
Vol 2 Chapter 2042: Mysterious giant tripod

I saw him leap forward, jump into the air, and then fell suddenly.

When both feet stepped on the mountain fiercely, there was a loud bang, the whole mountain trembled violently, and the rocks and rocks disappeared instantly.

The Laoshan Mountains disappeared.

In appearance, a giant tripod lying in the desert appeared.

Sure enough, as Gu Qingfeng guessed, this is not a mountain, but a magic weapon.

The giant juding is like a mountain, with a blue-gray color. It is an eight-footed tripod, an eight-footed dragon like a dragon. It is vivid, vivid, and entangled in Juding's body.

The ancient breeze stood on a giant tripod like an ant and moved small. He sacrificed himself to investigate and found that although this giant tripod had lost its luster and its structure was chaotic, there was still `` vitality ''.

There is 'Vitality' indicating that the source of magic weapon is still there.

All heavens and earth have their origins.

Wuxian Demon Saint, demon ghosts, including caves, world secrets, etc., all spiritual existence has its origins, magic weapon is no exception.

The origin of the tartar is the soul. If the soul is lost, there will be no life, and only an empty shell will be left, which will eventually disappear.

若 If the world loses its origin, there will be no law, the structure will collapse, and the world will disappear.

So is the magic weapon.

If you lose your origin, it is as if you lost your soul.

I'm fine.

虽然 Although this giant tripod is also at stake, but the root cause is still there.

I miss it.

The ancient breeze continued to sacrifice the investigation of God's knowledge, exploring the source of magical treasures, and it was not long before they discovered it. At the moment of flashing, people had entered it.

There is no cave in the giant juding, like a cave house, there are many halls and secret rooms, but more of them are bones.


应该 These bones should have broken into later, most of them died by fate. Gu Qingfeng wondered if these people would break in and kill each other in order to **** what treasure?

This kind of thing is very common, especially in ancient ruins.

To sacrifice people for wealth and death for food, a rare baby can often change his destiny. From then on, many people will fight to death.

What's more, here are the remains of the ancient times.

I do n’t know how terrible the catastrophe happened in the ancient times, but one thing many people know is that the endless avenue powerhouses have fallen in the ancient times, and many of them are the road ancestors and the road ancestors.

what does this mean?

Means that countless magical avenues are buried in the ancient times.

Many giants in the Great Wild, including the 36-hole heaven and 72 blessings of the avenues, were mostly lost in the ancient times. What emperor bell, Xuanyuan sword, Pangu axe, refining pot, Haotian tower, Shennong Ding, Xi Seals, Kunlun Mirrors, Nu Wa Stones, and so on. Legendary weapons that destroyed the heavens and the earth were lost in the ancient times.

Someone once said that if you can enter the ruins of the ancient times, even if you just find a stone, it is also a rare treasure.

Before long, Gu Qingfeng always thought that these legends about the ancient times were too exaggerated.

It was not until this time that he entered the ancient black hole and then entered the ancient ruins that the legend about the ancient times is not exaggerated. He has entered more than a dozen ancient ruins before and after. All of them are endless deserts, even without space. From the source, all the bones are scattered at the touch.

The ancient breeze does not know whether the catastrophe of the ancient times destroyed all this, or the endless years destroyed it. However, the stuff that survived the ancient times is absolutely a stone, and it is definitely a rare treasure.

Therefore, he had previously collected the piece of stone carved with the fracture of the word Renzong in his pocket.

Now I find such a giant tripod in this deserted ancient ruins, and it is still a giant tripod with 'living vitality'. Gu Qingfeng temporarily does not know if this thing is a magic weapon on the road.

Can't stand it.

What makes Gu Qingfeng a little bit puzzled is, if these bones really killed each other for what treasures, why is this giant tripod still here?

Could it be that these people killed each other, and finally all died?

I'm not right.

古 Because Gu Qingfeng found that whether it is outside Juding or inside Juding, there is only a corpse and no magic weapon. Since the corpse is not decayed, the magic weapon will not decay, it should be taken away by the last survivor.

The last survivor, along with the magic weapon of the Taoist, grabbed, and it is impossible to leave such a giant giant with vitality.

The ancient breeze thought that there were only three possibilities.

Either the last survivor could not take Juding out of this ancient ruins.

Either the last survivor took away the other babies and left alone, or died here.

If the survivor has neither left nor died, then he must still be here, and in this giant tripod.

Thought of this, Gu Qingfeng didn't hesitate, quickened his pace, and went straight to the source of magic weapon.

他 When he came to a hall, he couldn't help but be startled by the scene in front of him.

Bone corpses, bones everywhere.

One was next to the other, and almost filled the whole hall.

There is a well in the center of the hall, the mouth of the well is colorful, as if sealed.

At a glance of the ancient breeze, it can be seen that the source of the magic weapon is hidden in this well. This well is not other than the eye of the magic weapon.

He didn't go forward, but stopped at the door, frowned slightly, and stared at the man next to the magic eye.

I say it is a person ~ ~ It is more like a dead body, with a dry body, sitting cross-legged, a ragged shirt, a bowed head, and white hair scattered like dry grass.

This man is alive.

But it's just alive.

I was exhausted and dying, as if only one breath was left.

By this person's side, he was not only piled with bones, but also with various magic weapons and resources.

The corpse bone is dead, and many resources of various magic weapons are also dead. The aura of resources is exhausted, and the origin of magic weapons is also drained.

Seeing this scene, Gu Qingfeng already knew that this person was probably the last survivor who killed each other. He did not leave, he did not want to leave, and more probably he could not leave. If he could leave, he would not stay here to die. .

I was really waiting to die.

Deplete the body and repair it until the oil is exhausted.

In order to survive, he not only drained all the auras of all the resources, but also drained all the magical auras. All that could be sucked and could not be sucked by him, and he looked at the mountain-like corpse, Gu Qingfeng He even suspected that these bones were not killed by him during his lifetime, but that he had drained the essence of his body.

If this is the case, then the time spent by this person here is definitely a long time.

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