noise came again.

The ancient black holes in the wasteland are becoming more and more chaotic, and more and more turbulences appear. Each turbulence is like an abyss and a small black hole.

For a moment, Gu Qingfeng casually found a turbulent vortex and rushed in.

The moment I rushed in, I was immediately drawn in, and this turbulent vortex was stronger and crazy than the turbulent impact of the ancient black hole outside.

Fortunately, the ancient breeze has already realized the mystery of the avenue space, and the physical meridian meridians have been opened up. Otherwise, they will be drawn into this turbulent vortex. Although it will not be crushed, it is definitely not good.

The turbulent vortex is very urgent, and the Gu Qingfeng is brave and in-depth. At the same time, I feel that the vortex has become more and more fine. When I think of myself, I have generated an endless number of turbulent whirlpools with a trick. Because the smaller the vortex, the closer it is to the source.

I can't find the end of the ancient black hole. It's OK to find the end of this turbulent vortex.

As the vortex became thinner and narrower, the Gu Qingfeng gradually held his breath and became cautious.

After all, this is an ancient black hole. There are too many mysterious and unknown existences. The ghost knows what the loud sound just caused. After the chaos of the ancient black hole was chaotic, all kinds of chaos flowed together somehow, and then there were so many chaos. This situation must be abnormal.

The ancient breeze thought for a moment, would these turbulent vortexes be evolved as well as before?

I ca n’t say it or not.

If this is the case, then the existence of the other party is absolutely terrifying.

After the ancient ancient breeze opened the meridian of the Qiao acupoint, although a mighty power can shake the turbulent flow, but it is only a small area. You must know that the entire ancient black hole that had been extinctly shaken just now is severely affected.

Then he realized the mystery of the avenue space, although he could also generate a turbulent vortex, but to say that it would disturb the entire ancient black hole, it is not possible with his current ability.

of course.

不到 If he can't do it, it doesn't mean that others can't.

at last.

The ancient breeze has a feeling ~ ~ I feel that I have been involved in the end of the whirlpool.

接着 Then the vortex disappeared, not only the vortex disappeared, but also the turbulence.

I didn't understand what was going on, Gu Qingfeng suddenly fell into a strange place.

地方 This place looks like a forgotten space, there is no reincarnation of the sun and the moon, there is no yin and yang, and the five elements are everywhere.

I looked up, and the sky seemed to be slowly spinning, like a spring eye, sweeping in many turbulences.

When I saw this scene, Gu Qingfeng was more curious inside, and it was hard to say that the many vortices that just appeared after disturbing the ancient black hole were not artificially evolved, but were formed by this forgotten space?

乱 This turbulent vortex is formed by the forgotten space, so so many turbulent vortices that appear in the ancient black hole are the same, are they all formed by the forgotten space?

I don't know.

The ancient breeze wanted to rush out to see if the other turbulent vortexes appeared the same. After thinking about it, I felt that I was not in a hurry. Now that I am here, let me understand what is going on here.

I fell from the air, the ground was a desert, and the desert was like a sea. I would sink in when I stepped on it. The ancient breeze leaped up and looked around. Good guy, this space is an endless desert.

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