
Vol 2 Chapter 2049: Collapsed ancient breeze

The first attempt failed, and Lin Chi's ancestors repeated their tricks. The dried-up flesh, like a dead body, swelled again, igniting blood, trying to detonate the flesh.

The last time the self-exploded flesh did not hurt Gu Qingfeng, this time is no exception. After the self-exploded flesh, Lin Chi's ancestors invaded the body of Gu Qingfeng with their souls and wanted to steal the house. Unfortunately, the invasion has not yet reached two. The next one was burned by Gu Qingfeng with a fire of consciousness.

After the last time Lin Chi's ancestors died, the seal on the magic weapon's eyes disappeared somehow.

竟 It's the same this time.

Everything seems to happen again.

The ancient breeze once again offered the eyes of the magic weapon of God's knowledge, and this time, nothing was detected.

Soon, he decided to look into the magic eye again.

When I jumped in last time, I felt as if I had fallen into turbulence.

同样 The same is true this time.

The last time I jumped into the eye of magic weapon, came to an identical ancient ruins.

What caused the ancient Qingfeng to collapse was that after jumping into the eyes of magic weapon this time, he came to the same ancient ancient ruins again.

The ancient ruins also have no origin, no rules, and no structure. The sky is like a huge whirlpool of turbulent currents flowing through the ancient black holes. Below is the endless desert, and in the distance a mountain range resembles a skeletal dragon lies in the desert.

The ancient breeze shook the mountains with absolute force, and another giant tripod appeared.

Enter Juding.

The eyes of the magic weapon were shrouded in the same seal.

The eyes of the magic weapon were piled with bones, and there was a dying Linchi ancestor beside him.

After the first death of Lin Chi's ancestors, the seal disappeared somehow.

也 The same for the second time.

After the third killing of Lin Chi's ancestor, the seal disappeared again somehow.

I am so.

The ancient breeze once again jumped into the eye of magic weapon.

I finally came to the same ancient ruins for the fourth time.

The same mountains, the same giant tripod, the same magic eye, the same Linchi ancestors, the same seal.

Killed Lin Chi's ancestors again, and the seal disappeared somehow again.

The fourth time, so the fifth, sixth, seventh ... all the same.

Each time the ancient breeze jumps into the eye of magic weapon, it will return to this ancient ruins.

Unpredictable premonitions are growing stronger.

After returning to the ancient ruins, he did not go to Juding, but went the other way, looked up at the turbulent vortex above the sky, jumped up, and rushed in.

Theoretically, it should be an ancient black hole when going out from here. After all, the ancient Qingfeng did not come to this ancient ancient ruin before, and went in and out of more than a dozen ancient ancient ruins before and after. Every time he went out, it was an ancient black hole.

But this time an accident happened.

It wasn't that it was not an ancient black hole after rushing out, but that the ancient breeze couldn't rush out of the turbulent vortex at all, and the vortex did not know when it was sealed!

Take a closer look.

Good guy!

The seal of the turbulent flow swirl is exactly the same as the seal of the eye of Juding magic weapon!

What the **** is going on!

The ancient Qingfeng once again returned to the ancient ruins, opened the mountains, and entered the giant tripod again, and saw the dying Linchi ancestor next to the eye of the magic weapon. He went up and kicked off the scene. The smoke-like soul disappeared, and then the seal disappeared for a second time.

I do n’t know how many times, Gu Qingfeng even wondered if there was any relationship between the ancestor of Linchi and the seal. Otherwise, why would the seal disappear somehow after killing the ancestor of Linchi? Give him It feels like Lin Chi's ancestors are the source of the seal.

I don't know and don't know.

The ancient breeze jumped into the magic eye again.

As in previous times, he returned to the ancient ruins just now.

I went uphill again, preparing to rush out of the turbulent vortex above the sky. Sure enough, the turbulent vortex was still sealed, and it was exactly the same as the seal of the eye of Juding magic weapon.

Even though the ancient breeze was puzzled, she was not anxious and perturbed, but she didn't feel flustered, but she thought it was too **** evil.

冷静 He calmed down and thought for a while, looking up at the turbulent vortex above the sky, staring at the seal, suddenly thinking of a terrible thing.

Damn it!

Wouldn't there be any connection between this ancient and ancient ruins and Juding, or is the turbulent seal above the sky and the seal of the eye of Juding magic weapon the same seal?

I miss it.

The ancient breeze returned to Juding again without looking, and once again wiped out the ashes of Linchi's ancestor.

The seal on the eyes of the magic weapon disappeared again.

古 The ancient breeze did not jump in this time, but left from Juding and went straight to the turbulent vortex above the sky. To his surprise, the seal on this turbulent vortex disappeared somehow.

I was just surprised.

Soon, Gu Qingfeng realized that this time, he was trapped in this ancient ruins.

Because if the seal of the turbulent vortex and the seal of the eye of Juding Magic are the same, then after rushing out of the vortex of turbulence, it will not be an ancient black hole, but the eye of Juding's magic.

Sure enough.

After the ancient wind and turbulence rushed out, he really returned to the main hall of Juding.

I didn't think much about it. After I went out, I rushed into the turbulent vortex again. This time there was still no seal, but after going out from the turbulent vortex, I returned to the eye of Juding magic weapon.

This time the ancient Qingfeng left a heart and deliberately left an altar of wine as a mark ~ ~ Go out from the turbulent vortex and return to the eye of the magic weapon of Juding, this altar wine is still here.

"It's over! This time the pleats."

I tried it several times in a row, and Gu Qingfeng finally determined one thing, that is, there must be any connection between Juding and this deserted ancient ruins. Even the ancient ruins are not impossible.

I wasn't sure about just this. In addition, he also identified a headache, that is, he was trapped here, I am afraid he can't get out for a while.

I just want to think about it and I don't understand what is the relationship between Ju Ding and this ancient ruins, why after going out from the turbulent vortex outside, he will return to the eye of Ju Ding's magic weapon.

What even made him want to break his head and didn't understand is that going out from the turbulent vortex will return to the eye of the magic weapon of Juding. During this period, there is no change in the ancient ruins or Juding. If you jump into the magic weapon of Juding, In the eyes, after returning to this ancient ruins again, it feels like traveling through time and space, and everything will start again.

For this reason, he also made a special test once. If he went out from the turbulent vortex and returned to Juding again, the fine wine left before would still be.

But if you jump into the eye of Juding's magic weapon and go back to this ruin again, the wine left before is gone, not only will Linchi ancestors reappear, but the seal will reappear.

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